1112Episode 02 and episode 01 Updates advices thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by aghartastudio, Nov 30, 2008.

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  1. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    #1 aghartastudio, Nov 30, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
    Hello guys
    here is a new thread to speak about about the new features (gameplay wise)
    that will appear in episode 02 and the first episode 01 upcoming update.

    I'll try to edit the post with ideas and suggestion that seems good to me

    Episode 01 Update 1.1:
    - Improved translation of course:)
    - Probably a new tutorial option on main menu (not too much will be explained since understanding "how" to play is part of the fun)

    Episode 02 ideas :
    - Semi 3D User interface (Think "dead space" interface, nothing certain here we are working on it to see if it can looks cool with a 2D game)
    - Multi layers (we will be able to "hide" things between objects and you'll be able to see by tilting the device
    - Mini games with re playability value (just to counter the whole "no re playability thing)
    - Notepad system to write notes!

    PS : don't ask for better translation or length of the game (it's too suggestive since the length is fine if you don't use any spoilers and take their time reading;)

    PPS: Please no haters here, if you don't like the game it's not the place to complain!
  2. Tennisking1o1

    Tennisking1o1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2008
    I'm loving your game so far, and I really only have one suggestion. I try to Use the guide from this site as little as possible, but sometimes I absolutely need to. Maybe if you added a hint function, a little dialogue box could come up with a little clue. Nobody would force anyone to use it, so hardcore adventure fans that think it would ruin the game just wouldn't use it, but for some people a few hints here and there could turn frustration into enjoyment. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for episode 2
  3. Chiller ONE

    Chiller ONE Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2008
    This sounds awesome! The tutorial option will be really useful to new players and I love the idea of minigames and the notepad!

    I really love this game, that's why I wrote the walkthrough, (well that and the fact that I got tired of answering the same questions over and over again in the spoilers thread) and I can't wait till the next episode!
  4. jecebn

    jecebn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    Kansas City, MO
    The gameplay was fine, but please please please do a better job of checking your grammar and spelling. For a game that is largely text based, this is not something that should be overlooked.
  5. Armbruster

    Armbruster Well-Known Member

    He's hired new translators. And also; whats the big deal? So what, some grammar is wrong, but nothing was so dramatic that it confused the player on what to do.
  6. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    As I said in the post :)
    I had no idea there were still problem left, otherwise I would'nt sent it to submission
    Expect an update soon
  7. nizy

    nizy Well-Known Member

    That's a nice idea, something like the system in Zack & Wiki on wii would do nicely.

    I like the notepad idea. It would be perfect if it could automatically update when you speak to people/find items/complete objectives similar to the system in Shenmue.

    Can't wait for episode 2
  8. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    for the notepad I'd rather use a "free" system where player input himself notes:)
    I'm not too much into giving away hints for free, (there are actually tons of hints in the game, when you try to use the "keyboard" system in dialogs

    (There are also tons of funnies accessible only with the keyboard:)
  9. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    Ep02 development started!
  10. Noah

    Noah Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    Development Manager
    Atlanta, GA
    Being able to tilt and shake the iPhone to move objects, spill milk or something similar would be neat. You can also use the microphone to "blow" a candle out or something.

    Give us choices which effect the course THROUGH the episode. Moral choices like Fable or The Witcher uses, I think that would add some nice replayability to the series.

    And one UI change. I'd like to move my finger around the UI elements on the right and see some sort of popup saying what they do: For example if I hover over the SAVE icon, it would be nice to see "Save Your Game" pop up somewhere on the screen telling me what the icon does.

    And for the tutorial. It could be a simple, "get out of the room" scene... look through the keyhole, note that the key is lodged in the hole... grab the sandwich from the table, slide it under the door... then use the screwdriver on the keyhole to push the key through the other side, onto the slice of bread, then open the door with the key. Get a hint by calling your gf on the phone, and she gives you a green text keyword.. so the tutorial can say something about clicking the green icon for more conversation topics, etc.

    Anyhoo, gotta run!
  11. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    Being able to tilt and shake the iPhone to move objects, spill milk or something similar would be neat. You can also use the microphone to "blow" a candle out or something.
    => I already tought about that!! bu Ipod touch user don't have a microphone... So unless I'm allowed to make 2 differents versions...

    Give us choices which effect the course THROUGH the episode. Moral choices like Fable or The Witcher uses, I think that would add some nice replayability to the series.
    => That would be great but too much time consuming, we are only a very small dev team and we have only 2 monthes per episodes.. so it's highty unrealistic..

    And one UI change. I'd like to move my finger around the UI elements on the right and see some sort of popup saying what they do: For example if I hover over the SAVE icon, it would be nice to see "Save Your Game" pop up somewhere on the screen telling me what the icon does.
    => That's a good idea ;)

    And for the tutorial. It could be a simple, "get out of the room" scene... look through the keyhole, note that the key is lodged in the hole... grab the sandwich from the table, slide it under the door... then use the screwdriver on the keyhole to push the key through the other side, onto the slice of bread, then open the door with the key. Get a hint by calling your gf on the phone, and she gives you a green text keyword.. so the tutorial can say something about clicking the green icon for more conversation topics, etc.
    => Same here it would be cool but , too much work to do only for a tutorial... (considering time constraint and reduced team), Still I can be done and upped with a update on all Episode later...
  12. istopmotion

    istopmotion Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    Just wondering... do you have any idea how soon this could possibly be out?

    I'm excited :D
  13. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    gonna try february if all goes well (As soon as we'll have an office it will increase a lot the productivity)
  14. istopmotion

    istopmotion Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    Ok, sounds great

    Good luck :)
  15. Slayer_megadeth

    Slayer_megadeth Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    3D Interface would be awesome. also if you guys are willing to spend some money and take the game to another level then here are some suggestions

    *A fully controllable 3D model of louis. We can walk him around places and interact. (Through a virtual dpad)
    *Every Object 3D
    *Alternative routes but the ending should be the same (As to reciprocate with other episodes)
    *Character Voices would be nice
    *Add stuff like mini games [such as a puzzle game] to louis's Computer and iClone to increase replay value.
    *Driving around a small part of the city would be cool

    I rate the game very high. and the first episode is enough to keep me anxious for the 2nd.
  16. aghartastudio

    aghartastudio Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Game designer/ director
    Lyon, France
    3D Interface would be awesome. also if you guys are willing to spend some money and take the game to another level then here are some suggestions
    => Already working into it:)

    *A fully controllable 3D model of louis. We can walk him around places and interact. (Through a virtual dpad)
    => Not gonna happen, First person view is a design choice, I think it's more immersive (Best for me would be a FPS adventure game, but it has nothing to do on the iPhone,) here we need Direct interaction all they way

    *Every Object 3D
    => They are already all in 3D + they can be view with different angles (already in ep 01)

    *Alternative routes but the ending should be the same (As to reciprocate with other episodes)
    => Not possible given size of team and time:/

    *Character Voices would be nice
    => Do you have any idea of the number of ingame text? it's like 10 times more than regular adventure game (since there are different dialog for every objetc.. it would takes years

    *Add stuff like mini games [such as a puzzle game] to louis's Computer and iClone to increase replay value.
    => Planned for episode 02! (didn't thought on the iclone, thanks for the idea)

    *Driving around a small part of the city would be cool
    => haha :) if only ;) remember Louis doesn't have any driver licences
  17. TheMarkness

    TheMarkness Member

    Nov 28, 2008
    Awesome to hear an update to include a tutorial on the main menu, reason the game took me so long so far is that i never knew the green words where clues so i painfully figured out all things up to the the shop when i finally found out green words where clues lol!

    I love the first episode, haven't beat it yet I'm really close but I've been home a lot so cod4 gets my time when I'm in the house lol. Keep up the good work and I look forward to finishing this up and being ready for episode 2 :)
  18. M1ch3l

    M1ch3l New Member

    Dec 1, 2008

    Yes this should really be in the tutorial, I was always typing the green words in the keyboard and nothing ever happend. After allot of frustrations I had to read on a forum that you could select the green words. (was already in the city)

    Yet one of the best games for iPhone yet! So can't wait for episode 2. :D
  19. Indy

    Indy Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2008
    I can't wait to get an iphone and play all these episodes, they will be top priority when I do.

    Of course that may end up being by the time your done with the last episode but then it will be fun to play straight through the whole game!

    Good Luck to you sir!
  20. ibone

    ibone New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    how do I get into see the 1112 walk through. I am registered but it keeps telling me that either I am not registered or.....?

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