A unique offer for iphone developers

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Robert Gentel, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. Robert Gentel

    Robert Gentel Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    I run a large Q&A site (millions of visitors, been around years) and we are a bit too busy to pick up the iphone platform right now. We intended to but then I had an idea, I'd like to work with an iphone developer to provide them an api to our website and let you put ads in the app or sell it.

    It's a win for me, because we are trying to drive users to our Q&A service and I believe it can be a win for developers because they can just make a thin client to an already rich backend and community and make money off the app ads or sales.

    If anyone's interested please PM me and let me know some examples of apps that you have built.

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