Universal Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future JRPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #1 Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
    Trailer Video

    FINAL PROMO Screens






    PROGRESS UPDATE 11/19/15

    BETA IS LIVE! post here if you are interested and I will get you joining details asap!

    Here are some gifs from the 3rd zone the crypt.

    The below gif shows you finding a new pet in a tombstone as well as what the pet stable/book interface currently looks like.


    The below gif shows the pet attacking and landing a confuse skill to land on an enemy. The enemy is confused and fizzles once and then attacks itself which is a very powerful skill to have.

    PROGRESS UPDATE 11/11/15

    All 6 classes (Mercenary, Cultist, Assassin, Priestess, Mutant, Ranger) balanced to level 15
    6 Professions (Tailor, Leatherworker, Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Jeweler, Alchemist) completed up to level 18
    3 first zones balanced and completed

    500+ Rooms/Squares
    500+ Items
    125+ NPCs/Monsters
    200+ Skills
    10 Pets

    App Store Preview Video:

    So I have been working on the 3rd installment of Adventure To Fate for a few months now (actually the latest update to battle arena kind of got everything synced up for this next adventure).

    Anyways the game engine itself is pretty much already built and the story outline is pretty much completed as well. its really about coding the new ideas and creating all the new content. I will keep this tread open as a development journal so anytime i make any big changes or updates to the game I will try to post and keep everyone in the loop. I will try to update the story and update you all on game content as it comes up as well.

    Story (part 1): For this adventure to fate we are going to shift to future times when the world is in ruin and the only chance the world has is to fix a time machine and go back in time and right all the wrongs that created the destruction of the earth. There is a rumor of a time machine that is close to completion and your mission is to collect the missing parts from around this ruined world to complete it. While life is scarce there are still groups of people that exist and you will need to collect these parts from them.

    Cement Wastelands
    The first area of the world you will be exploring is a cement wasteland a large city that has been mostly abandoned by humans but others still exist. You might run into stray dogs, thieves, roaming wildlife, mutant rats, shadow figures, etc...

    All guns are controlled by the government even if you were to find one are only triggered by dna. Dont worry you still have other primitive tools to your disposal. Blades, bows, tools and even certain radioactive items are scattered around the world.

    One of the classes you will be able to play is a Ranger. The ranger is a expert with the bow and arrow (the only projectile based item left in the world). The ranger also has certain bonuses with pets and has a great connection with the wild.

    Pets! this Adventure To Fate will introduce pets that will fight along side with you. You will be able to collect these pets and choose which one you want to accompany you in battle. This will add a ton of strategy to battles and really every part of the game.

    Again I will be using this thread as a development log but feel free to ask any questions and let me know if you are interested in testing although it may be a few months out still.
  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #2 Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
    Added pets images to main battle screen (they now move when attacking)

    Pets turn take place after players turn

    Pets attacking, buffing, healing, debuffing all working at the moment

    When pets turn the stats section shows their stats Stam and energy bars

    Added Grey Bear
    Passive - Savage Roar (+str for party members)
    Maul - strong attack with stun chance
    Swipe - attack all

    Up next
    Add pet selector to create character page
    Add 2-3 other starting pets
    Remove race selector
    Remove stat roller (classes will have set stats)
    Add pet tab to main game menu it will look like the spell book where you will choose a pet to equip before leaving town? Maybe Rangers will be able to take a few with them? Or maybe I'll just let you select your pet at any time?
  3. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Really enjoyed the first 2 ATF titles... Looking forward to how the sci fi angle turns out! :)
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Yea I'm really excited about this one. I'm still undecided about how much classic fantasy or a Sci-fi I'm going to do content wise. I'd like to do as much classic as possible because that's what I like but I also love the idea of post apocalyptic where things might be in the future but because the destruction everything becomes really basic again. I don't like guns in fantasy so I'm avoiding that as much as possible.

    Anyways I will keep posting more info as it gets built thanks for the support!
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Started adding pets to the character selector. I believe I will just add 3 to start with and you will find more on your journey. You'll find 1 when completing a stage and there might be 1-2 hidden ones per stage and then there will be accomplishment pets. If you beat the game you will have an extra to choose from and so on.

    Next working on the pet selector in game. Again it will work much like the spell book. Choose what you want to equip and go.
  6. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    I love the adventure to fate games and this one sounds really cool. Constant updates and great gameplay make these games impossible to want to delete. Can't wait!&
  7. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Thanks for the shout out on the front page!!! I have a 14 hour train ride from Italy to France tomorrow so I should be able to get quite a bit done. Hoping to totally knockout pet selector on creation page as well as a few more accessibility improvements. There is a good chance I can get a good jump on the code side of the petbook/stables as well since it will mostly share code with the spellbook.
  8. davembjr

    davembjr Member

    Apr 9, 2014
    Thanks for making your development public. I look forward to following your hard work!
  9. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Yea no problem! Honestly a ton of the great parts of this game have come from player input so sharing this development and bouncing it off the players really helps me. Also I love being able to look back at my old posts and being able to see how the game has evolved.

    Update log for 7-19-15

    Got some great work done on the character creator today during my 12 hour train ride haha. pretty much finished up the pet side of the character creator and spent some time optimizing the old code so everything should run a bit faster. I will come back to it later down the road but am happy with how it looks and functions now.

    The race selection part and stat roller are gone so you will just have set stats depending on what class you choose and maybe a little bit dependent on what starting pet you choose.

    I still need to finalize the classes themselves but as of now its looking like I will have 6-7 classes.
    Bandit (rogue like character) with bonuses to gold collection and sneaking (great for traps and finding treasures others cant).
    Cultist (the only full magic class both healing and damage) uses its powers from the dark side to deal its damage
    Mutant (druid like character) can morph/mutate as well as do some regeneration it also has poisoning like radioactive traits
    Ranger (tracker type that uses bows and the elements a naturalist) will have great pet bonuses which it will rely on as well
    Cyborg / Android type (this will be the most fighter like class able to wear heavy armors the strongest and will have armor bonus from its metal parts)
    Mercenary (hired army killer type) unsure of weapon and armor types
    Priest - must like original priest but takes advantage of evil

    This is what I have so far as well as a few other ideas for classes that might make it in there. I have about 1/2 of their skills done each class will go up to 30 and have 1-2 more skills than last time.

    As for the pet section/stables on the main game I got a pretty good jump on them and have an idea of how the design will work. I got a great idea from audiogames.net (Dark) to add pet connection/trust per pet which will affect how well your pet performs. otherwise pets will have basic stats that all npcs have. pet trust will be based on your class (rangers bonus), how long you use them and how well you use them. I will try to post a little sneak peak but keep in mind a lot of stuff isnt done and it will most likely look a lot different than what it looks like now =)
  10. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Wow this one is gonna be some awesome. Class ideas: pirate, snake charmer, prophet or philosopher, fortune teller/gypsy, miner, just some I had floating around not for this game necessarily just for future ideas etc or updates to battle arena. That's what draws me to these games the classes, the battles, the sounds it's all there, thanks for the great work! Pets will be really cool too.
  11. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Yes you are on the right track! this game will open things up for the whole ATF series with the time machine and what not. I actually was close to doing a pirate story for this next adventure but since the artist released future sci fi I decided to go towards that direction for now.

    Pets are turning out very fun btw I am working on things tonight and will post progress here in a little bit.
  12. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Polished the pet management page

    Moved race code to and stats to classes.
    -instead of rolling for stats and some stats being determined by race they will now all be set by your class and a small bit by your pet selection

    Rewrote Database Tables
    -Added PetBook (list of pets you have)
    -Players (added reflectDamage and current pet)
    -Npc (added reflectDamage, deathSpawn)
    -Rooms (added treasure find, items and percent for them to be in the treasure)
    -Items (added reflectDamage)

    ReflectDamage will be like thorns works when you are hit the physical attacker will take damage. Will probably use it as radioactive damage.

    DeathSpawn will be when an Npc dies it will auto spawn another monster. (Remind myself to add a percent chance of this happening too).

    Treasures will just be rooms with items, gold or pets inside.

    Up next
    Finalizing pet management screen
    Adding summary log to main screen so you can read room descriptions and find hints / clues about your surroundings.
  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Added text log to main screen
    -inside will be room description as well as hints about the room. If you tap the room again you'll have a chance to search it. Searching it may find you treasures such as gold items or pets. It may also just find you some angry monsters to battle!

    Added database objects for the following
    Chance to find gold or monsters
    Chance to death spawn
  14. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Did some more work on the pet management page. You can now switch pets, see their skills & description. Next adding stats and progress bars for pet bond / trust hp and energy.

    Fixed a few bugs with pet buffs / debuffs.

    Up Next
    -adding treasures and loot screen for those treasures.
  15. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Got some great work done on the pet manager. Got progress bars for stamina, energy and trust/connection also shows stats and name of pets. The design isn't quite done but all the info is there so I'm happy with it.

    Added partial stamina
    The first round npcs might attack with less than their total stamina. They can also pool stamina if they choose) so if they have 3 total they might attack with 1 the first round then unload 5 the next.

    Next up

    Adding enrage
    -once they take damage they gain certain stats

    Adding taunt
    -when a monster has taunt it has to be attacked first before any others can be Attacked. Will have an icon like poison and stunned so you know who you have to hit.

    Adding confuse
    -When under this you'll attack random monsters instead of who you meant to attack. Might implement it as dealing damage to yourself for the first round instead of a random so it can work both ways.
  16. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Fixed some fonts on the new pet management page

    +added treasure dropping by searching the room.
    added in database
    added in upload file
    added in upload code
    added room search
    added code to read file code to tell if there is a treausre or not also checks for gold
    added items to loot page they show up and when you pick them up they add to your inventory

    ##next up
    adjusting the design on the loot screen for searching finds
    adding find pet to room and if you do so it adds to your pet book
    adding finding monsters in a room and it starting a battle
    adjusting room file to keep track of all these and rewriting the read.
  17. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Got a teaser screenshot? :)
  18. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I've actually been working on my laptop for the last 3 weeks (Europe backpacking) so mainly focusing on code. My design and screens don't look very pretty yet haha. While bad for entertainment value it has been great for the code side since I've had so much time to focus on it. Anyways I will have a mouse this week so new screens are not too far off.
  19. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys sorry for the minor delay in posting (too much traveling haha). Anyways here is some of the stuff I've been working on:

    Treasures in rooms
    -This can mean items materials gold even pets
    -To find treasure you will have to double tap the room you are on to search it (but be careful you might disrupt monsters that will then fight you)
    -rooms can be set on a percentage to find either chests or monsters.
    -Monsters will have a set level range to appear so each play through will be different.
    -Certain stats items and pets will boost your find treasure and or monsters chance :)
    -rooms can be set to only allow treasure to be found once on them or repeated over time.

    Adding next
    Chance to find and hit traps on a search.
    Randomizing monster find by regular walking (before I had set each monster encounter on the squares) now you will find them randomized by level range for the area

    Thinking about having base stats and just changing level to affect how strong the monster is so you could find a level 2,3 or 4 snake for example. Same base stats and loot but level will make them harder to fight.

    That's it for now I'll be posting updates as I have them.
  20. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just a quick little update. Mostly focusing on the coding side and getting everything in but I did do some art and design planning so preview screens should be coming soon.

    +Chance to find treasure, pets, gold, materials, monsters and traps on a search.
    +First Draft of Classes
    Set images as and a few skills for these as well
    +First Draft of Starting Pets
    Living Sludge
    -Sludge Sling
    -Slowing Slime
    Mutated Fly
    -Weak Mutation
    Toxic Rat
    -Toxic Bite
    -Rotten Claw

    +Finalized how search and find monsters will work.
    Monsters will be found +/-2 levels from your self and in your zone they will be randomized within those parameters

    Current Work
    +Taunt (this monster must be killed first before the others)
    +Death Spawn (this monster has a chance to spawn another monster when it dies)
    +Reflect (when this monster takes damage it deals damage as well)
    +Reflect attribute on buffs, debuffs and items (weapons armors potions)

    Next Work
    +Monster prefixes (sewer rat might be the base monster but you can find an angry, elder, injured etc which will alter its base stats)
    +Randomizing monster find by regular walking (before I had set each monster encounter on the squares) now you will find them randomized by level range for the area
    +Thinking about having base stats and just changing level to affect how strong the monster is so you could find a level 2,3 or 4 snake for example. Same base stats and loot but level will make them harder to fight.

    Hopefully within a week I will have enough stuff completed to show off some screenshots. Feel free to ask any questions or toss in suggestions.

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