Universal Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future JRPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Ok spent most of the day yesterday fixing bugs / glitches in the new confuse system as well as some leftover pet bugs. Introducing the new confuse system complicates everything by another factor code and game design wise so I figured it would take a bit to get back on track.

    I also updated and added about 50 new item images as well as sharpened up all the effects images.

    Now I'm testing the first 2 zones by class fixing the bugs and balance then moving to the next class / pet / profession combo.

    Hoping to have everything tested and balanced by this weekend. I have some heavy Halloween drinking in my future so lots of hangover testing haha.

    I'll be posting another quick class preview once I finish the testing for it tomorrow as well.
  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #42 Touchmint, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
    Just testing out the ranger class a bit tonight.

    Here is what their skills are looking like at an early stage:

    Pet Mastery - A passive skill that improves pet abilities and allows you to tame secret pets.
    Trueshot - A strong ranged attack.
    Tainted Arrow - A toxic arrow shot.
    Camouflage - A buffing skill that grants an extra attack.
    Magic Multishot - A magical attack that damages all enemies.
    Fierce Focus - A buffing skill that raises critical damage.
    Syphon Shot - A ranged attack that also leeches HP.
    Frozen Arrow - A frozen arrow high chance of stun.
    Calming Mind - A debuffing spell that calms the enemy lowering intelligence and raises fizzle chance.
    Erupting Arrow - A strong explosive shot.

    Here is a another screen of the sewers as well.

    Attached Files:

  3. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Thanks for keeping us up to date! The ranger class looks awesome always love that class for whatever reason maybe it's cuz it's not the typical sword carrying warrior guy :)
    Have fun on Halloween and don't have too many witches brews! They can leave you spellbound. Thanks again for the hard work this is a game I am highly anticipating!
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Yea it's been a lot of fun to play the whole pet dynamic makes everything a lot more fun for sure.

    Yea it should be a good time and I'll try to take it easy but it's always hard! Thanks for the support its why I love making these games.

    Here's another in progress testing pic as well.

    Attached Files:

  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys hope you had a great Halloween weekend!

    Good news on the game front I got quite a bit of testing done and will be fixing bugs / balance issues that popped up and hopefully starting on zone 3 tonight.

    The other great news is a met a DJ duo from nyc that might be interested in starting up a partnership with the game. They would have their music in the game as well as a few other cool things. They are big retro gaming fans and tour world wide so it would be really big for the game!

    I'll keep you guys updated on everything look for a video this week.

    Anyways I'll keep you guys updated
  6. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just been squashing bugs and testing/balancing the classes.

    Here is a look at the ever evolving Mercenary Class.

    Fury Smash - A passive skill that causes your third consecutive attack in a row to hit for 1.5x damage.
    Adrenaline Rush - A buffing skill that raises strength and agility at the cost of wisdom.
    Combat Strike - A physical attack with a small chance to stun.
    Deflection - A buffing skill that raises block and reflect damage.
    Raging Blow - A strong swinging attack with backlash.
    Fortify - A buffing skill that raises armor and hp.
    Intimidate - A debuffing spell that lowers enemy stamina and strength.

    Here is a little progress log (mostly for myself to keep track of things)

    //have the first chest drop a key so you can open the door into the sewers?
    //Move library over to 7
    //Maybe make it so you can't go back up from the sewer grate to the 1st sewer floor
    //Combat strike needs to take more sp
    //Change defection buff image.
    //Maybe make it so things are only stunned for a Stam?
    //Sewer mutant needs to reflect damage.
    //Update items to include more stun chance.
    //Lower steel hammer stun chance to 1 raise cost to 900
    //Lower potion of refresh stats
    //Change how stun works round will be stam instead so you could stun an npc for 1 Stam.
    //Merc still learning charge at level 9 should be a diff skill
    //Make knights blade min damage a bit higher
    //update character creator so it picks randomly from all classes
    //Rename and recolor portals dungeon sewers make green.
    //Yellow rename as wastelands
    //remember to add in a library to the starting area.
    //code how the room descriptions will work maybe use code to display what you want the room to say and just use a number id inside the actual room file
    //when the room is searchable add text saything there is something else in the room.
    //change the code so you have to get the key from the chest to leave the starting area.
    //change the carry over text when starting the game that says loading arena to loading world.
    //Bandit scout in pots above grate?
    //Make body guards a bit weaker bc of intimidate.
    //5th skill still showing on pet skills
    //Lower searing bit damage or just wolf str
    //Change pic on growl skill
    //Take reflect damage off brigands knife
    //Add reflect damage to the jeweler reflector shields
    //Lower shell reflector damage
    //Expose armor skill needs new fx image
    //Take confuse chance off vile of strength potion
    //Need level 10 bow?
    //Rename corridor and fungreek potions (make new ones) add the old ones to potion crafting skills
    //Brigands reshow because u warp before touching the square make sure you move them from the warp and redo murderrow npcs
    //Lower stun chance on fierce bite
    //Searching barrel in final floor at room 0 does nothing.
    //When drinking a heal hp and sp potion it should say your hp not you hp
    //Lower poison damage on some beginner items.
    //Player Name still purple after being confused last round
    //Make bandits bow cost a like 300?
    //Make ghasts hit a bit harder?
    //Put a barrel on room 0 floor 12?
    //Assassin 1 hit me (shouldn't happen)
    //After I died it still showed the you won the battle and found fix
    //New pic for rogue archer
    //Floor 9 random enemies in pot are from sewers instead of bandit area.
    //Lower stun and poison icons on player a bit.
    //Make delay longer between attacks. .4
    //Remove Roach hatchling from north of egg in first zone.
    //Make beetle a bit harder
    //redo pet descriptions so they show in the character builder.
  7. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #47 Touchmint, Nov 5, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    Hey guys I made few changes in game design. These are not huge changes but enough to make an impact on play. If you have an opinion on them let me know I am kind of on the fence and could use input.

    You can now portal back to town from anywhere as long as you search the room first and it is safe. It will also now cost you a mystical, soul or infinite orb depending on level.

    Instead of just destroying items you dont want you will now disenchant these into mystical, soul or infinite orbs depending on level. (you can use these for crafting or portaling).

    - EDIT
    You will only be able to use the account vault once you have completed the game. Once you beat the game on 1 character you will unlock it for all your characters. This will allow you to freely trade crafts etc.

    -Other Additions-
    Updated skills to have 3 effect images that will animate rather than just 2

    Updated pet find window to show the pet animated and bouncing around instead of just static.

    Added passive skill icons for pets to the pet skillbook (you wont see these in battle just when looking over your pets).

  8. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #48 Touchmint, Nov 8, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
    Sneak peak of the 3rd zone "The Crypt". This area will be based around the cultist that have summoned the mysterious evil plaguing the lands as well as a few other surprises.

    Here are a few screens I'll be posting a gif soon to show the flow.

    The area itself is mostly complete now I'm just working on adding monsters and items then balancing everything up to that point.

    Attached Files:

  9. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Been testing and balancing so not much to report besides the classes are turning out pretty fun. Been testing the assassin over the last few days and its become a lot of fun. I changed the way stun works (now stuns per attacks instead of per rounds) this makes it a bit more flexible and I am able to use it a bit more without it being super overpowered.

    Anyways I wanted to get you guys a little preview video so here is a little bit of the character creator. While the design might not stay the same this gives you an idea of how the classes will look as well as the starting pets.

    Feel free to ask any questions and I hope you guys enjoy!
  10. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    After a little "Tiny Rogue" distraction / learning I'm back at it. Been testing the mutant class though the first 3 zones and am really impressed. Being able to mimic the npcs skills is a lot of fun!

    I also added auto sort to happen on any action so there is no need for the sort button at all. Besides that I did a few interface improvements which I will show in a video very soon. Trying to make the loot / level up / pet find screen a little more flashy.
  11. braintapgames

    braintapgames Member

    May 30, 2015
    These classes look amazing, can't wait for the release!
  12. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey thanks I've been putting a lot into them and they have been evolving in a great way.

    Speaking of that I just finished up testing the mutant class through level 15 and will be starting on the mercenary.

    I'm very happy with out the crypt turned out and am excited to get started on the future areas of this game. I don't want to give too much away but after the crypt you will be traveling to the future where you will continue your battle.

    I'll be posting a short gameplay video of the crypt today as well so keep an eye out.
  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I finally got around to making a small gameplay preview video yay!

    Its pretty short but there are a lot of cool things you will see here.

    First youll see the world is a lot more open as well as layered compared to the first adventure to fates. Youll also notice that you can interact with some of the objects on the map. You are able to find treasures as well as random encounters by searching. Youll see I am searching some of the gravestones and some interesting things happen (find pets, find keys or items, find a random encounter).

    Once the battle starts youll see how the pet attacking will work as well as the pet getting a confuse skill to land on an enemy. The enemy is confused and attacks itself which is a very powerful skill to have.

    You also see a flash of the pet stable/book which still has some design work to go but is looking pretty good imo.

    So as you can see there is a lot of new stuff going on in this video.

  14. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #54 Touchmint, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    Attempting to add some gifs for those of you who cant watch the full video.

    The below gif shows you finding a new pet in a tombstone as well as what the pet stable/book interface currently looks like.

    The below gif shows the pet attacking and landing a confuse skill to land on an enemy. The enemy is confused and fizzles once and then attacks itself which is a very powerful skill to have.
  15. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys getting ready to submit a beta build to Apple which will include the first 3 zones which is about 1/2 the game. I am just polishing everything today for that first part of the game when submitting.

    I am thinking about changing the name to Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future. Fits the game a bit more and is a minor play on Back To The Future.

    Anyways if you guys have any input on the name id love to hear.
  16. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Awesome news! I like quest to the future or even quest for the future
    Either one and thanks for the updates its coming together nicely.
  17. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    The original name works best for me
  18. Valentia

    Valentia Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Jan 20, 2009
    I think it's fine. I think as soon as most people see "Adventure to Fate" they will stop reading right there and go buy it. I sure will. :)
  19. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys thanks for the input on the name. I'm still a little torn but can always change before release no big deal. Maybe once people start testing and see a bit of the game I'll get a bit more input.

    Anyways I am just polishing up a few more design things as well as some storyline details.

    This first stage will be pretty raw but I could really use some help on balance since there are so many possibilities with the new classes, pets and profession crafts. A few good testers could really move things along since I'm currently spending most my time balancing.

    I'll be submitting tonight but I'm not really sure what the TestFlight review times are at hopefully only a day or so?

    If you are interested post here and I'll get you a pm with the details you need to get started. I'll be crediting your guys and I'm always open for input on new items monsters even pets if you want to leave your own touch on the game!
  20. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    I loved the first two ATF games and I would love to beta test I will PM my Apple ID I can test on iPad mini 2 and iPhone 6

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