Universal Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future JRPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    A few more screens showing off some wastelands enemies.

    Attached Files:

  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Nearing the end of testing/balancing for the frozen wastelands zone. Going to fix all the bugs and rebalance a few items/monsters then head back to zones 1 & 2 to give them a little more flavor as requested by the testers.

    Here is another screen from one of the battles in the frozen wastelands tunnels.

    Attached Files:

  3. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Spent most of the night doing some tweaks here and there this is an update changelog mostly for myself but there might be some interesting things in here for those following

    //Add Taunt color and shield icon for npcs that are summoned by other npcs.
    //Glacial axe was Renamed Glacial Claymore and created a new pic
    //At level 21 from zombie boss I got a null material
    //In final frost room where ice sash drops there should be a blue chest but instead there is just yellow blood.
    //Lower frost sash belt price. It shouldn't sell for 20000
    //There is no death text after the zombie king dies.
    //When your pet or you stuns something say how many rounds they are stunned for.
    //Make yeti chieftain will now always drop his item.
    //change ranger claming mind to charm
    //change ranger fierce focus to venom tip, talk about poison abilities first.
    //make venom tip give a good chance to poison and up poison damage.
    //change illusionist charm to mesmerize
    //added demon venom ring (level 22 craft) lots of poison damage
    //King zombie is facing the wrong way.
    //Frozen wastelands block after fork block is wrong.
    //Move show all buttons to the left of weapons button.
    //Check why zap and shock damage are so high in bot pet (fixed)
    /Bottom room with blood on floor 3 with yeti kind drops a null. Should there be a chest there?
    //Brass bow damage is a little high?
    //Crit damage at 2.4? Shouldn't that high.
    //Lower crit chance on the dragon glass stuff to 8/8
    //Lower damage a small bit on the freeze arrow?
    //Portal on square 15 of second floor warps to the wrong place. (changed to square 14)
    //Have a new zombie skill that's called feed. Lots of vamp power.
    //Add to hints. You can use the portals in your spell book to get potions and items.
    //Make rancid claw take more sp
    //At level 15 I don't seem to be getting any orbs as crafting rewards.
    //Lower the death ooze respawn level npc a bit he was hard to hit also lower his damage a bit?
    //Maybe change yeti warlocks horrify skill to Scream
    //Lower damage on sypon shot a bit. Or up the sp usage.
    //Dark walker has an image missing he's blinking.
    //Magi walkers shouldn't be reg attacking so much.
    //Same with dark walker give him a new spell
    //Maybe raise dead?
    //up forsaken cloak price in the store. (need the armor)

    Tomorrow I will be reworking the first 2 zones as well as polishing up the 4th. I plan on adding a spider cavern to the sewers and a store house to the ruins. They both should have some cool pets and more chests which will allow me to spread out monsters so it doesnt feel like you are just battling all the time.
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Finished up reworking the first 2 areas with input from testers. I added a new pet to each area and spread out random encounters a bit so it's a bit more exploring and less fighting.

    I still have a bit more testing to do in the 4th area and then I'll start working on the 5th and final area. This will be set in the deep future where most have gone underground towards the core to survive. This will be the largest area and might even be broken up into 2 parts.

    Once I have this 5th area complete and somewhat balanced I'll be working on the tutorial and then accessibility. Once that's complete I'll be starting the last phase of testing. I'm hoping to start that by next Friday.
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    So I've pretty much finished up testing through zone 4 and started outlining the 5th zone. This 5th zone will be based in the future as well and will be underground toward the core of the earth since the surface has been destroyed. This will be the biggest zone in the game about 12 floors compared to 8 for most. Other than that not much to report on it atm.

    I did want to share what some of the pets were looking like as well as the petbook / stable where you will be able to switch out the pets you have found. Atm you'll be able to find 2-3 in each zone. They will each have a passive skill that usually scales with level and 2-3 reg skills.

    Attached Files:

  6. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys good news I have completed mapping the final zone! so besides small polish and adjustments I am done with level design yay! I will post some screens once I get monsters added and start testing.

    Just for some comparison this game has 48 floors/screens which is double of the first adventure to fate. There is a ton more content but I also wanted to spread out the game a bit more. Some of the negative feedback I got was too many random battles so that shouldn't be a problem anymore. While the main focus is still on battles there is a ton of cool puzzles and side things to find in the world.

    Next up creating and filling the final zone with npcs, items, traps, chests, pets, crafts and more! haha so I am hoping to get this all done by sat morning and will be pushing a new beta of the completed (but not fully polished game).

    Keep an eye on this thread I am pretty much working nonstop until then so I should have updates here and there if all goes well.
  7. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys just wanted to update everyone that I've completed the level design of the last zone. I've filled it with all the monsters npcs items traps and what not. I still need to adjust crafts a little bit but I am hoping to finish that up tomorrow.

    Here is a little sneak peak at the first part of the zone (it's broken up into 4 parts). The first zone is somewhat of a research facility. You run into patrol bots as well as horrible creations. You will also find some fun pets.

    I'll post more previews as I polish up the zone.

    Attached Files:

  8. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I just beat the game for the first time all the way through on the priestess. It went really well and I only died about 15times haha. I really liked the dynamic of the priestess being able to heal while reflecting damage and letting the pets do some damage as well.

    I have about 2 pages of tweaks and balances that shouldn't take me too long to run through then I'll start testing another class. Hoping to do this for all the classes and then I'll start up the final beta before release (hopefully in about a week)

    I have the account vault opening to all characters once you complete the game with 1 character. I'm also going to add in a special starting pet option once you have beat the game as well. If anyone has anymore reward ideas let me know.

    I'm also planning on doing a never ending arena after you have beaten the game. This would just shoot random monsters level 22 and above at you until you die and maybe work with Game Center so you could see who lasts the longest and have ranking and what not. If anyone has and comments or ideas on this let me know as well. This might just come in a future update tho depending on time.
  9. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I've completed all the games content (classes, skills, monsters, maps, pets, etc) and am now just testing all of that before the last beta phase which I will get those who are interested in beta invites.

    Todo for final beta

    test and rebalance 5/6 classes.
    Finalize iPhone design
    Finalize icon design
    Add music and sfx
    Design for iPad
    Finalize accessibility features.
    Finalize crafts
    Finalize room and skill descriptions

    Hoping to have this ready by the beginning of January when I go to ces.

    I will post here as I complete things so you guys can track progress.
  10. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys just wanted to give you a little weekend update.

    I spent most of the day working on small tweaks and fixes as well as watching my fantasy season come to an end :(

    Anyways I have finished testing the Priestess and Mercenary all the way through the game and am tonight am starting on the cultist.

    Cultist will focus on magical damage as well as confusing their enemies into attacking themselves.

    Here is a little look at the skills for the cultist:

    Psychic Bolt - A psychic based damaging spell with a chance to confuse.
    Haunt - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy strength and raises fizzle chance.
    Dark Intellect - A buffing spell that increases intelligence while lowering strength and agility.
    Plagued Bolt - A poison based damaging spell.
    Soul Shield - A buffing spell that raises armor and block chance at the cost of life.
    Hellfire - A demonic fire based spell that damages all enemies.
    Confundus - A weak damaging spell with a high chance of confusion.
    Demonic Bolt - A dark damaging spell that also leeches HP.
    Phantom Mist - A thick mist that has a chance to confuse all enemies.
    Grim Chant - A morphing spell that increases HP leech and confuse chance.

    Also for those of you who have not played the first I put the original Adventure To Fate : A Quest To The Core on sale for Christmas 2.99 > .99
    Link :
    Adventure To Fate : A Quest To The Core Download
  11. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #91 Touchmint, Dec 21, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    Ok so I got a little bored of testing and decided to switch over to sound and design today. I found some great music I cant wait to share but I am a little stuck on background design. I have a few photos to share that I would love to get some feedback on. Let me know which background you like the best.

    The images on preview are compressed so please click to view them to get an idea of what they look like full screen. Let me know 1 2 3 or try something else haha.

    Attached Files:

  12. ashmike3

    ashmike3 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    I like 3. Been lurking here. Will be picking this up to support you.
  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Thanks I am leaning towards the 3rd background Its pretty split between 1 and 3 of people ive asked.
  14. ojtitus

    ojtitus Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Canton, Ohio
    I definitely like 3 a lot more, the other two are too murky and undefined, I can't tell where the wall starts and the floor ends.
  15. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    I decided to go with the sharper bolder background since most liked it and it fits the future time travel aspect of the game a lot better.

    Here is a preview of the overall theme of the game so far. Things may change but this is what its looking like now.

    Attached Files:

  16. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just another quick little update. I completed testing of the cultist as well as skill balanced tweaks so now I'm moving on to the assassin. After that I'll wrap it up with the Mutant and then ranger. Hoping to have those done by Monday and will hopefully get design and code changes set for iPad so I can release the final beta on New Years.

    For those of you interested in this final round of testing let me know. Again you'll get a free copy of the game as well as a credit and depending on feedback item or npc as well.
  17. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    I of course want to continue with the testing :) I have to say you have an amazing game here you should be very proud :)
  18. Faultyairlock

    Faultyairlock Active Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    I would love to test this, it looks like a really fun game. Hope I'm not too late.
  19. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    @repulsa you should get an email from Apple in the next few days saying the update is ready. Keep in mind you'll need to fully delete the old game to install and play this version.

    @faultyairlock great I'll get you added to the new list just post here or pm me your Apple ID (email you use on the App Store) and I'll get you added.

    Good news guys just finishing up the mutant class testing tonight then ranger then I'm done! Btw the mutant class has been my fav so far it's a little tricky but played right and with the right pet can dominate.

    Little teaser screen:

    Attached Files:

  20. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey good news guys I am testing through with the final class (Ranger). Hoping to finish up in the morning then I have a few more things to work on before submitting for beta. I need to have these things done and beta submitted by the 31st since I head to Vegas for CES on the 1st.

    Game play wise the game is done but here is a wishlist of things id like to have done.

    -Finish testing Ranger class and perform and fixes / tweaks that might be needed for ranger class
    -A few design tweaks (adding images to character list and shop scroll views)
    -Finalize story line and Grammar / spellcheck all game wordings
    -Polish up and ready iPad version (might not make it for this beta)
    -Finish Accessibility for the blind (might not make it for this beta)
    -Finish tutorial system

    Here is a little class skill overview for the ranger as well:

    Pet Mastery - A passive skill that improves pet abilities and allows you to tame secret pets.
    Trueshot - A strong ranged attack.
    Tainted Arrow - A toxic arrow that poisons.
    Camouflage - A buffing skill that grants an extra attack.
    Mystic Arrows - A mystical arrow spell that damages all enemies.
    Venom Tip - A buffing skill that raises poison abilities.
    Syphon Shot - A ranged attack that also leeches HP.
    Frozen Arrow - A frozen arrow that stuns.
    Charm - A debuffing skill that lowers intelligence and strength while raising fizzle chance.
    Erupting Arrow - A strong explosive shot with a chance to confuse.

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