Universal Ala Mobile - Formula racing coming on 18th of July

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by CviGames, May 9, 2018.

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  1. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    Just did a race at Italy and it runs flawlessly! One odd thing which I’m not too bothered by is when you press pause it does a X-ray sorta thing and you can just see the driver through it, like I said though not too big of a deal.
  2. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    Played another race and I really love how nice the reflections look very nice for a mobile game or any game in general. One thing I would like to see sometime is working mirrors it’s a small but cool feature that could be added.
  3. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    Got a weird glitch. So I started a race weekend at Brazil so I started qualifying I finished qualifying and then the ai that took over my car crashed it and broke a wheel off so I didn’t get to qualify. But it doesn’t end there, when I went to the actual race it didn’t have the camera of my car instead it showed infront of the starting line and I couldn’t do anything
  4. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Definitely smoother gameplay with this update.. the AI are much better behaved.

    I tried with the camera tilt off and it still seems over sensitive.

    I have noticed on slower corners, that the car seems very hesitant to accelerate, is this to mimic turbo lag? it’s probably the only thing I notice now which affects the flow of a lap.
    I haven’t found anything else yet..

    Thanks again for all your hard work
    Cooper04 likes this.
  5. Basco

    Basco Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2017
    Really liking the update! Although, there’re still some bugs that hasn’t been fixed in the updates (I don’t know if that’s on purpose):

    - I can drive through the Belgian pitlane now so that has been fixed but I had to box to fix my damaged front wing and I just drove through the pitlane and nothing happened. I tried the same at the Italian Grand Prix and it got fixed (I was in last position) and when I left the pitlane I was in the first position.
    - I still can’t see the qualification times of the other drivers so I always start from the twentieth position.
    - the AI’s behave much better but they’re still corner cutting a lot.
    - another thing I think no one else have noticed, is that I can only choose soft, medium and hard tires but other drivers can start with mega soft so they’re much faster than I am

    These bugs are the ones I encountered after the last update so lots of bugs have been fixed! Good job man!

    There’re some things I would love to see when it launched and the game sells well:
    - changing weather during the race so everyone has to pit to get wet tires or start with rain and after a few laps it will be sunny so everyone has to pit to get soft tires for example.
    - of course the missing tracks.
    - one thing I’ve always dreamed about is a sort of track creator in the game so that the gamers can make and share their own tracks. I do understand that this will be really hard to implement but I think it would be really cool and unique in this genre.

    I hope this feedback is valuable for you and that this awesome game will be even more awesome! Keep up the good work!

    P.S. Sorry for my very long post :D
    Cooper04 and GPS like this.
  6. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    You’re right Basco, The tyre choice is limited, Not able to select super soft or ultra.. and the corner cutting is still noticeable.
    Changeable weather conditions would be fantastic!
    Cooper04 likes this.
  7. Basco

    Basco Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2017
    Yeah, but the corner cutting is kinda fun because I wanna try to drive normal and an AI just drives over the grass at high speed and at the end I always win :D
    Cooper04 likes this.
  8. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Do you remember the car you where using? Any relevant info useful in order to reproduce the steps that took to this bug are precious, as I couldn’t reproduce it :) thank you!
    Yes, that’s due to turbo lag, but I should smooth it a bit. Formula cars are not the best cars for low rpm rides, but I guess this effect is a bit exaggerated. I will try and see if I can correct it without rewriting all the engine code :)
    Concerning the “no tilt” aggressive feeling, I forgot to check wether some setting is accidentally changing... will give a look!

    Absolutely valuable feedback! :) all your feedbacks are, guys, and I follow them in developing the game!
    All the bugs you mentioned will be fixed asap. Random weather is something that’s on my todo list, but I need a bit of time in order to make it perfect :)

    A bit of corner cutting is still there, indeed. Especially when setting difficult to PRO. The aggressive behavior of the AI is represented from their willingness to drive along the shortest possible track. They tend to be to the limit in every condition (that is, cutting the kerbs). I know in some curve this will result in cutting the corners too much. “PRO” is a really challenging mode, especially when penalties and damages are On. This means that you will probably keep seeing AI cutting a corner with two wheels on the grass...
    ... BUT... of course, I tried to get rid of all those cases where AI goes too wide. So, if you stumble into some of these events, please tell me the track and the corner(you don’t have to be too much precise) and I will fix it :)
    Another thing I am thinking about is...
    Make grass more slippery, but I fear that with mobile controls this may result in a frustrating experience...
    Cooper04 likes this.
  9. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    I don’t know how to do it I feel like it’s more of something that randomly happens
    CviGames likes this.
  10. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Out of curiosity, how are people steering in the app? Personally I can never get on with the Tilt steering, the analogue is a good start but personally I find it a little too twitchy to be able to steer smoothly around the track which means I often end up clobbering another car and eventually quitting. Id recommend trying to smooth out the analogue steering to make it easier to smoothly turn the wheel while racing
    Cooper04 likes this.
  11. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    I use tilt. Since I play racing games on my phone I prefer tilt cause I feel like it’s better for a small device
  12. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Thanks for pointing this out! :)
    What do you think can improve analog steering? I mean, do you think it’s a matter of too high sensibility, or do you find completely find wrong its implementation?
    Concerning tilt steer, do you think it needs a different sensibility?
    Cooper04 likes this.
  13. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    I personally don’t find anything wrong with the tilt steering. As for the button steering I wouldn’t have much of a opinion on it cause I only used it once
  14. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    The analogue steering I would say it’s too sensitive initially, ideally it should respond slowly if you turn it a little then more as you turn it harder, currently it’s a little easy to fishtail as you overcorrect

    It would also be good if you could change the control method in the pause menu rather than going back to the main menu
    CviGames and Cooper04 like this.
  15. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    My preference is always tilt .. Personally I find it much smoother. I am generally faster when I use tilt.
    CviGames and Cooper04 like this.
  16. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    Yeah tilt is my favorite and I feel like it’s the most precise when it comes to how much you wanna steer
    CviGames likes this.
  17. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Following today feedbacks, the next beta is coming with the following changelog:
    -Analog steering is now less sensible, for more precise directionality of the car, as advised from Stelph;
    -Removed the bug that could cause errors like the one suffered from Cooper at Interlagos. I found out that car could still get damaged after the race under certain conditions, so I fixed this. Shouldn’t happen anymore.
    -Removed bugs connected with pit stops, where one could lose a lap if pitting, as noted from Basco. This was partially removed after GPS' reporting, but something was still in the way..:confused:
    -Qualifying results now correctly show all results;
    -Added the possibility to choose among all available tires (not only soft, medium and hard) before a race;
    -Fixed some graphics glitch in Spa (some wall were missing, and there was some hole in the pit entrance and the pit exit);
    Before publishing this version, I'll take some time to refinish it. This will bring a
    -Lighter app size;
    -General performance optimizations;
    This new version will be live in 24 hours. Again, if everything goes well, we will focus on voting the best screenshot for the Appstore page, and get ready for publishing the game announcing the release day :D
    GPS and Cooper04 like this.
  18. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    Awesome! I really appreciate all your work you do to make us happy and fix bugs. I really love this game and your a awesome dev
  19. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Sounds fantastic, you are doing an amazing job..
    do yo think you’ll be able to fix the steering sensitivity with camera tilt off?
  20. CviGames

    CviGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2016
    Thanks for your kind words!! :)
    Well, right now I think it is just a feeling due to lack of inclination, but it costs nothing to give another check to the code :)

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