It has been a hard choice between freemium and paid/lite versions. Each one has its pro and cons. I went for the former for a particoular reason: in some country (like Italy) customers tend to leave bad ratings to freemium games (it seems here people have a hard time paying for something they already downloaded for free). I wanted to keep separated the free version (that will tend to receive bad ratings due to the locked content in those countries) and paid version (that will supposedly keep a higher rating). This should allow for a "double chance" (2 different apps showing in Top paid and Top Free) for the game to be noticed. This is what I took into account when deciding the business model Concerning Analog controls, I have reduced of 50% the sensitivity, it's a change that was already available on beta 4, if you didn't notice any difference, then I have to code a different behaviour for it, taking in account a non-linear function (like you suggested). I'm afraid that it won't be available on day 1, but it is something I am going to develop together with all the other features we are discussing about
Thanks for reporting GPS Well, I double checked the code, and it seems that the "twitchy" behaviour of the steer when camera tilt is disabled, is just due to the different feeling. Accelerometer values are handled in two separate scripts, one for steering wheels, one for camera tilt, and they do not communicate with each other in any way. An option can be to have a different steering behaviour when tilt is off, in order to have a more uniform feeling. This is something that won't be available on day one, but it will be developed together with the other feats already discussed. Halo needs to be remodeled but it's something that will take place with the next updates, and AI too will keep growing update after update. At this moment, I focused on the worst bugs, those who frustrated in a significant way the gameplay. After 6 months and a half of development (mostly done during the night ) it's time to launch the game... even because it seems I will soon have invincible rivals in the field of mobile Formula games ). Anyway, the ones of you who already helped me with betas of M.U.D. Rally know that I won't stop listening to your valuable and precious feedbacks, in order to make Ala Mobile a product tailored on Players' needs!
Great to hear.. Options to adjust the sensitivity of the steering using tilt would be great. I see there will be opposition game soon in this genre, but I think Ala will hold its own for sure. Personally for me it appeals due to the premium model. I know people will disagree, but I feel that free to play, means putting in ways to force players to spend money over and over to keep playing(I am generalising of course). Having played M.U.D, I know you will keep the updates coming. Thanks.
You are amazing guys It's good to see Ala Mobile has its supporters ! I will upload the new version anytime soon, I am fine tuning a little bit the AI for the best experience possible. Here is a preview of the screenshots I am going to use in the appstore page... I hope you like them
Looks good! I told my little brother about it and he thought it sounds cool so he’ll also play it when it comes out
Also I feel like your game is better than the other mobile options for F1 racing for several reasons. First is the fact that you care about your players. Second is that this game feels actually more realistic. And last but not least is the fact that it’s just fun! Like a game should be.
I am uploading a new version I improved AI, they won’t cut through corners anymore. What I want to know at this stage is if AI cars behave correctly in all tracks it’s going to be live in hours..
Just tried the new build, it’s really good! I did find a bug though... I did a quick race, 3 laps in Australia on Pro mode.. crossed the line and then the lap counter ticked over to lap 4 of 3, and the race wouldn’t end, however my car had driven off into the distance as if the race was over. I couldn’t quit beside closing the app.
Oh, that’s a strange bug. I tried to test it now and I couldn’t reproduce it. Do you remember any info that could help me in sorting this out? E.g. if you pitted and on which lap, car used, damage and penalties settings...
I played the new build last night and it works great! I didn’t find any weird issues. One idea I have which is more of just a detail than it is a new thing is that when you damage your front wing it can actually fly off the car
Didn’t pit, I was in the Ferrari as Vettel (I’ve edited everything , I can’t remember the names prior) may have been a little front wing damage, not noticeable. Otherwise just a standard race.