Alex Johansson - Programmer/Designer/Artist/Educator Available for Freelance!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by AlexVsCoding, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. AlexVsCoding

    AlexVsCoding Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    Freelance Games Developer / Educational Consultant
    #1 AlexVsCoding, Nov 8, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016

    Hey Folks, my name is Alex Johansson and I'm a games developer based in Cambridge, UK.

    I've been building games for over 5 years primarily using the software Stencylworks.
    I've built around 80 different games over that period of time, the first app of which will be out early 2017.

    I've also had 2000 hours of experience teaching the software to 7-24 year olds.
    I give educational consultancy and produce curriculum content as well as running workshops.

    My export capabilities include iOS, Android, Flash/HTML5 and Desktop.
    I also build custom controllers using Makey Makey, check out my Youtube channel for more content.

    Here's where you can play some of the games I've made:

    Get in touch on here or via Twitter
    I'm currently open to doing freelance work, be that working on a project or Tutoring. Get in touch!

    Here's what some of the press have said about the games I've built:

    "Johansson has produced a unique, multi-faceted game
    offering two different but equally appealing experiences
    well worth your time."


    "Pinball is dead, long live wormball.
    It’s everything you love about pinball,
    except 100% more disgusting and with
    dancey music included."

    Rock Paper Shotgun

    "Morse’s salvation, then, is its code.
    For all the power that you wield in the game...
    and there sure is a lot of it...
    you cannot simply make things happen
    on a whim because Morse code is complicated."



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