Universal 'Angel Wing' by Quantum Sheep - space pewpewpew action :)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by quantumsheep, May 6, 2015.

  1. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Freelance writer, Student, Casually employed in re
    Perth, Western Australia
    Sounds like if anything could go wrong, it did.

    I have had my Mac nearly three years now, don't regret it. Apart from that earlier 'incident' I haven't had a single thing wrong.
  2. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    *backs away from the Fox, sheepishly*


    I hope you'll like this, then! I'm the same as you - one of my fave genres, but as you say, it's something we don't see much!

    It's fun to make though, and interesting to study previous examples of the genre to work out what works and what doesn't!

    Yeah, my history with laptops isn't great, but I do love them so!

    QS =D
  3. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #43 quantumsheep, May 30, 2015
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
    Hey all, hope you're having a fab weekend!

    I usually post a new screenshot every Saturday (for #screenshotsaturday(!)) on Twitter, so thought I'd show you what I posted :)

    It's not *terribly* exciting, but here's the laser beam weapon for the Angel Interceptor in lovely yellow! :)


    I'm still working out some of the basics - you might notice that the bar along the top middle has changed to numbers - this is temporary as it helps me work out if things are working or not - the bar will be back!

    Some good news is that I've got the player's shields (the 'Health' in the screenshot) working. Sort of. The shields don't go down immediately after you're hit, but after several seconds.

    So they do go down when you're hit, just not straight away :(
    It's just a technical problem though, and those can always be worked out!

    Toodles for now, back to work tomorrow! :)

    QS =D
  4. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hey all!

    Well, I had a VERY busy day today, and while it may seem that I didn't get much done, I made a LOT of progress on the basics!

    Firstly, I took the bins out tonight! Go Sheepy! :D

    Oh, and here's another six second Vine video from the game for you:


    You'll notice towards the end the enemy shots hitting you, and the 'Health' at the top goes down.

    So yeah, the issues I was having from my previous post are sorted now!

    It may not seem like much, but every small victory is a big step forward for me! :O

    Additionally, and probably more importantly, I fixed an issue that had been bugging me for a VERY long time. Essentially, the further from the centre your crosshairs were, the less accurate your shots were.

    Which is awful. Accuracy is really important in a game like this!

    After a few hours I managed to fix the problem, so 'yay'! It was a relatively simple fix, too. I'm just not used to thinking in 3D I guess!

    *buys 3D glasses for future gamedev sessions*


    I also managed to get the starfield to come towards you at a faster rate, giving a greater sense of speed. Oh, and I got the lasers working (though they're not quite perfect yet).

    Like I said, busy!

    It's all very exciting. I like how the game 'feels' at the moment, which is always the hard part. I'm excited to crack on and see what I can cross off my 'basics' list next!

    Thanks for reading. This is starting to become a bit of a Devlog thingy isn't it? But with more tea than normal I think!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    QS =D
  5. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    explosion effect's great ! Which control will you choose? Tilt or just tap tap :).I hope it's tilt control...
  6. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it will almost 100% definitely NOT be tilt controls I'm afraid!

    Sorry! :(

    There's a few reasons for that:

    1. I hate tilt controls when playing games!
    2. They're notoriously difficult to get right, and can end up inaccurate and frustrating.
    4. I don't trust myself to implement them well at all!
    5. Did you notice there was no number 3? :O

    The game is currently being made for PC, so it's mouse based right now. Just point and shoot! I'm always thinking of the iOS version though, and the current idea is to make it relative touch on one side of the screen, fire on the other side (hopefully interchangeable to account for left/right handed players).

    Again, sorry I'm not planning on tilt controls. I just don't think it'd fit the game well as it's designed right now!

    Stick around though if the alternative sounds ok to you! Might be a pleasant surprise :D

    QS =D
  7. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Really, really glad the controls will be touch. Not only because I prefer them, but because while a select few do like tilt controls, merely announcing them would essentially be like QS shooting himself in the hoof.

    Gotta ask, QS: Are you planning any TouchArcade-centric surprises this time 'round as well?
  8. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    *covers hooves*


    Much smarter people than me have been able to make good tilt controls, and I applaud them!

    I'm not a fan though, as I've mentioned, and honestly you have to use what you think is the right control scheme for the game you're making, as opposed to shoe-horning a control scheme in because some people might prefer it!

    Right now I'm thinking relative touch, and I hope it works! I'm glad you approve my friendly metal instrument of death!

    As to TA surprises... well, I've thought of a few possibilities already, but I'm making no promises! This is all uncharted territory for me, so I'm concentrating on making the actual game before I add fun little asides to it!

    But I want to say again (for the millionth time!) how important you lot are to me. Even though the game is being made for PC first, the people I'm trying to please are right here!

    And I've not even contacted any PC based websites or journalists about this yet. Announcing it here was my first priority :)

    I love iOS gaming, and though I'm reaching out to other formats, there will always be Quantum Sheep games on iOS.

    (sorry if you don't like them!)

    QS =D

    FRACTURES Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    [HireMe]That Vine video looks bloody lovely.[/HireMe]
  10. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    @Quantumsheep I just found this thread and you're singing my tone. Pencil me in as a day one supporter. :)
  11. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant


    I hope you'll like it!

    QS =D
  12. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hey all, hope you're having a top weekend :)

    I'm not quite ready to post a screenshot of the game yet, but wanted to post *something* so here goes!

    This is a shot of Angel Wing from about two years ago:


    Please don't like it too much! It looks nothing like this now! It's far more stylised in a very Sheepy way :D

    I prefer the new look (which I'll probably reveal towards the end of the month!) but I think it's interesting that there are several 'looks' the game *could* have - and choosing one over others is a very difficult decision!

    The game is an homage to the arcade games of old, and I felt that this look, while very colourful and lovely, just didn't sit well with that vision.

    But who knows, eh? There's bound to be some that will prefer this look to the one I chose! Let's see shall we :D

    Toodles for now!

    QS =D
  13. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hey all! Hope you're doing ok!

    Small steps in making the game. I hit a few roadblocks, but I think I'm able to get past them!

    Hurrah! :D

    I thought I'd give you lovely people (and those on Twitter too!) another look at a WIP shot from the game! Here it is, in RED :D


    As you can see, it looks *very* different from the previous shot above!

    I know it won't be to everyone's taste, but I do love the look of it! Like I keep saying, it's an homage to the old arcade games I used to love! (isn't everything?) :D

    I'll probably post a couple more pics on Saturday for the whole 'screenshotsaturday' thing on Twitter, and I'll make sure I post something here too!

    There *may* even be a tiny WIP video to go with that :D

    Be well! Back to playing "I must Build a Boat".

    Wait! No! I meant 'Back to Work!"


    QS =D
  14. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hello again, lovelies!

    As promised, here's your first 'proper' look - kind of - of the game! I put these out for #screenshotsaturday on Twitter, and thought I'd share them here with you too! Mainly because you smell nice :D

    First up, a couple of capital ships in green, over a ringed planet:


    Next up, an action shot in red :D


    And finally, one of the 'special effects' in action - this one is 'inverted colours'!


    Let me know what you think!

    QS =D
  15. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    Wow - those are fantastic - Star Wars, Battlezone, all the 3D Vector stuff brought right up to date. The progress is fantastic too from a few weeks ago. Magical.
  16. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #56 quantumsheep, Jun 14, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015

    Thanks so much for posting! I felt like I was talking to myself in here - which I normally do IRL so I'm kinda used to it! ;)

    I'm so, so glad you like the look! It's certainly had a great response on Twitter too, which really helps!

    People are so very kind! :)
    Now I have to make the damn thing :O

    Talking of Twitter, I released this Vine vid on there - this is, again, work in progress, but it's a statement of intent if nothing else! :D


    And I also posted another pic, in which you can see that the planet rings are actually composed of individual rocks! (I daren't say 'Asteroids').

    Here it is, in lovely blue this time:


    Hope you like that too!

    I'm very excited! Still a long, long way to go, but I'm slowly getting on with it!

    Thanks again, sir!

    QS =D

    EDIT: Also, just remembered, a friend commented that even though it's 3D it still *looked* like a Sheepy game. That made my day! :D
  17. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hello again!

    Just a quick post here before tomorrow's screenshotsaturday thingy on Twitter - I'll basically be posting this pic, but 'in-game' (as opposed to 'in-editor')

    It's a cargo ship. And it carries a most precious cargo ;)


    I'll catch you tomorrow! Toodles for now!

    QS =D
  18. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #58 quantumsheep, Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
    Hello! Hope you had a great Saturday :)

    I posted a couple of shots of the cargo ship in action on Twitter, and as promised, here they are for you lovely lot too!



    Progress is slow but reasonably steady. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm going on holiday at the beginning of July. Bad timing for sure, but I've not had a holiday in over five years.

    Only tea has kept me going for so long!

    I will be taking my laptop with me (and lots of tea bags!), so I won't be totally slacking off! Maybe the change of scenery will make me more productive? Who knows? :O

    I'll obviously be working hard as I can till then anyway, and have already worked out how to show different space objects like Nebulas in the game universe. Remember that it's all wireframe and particle stuff, and I'm trying to keep the look consistent.

    So 'normal' looking planets and nebulas are out, but I kinda like what I've come up with so far! I'll keep cracking on!

    Remember to check out the pics and video (most recent on this page!) and let me know what you think!

    Speak soon!

    QS =D
  19. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Um, I kinda LOVE what you've come up with so far! I'm mean, HOLY CRAP! That short vine video blew my mind! I absolutely love the direction you're going with the wireframe graphics. This is "light years" ahead of what you've done in the past, and that's not to belittle your other work. You know I love your games! My excitement for Angel Wing has risen to a whole new level. Keep up the hard work and enjoy your vacation! =D
  20. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    This is turning out to be sooo damn good.

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