Universal 'Angel Wing' by Quantum Sheep - space pewpewpew action :)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by quantumsheep, May 6, 2015.

  1. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    I was just about to post the exact same thing. Fantastic work QS!
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Love the Elite style wireframe graphics, love it !

    Cant wait for this one!
  3. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Woah, that two years old screen shot looks fantastic!

    Though I definitely prefer what it has become!
  4. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    I'm so glad! All I can think when looking at that same video is 'There's no music' and 'It's kinda empty' etc etc. Always with the criticism at Sheepy Towers! :O

    That people really like it is amazing to me! Consider it a statement of intent. That is what the game will look like (and indeed *does* look like right now!)

    As a bonus, here's a Work in Progress of the title screen:


    I hope you like it! :)

    Thanks! I am kinda in love with the look personally, and it makes me really happy that others like it too! :)

    I just wanted to thank you for something really specific in this last quote! The 'not to belittle your other work' line.

    It's weird. If someone says 'This is the best work you've done' most people will say 'thanks' and think nothing but positive things about it!

    When *I* see those words, I think 'Oh. Maybe my other stuff wasn't very good' and I get worried /o\

    Just putting that little extra at the end was incredibly kind to this old sheepy, and you didn't even know you were doing it! Thank you!



    Thank you, sir! I'm getting more comfy showing you more stuff! It's like with Air Supply SOS - I posted loads of pics and vids of that here at TA, and I like to think (hope!) the game was still fresh the first time people played it.

    There's only so much screenshots and a vid can tell you about a game :)

    Hurrah! Thanks! *curtseys*

    I'm so glad you like it! I have a confession to make. I sometimes spend over an hour just *looking* at the models. It's kind of polygon porn for me :O

    I'm glad others have the same reaction (though probably not as extreme!) :D

    Also... not sure about you, but PSJ3809 sounds suspiciously like it could be a star system to me ;)

    Thank you! I really like the 2yr old screenshots too (previous page, newcomers! Also, welcome! Sit down! Have a tea!), but it just didn't 'feel' right.

    Getting technical things done is relatively easy. There's a specific problem that needs fixing and you can learn to fix it!

    Getting the 'feel' right is very different. It's incredibly subjective, and in my opinion, much more of a challenge.

    I'm just happy people seem to be feeling the way I do! Thanks! :)

    Sheepyhugs for all of you! \o/

    QS =D
  5. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Honestly, it's totally rad! So cool how the orbiting space rocks swoop down over the screen like that. Please keep the sneak peeks coming!

    Whenever you make a new game, I get excited. Not just because of the game, but because your game threads are always so fun. There's hardly ever any negativity (as far as I can remember!), and we get to see your personality come out in your posts. I don't know you personally, but your kindness and transparency make you easily one of the coolest people I've never met.

  6. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    I will! I'm getting very excited! Yesterday I worked out a 'movement' system. What I mean by this is just a way of moving the ship automatically to give a little variety and spectacle to the action (otherwise you'd just be wandering around in a straight line!)

    Here's an example of a roll:


    I want to be clear - this is an on-rails shooter, so you have no direct control over your ship's movement.

    The system I came up with, however, seems to work well in giving you a sense of speed and direction. It's the very basics, but it works, and that makes me a happy sheepy! :D

    Also, I've not slept as I was working on some colour things for the game. I will show you on Saturday - I like to do the old 'screenshotsaturday' thing on Twitter. So you can expect weekly updates on the weekends at the very least!

    It's slowly coming together! :D

    That's so very kind, thank you!

    I do so love making games - it's stressful, and hard, but also fun and fulfilling.

    It can be a slog at times though, which is why I come here. While I appreciate people supporting me by buying my games, I appreciate more the kind words, patience and encouragement I get on these forums!

    You lot are lovely, and keep me going! :D

    Thank you all!

    Now if you'll excuse me, it's 1:45pm and I've not slept yet. Time to roll up into a little ball of wool and have a little sheepy nap!

    QS =D
  7. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Slight niggle - add a touch of acceleration/deceleration to the beginning of that roll - it'll look a lot nicer (and less video-gamey) if you don't suddenly roll at full speed and suddenly stop, give yourself a little bit of curve/ramp up to your roll velocity...
  8. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hey, not a niggle! You're absolutely right! :D

    You'll be glad to know it's already been fixed!

    Do bear in mind that the game is months away and everything is subject to change. Like I mentioned, I only just worked out the movement system a couple of days ago. Working out how to link one movement to another to create a level is more important than the actual movement the ship does right now.

    But reading your comment I did go back into the system and replaced 'move' commands with 'Tween' ones :D

    The difference fixes exactly what you pointed out. 'Move' will just move objects in a linear fashion! It's very binary. You move. You stop.

    Tween is moving between (usually) two points over a period of time. It works out stuff like acceleration, and you can even add 'in and out' variances which mean you can accelerate to a speed at the start then decelerate as you reach the end point.

    Perfect for what you pointed out! :D

    It's super useful to have people point out these niggles though, so thank you, and keep doing it! It helps me fix things early on, rather than try and fix them when I've finished the game!

    Another fab side-effect of showing you guys the game early!

    QS =D
  9. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Lookin' good!

    Always like seeing your #screenshotsaturday posts. Almost as much as #binnight !
  10. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    If you're going to use wire frame graphics maybe you could provide options for people to pick a color palette.
  11. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #71 quantumsheep, Jun 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    Hurrah! And #binnight has kinda taken on a life of its own!

    I'm getting worried it'll be written on my tombstone :O

    If you've seen my Air Supply games (and to a lesser extent, Docking Sequence) you'll know I'm a big fan of monochrome stuff and colour palette swaps. So don't worry - there'll be plenty of options in there, especially when you include some of the unlockable 'special fx' I'm including.

    I'm hoping (!) for 8 colours and 8 special fx (64 combinations? Anyone good at maths? ;)) - I mentioned earlier in the thread that the colours are what you'd normally get in something like Air Supply - but the fx add a little extra.

    Sometimes the effect is subtle, others more pronounced.

    Current fave is 'negative' which inverts the colours on screen - depending on what primary colour you've selected, the results can be very lovely!

    Here's an example from earlier in this thread:


    Hope that puts your mind at rest! :D

    QS =D
  12. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #72 quantumsheep, Jun 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    Hey all :D

    Well, I managed to work something out with the colours that I'm *very* pleased with!

    If you've played Air Supply SOS you'll know I snuck in an 'Arcade' colour mode - essentially one where instead of being monochrome, objects got their own colour.

    Imagine that! ;)

    I wanted to do the same in Angel Wing, and I think I managed it \o/


    This is just a preliminary test of whether I could do it, and what it might look like if I could.

    Currently the thinking is:
    Enemies: Green
    Allies: Blue
    Environment (e.g. planets): Yellow

    Plus other stuff still to be determined! (e.g. lasers, explosions, fluffy dice etc)

    This follows the kind of colour convention used in the original Star Wars arcade machine (which as I've said many times, is a major influence!).

    So yeah, you'll be able to unlock this mode at some point! Hurrah!

    Additionally, I learned a LOT about materials while trying to work this out. I had an individual material for *every* object (which apparently is very bad for performance). I've managed to get it down to about 10 materials in total. Which is brilliant (again, apparently!)

    Very happy with that!

    I have another shot I want to show, but will probably wait a few days before showing it! Edit: Actually, scratch that - I'll upload a gif later as it's on Twitter now :O

    What I want to do *this* week is work out how to start and end each level. I'm essentially thinking a short cutscene at the start of a level, and then a choice at the end (as to which level you go to next).

    Seems simple, and it probably is if you know what you're doing!

    Anyway, hope you like, and have a FABULOUS weekend!

    QS =D
  13. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    #73 Guise, Jun 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    The different colors look fantastic! Every new screenshot raises my excitement level for this one. Wireframe vectors = champion class. Rock on, QS!
  14. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    Hey! Hello!

    Yay for making you excited! :)

    Perhaps I can interest you in a tiny 'warp into battle' video/gif? ;)


    I've already changed the effect, but this still looks ok I think!

    Also, as drelbs suggested, I've tried to make the roll more 'natural' - hope you like it, sir!

    Right! I have a busy week ahead! Thanks all for the lovely words of encouragement, as always!

    Enjoy your Sunday, and I'll catch up soon!



    QS =D
  15. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Amazing what we can do these days! :D
  16. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #76 quantumsheep, Jun 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
    Crazy, right? :D

    As I'm here, I got a small mention on PocketGamer.

    It's always lovely to see your stuff 'in print' - such a kindness! Thank you games journalists of the interweb! :D

    QS =D

    Edit: What I've always found odd is that I'm referred to as a company. I mean, sure, 'Quantum Sheep' is the company name, but it's also my online name. And it's just one person, and I'm a sheepy, not a company...

    It's all so confuzzling! /o\
  17. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    I missed that article too. Great stuff. If this is half as good as it looks it's going to be a real bobby dazzler.
  18. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant
    #78 quantumsheep, Jun 30, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
    Thank you, sir! I hope it's half as good as it looks too! :D

    *sits with you and keeps refreshing the page waiting for more news*

    *sips tea*

    Oh, wait!


    I'll be honest - the hot weather here in the UK has made me a bit lethargic the last couple of days. I did manage to get a space disco effect in though - here's a quick peak via Twitter:


    I'm not sure how 'useful' it'll be, but I think it'd be quite fun to play with the game like that. Probably as the final option colour maybe? ;)

    Right! Sleepy time for this old sheepy, more work tomorrow!

    QS =D
  19. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
  20. quantumsheep

    quantumsheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    The Head Cheese, Top Dog, Numero Uno Honcho, Quant

    There are *some* things best left in the annals of history! :O

    *hums the tune for weeks*

    QS =D

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