Anime 3D SFX - looking for sound/2D/3D artists

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by tea, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2010
    #1 tea, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
    Hi, this is Tea for Anime 3D SFX.

    We're looking for self motivated artists not afraid of working remotely. We do revenue shares and bottom up integration so it's good if you have a 'world in your head', feel independent and don't need money right away.

    We make 3D games. It started with a solo project (cf. Antistar link, below). I spent several months consolidating our game engine/framework:

    - physics integration (Bullet)
    - smart AIs that can not only fight but also pick and drop items, eat and even find their way across moving platforms (although sometimes they fall, which is almost fun)
    - streamlined level editor (using Blender)

    As I said we do bottom up integration, if perchance you don't have time to do custom jobs but would like me to look at 3D models you made before I'll be happy to do so - just remember it all must be your own work.

    At the moment we're especially looking for people that like making sound effects and music.

    We're polygon freaks so I'd like to hear from talented modeling and animation artists as well (but we don't need texture artists for now)

    Getting to know us...


    My blog

    Antistar review on iFanzine

    If this sounds fun please reply to the thread or PM me


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