If anyone is needs some voice work done for their app, I'm willing to try this out fun. Uhh, that means free. I can throw my voice around pretty well, all I'd need is a script and a general idea of what you're looking for. If you like it, great! If not, no harm done. This is something I've always thought about doing but never pursued before. Satisfying my own curiosity at this point. I've already got all the equipment for my video work. -Tyler
Hi, Sounds interesting, but do you any examples? If not, do you want to have a go at going some for me? You'll then be able to post them on here as examples? Let me know if you're interest. Cheers, AggroPanda
Sure, I'll try and record some later today or tomorrow and post a link to the MP3 file here. I'll try a few different voices in a few different styles. If anyone has any requests, let me know.
Man. All man. Totally man. Fueled with the testosterone of a thousand warriors. And I have the chest hair to prove it. So uhhh, yeah, if anyone needs female voice work I'm afraid I could not help you.
Hey Tyler, If you're still looking, I'd like to talk to you about a couple of projects. PM me for details. Cheers, Galen