AppShopper Site Errors

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by CzarCastic, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this thread is even on the correct site, but I know that AppShopper and TouchArcade are associated, so I'm hoping this message gets to the right people. I'm having some trouble logging in to AppShopper this morning/afternoon.

    My username and password are 100% correct. When I click Log In using my username and password, I get logged in as Guest. When I try to add things to my wishlist, I'm prompted to log in...which I've already done. I can scan through the "What's New" tab with no issues. I just can't view my wishlist or add new apps to it.

    All of this is a minor inconvenience and seems like it will be worked out eventually. If this was the biggest issue, I wouldn't even mention it.

    However, the part that bothers me is when I click on the "Wish List" tab, I'm actually then taken to somebody else's AppShopper wishlist. I get the "Welcome, XXX" in the upper right...where XXX is another user. From this screen, I can click on the "My Profile" link and I am taken to that person's profile, where I can change their username or email associated with the account. This has now happened with 4 different people's accounts. I have verified this on my work computer using Chrome and on my iPad using Safari, so I know it's not a cookie or browser issue.

    I realize that my AppShopper account info is not exactly secure information. They don't have my SSN or credit card info, so it's not that big a deal. But, my username and email could be compromised if somebody else has the same problem as me, and my profile pops up when they try to go to their Wish List. Any assistance with this matter is appreciated. And, if there's a better place to report this issue, please let me know! Thanks!
  2. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Just confirming: The iOS app(s) view is working just fine. It's the website/web brower view that's broken.
  3. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    We are using a new security firewall across the websites and it was aggressively caching results. I turned it off.

    Sorry. Try logging out to clear the cache faster.

  4. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member soon as I posted something here, the problem seems to have resolved itself.

    But...I will note that I have several weird apps added to my wishlist that I did not add myself, so it's clear that at some point somebody else probably had the same problem as me, and they added the app to my wishlist accidentally.

    At this point, the problem seems to be corrected, but it would be nice to know that my username and email aren't compromised. Should I bother changing all of my profile information at this point?
  5. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    Looks like I spoke too soon. I logged out and then logged back in. When I did so, I was taken to dclose's Wish List. See attached image for evidence.

    Attached Files:

  6. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Did that and changed my password just in case. I'm now logged in as me, but I have a bunch of "new" things on my wish list that I didn't add. Thanks guys/CzarCastic! :p
  7. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Hah, I'm logged into LaughingGravy's account now -- this is like having Secret Santa access!

    And no, I am NOT buying you guys any of these games! :D
  8. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    #8 CzarCastic, Nov 13, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
    Aww...but I really wanted that Law Dictionary...that somebody else added to my wishlist! ;)

    This reminds me of a Christmas many years ago. My siblings and I would give wishlists to our grandparents. One year, I got hold of my older sister's wishlist before she gave it to my grandparents. I (very obviously) added dumb stuff like toaster oven and crock pot to her wishlist. She was 16-ish at the time. She wanted cool 16 year old girl stuff. What did she get for Christmas that year? Yep. Toaster oven. Crock pot. My grandparents did not get the joke. My sister was not amused at the time. It's hilarious now. :p

    Edit: Sorry to get things off track, but just to right the ship, I'm still getting logged into other people's accounts after logging out and logging back in. I know you're working on it, but thought it was worth mentioning.
  9. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    #9 dclose, Nov 14, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
    This is true for the old app and for the website, however it appears to be working in the new "social" app but again, not in the pulled version.
  10. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    I too am experiencing issues with the website today. It seemed to be fine yesterday but today I now cannot see any sections when I choose price drop.
  11. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I am still using the old Appshopper app. Does my data automatically transfer over to the new app, or do I have to start all over again?
  12. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Your want/wish lists automatically transfer over to the new app. You have to "follow" people in order to get the same lists of stuff gone free/price drops, etc., and you have a wide range of choices so your list can be even bigger/more far-ranging than in the old app. The [thread=186150]Appshopper Social official thread[/thread] should give you some good ideas and recommendations on how to use the new app.

    P.S. The website and the old app are working again.

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