I am not from apptees.com but I would love to see a developer's take on it. Some have jumped upon the band wagon, but seeing the huge following of fans for some games, this would be a great way to advertise! I would wear a Sway T-shirt or a Zenbound-shirt or one for field runners, or edge or rolando or toy bot diaries or.... the list goes on and on, but no really big devs like ngmoco, freeverse, or gameloft havent joined. Do you think, as devs, this is a smart thing to become a part of? and do any of you plan on signing up for it?
I think it's a good idea with some minor revenue from the sale of t-shirts. From a marketing perspective, I think it's not going to really get you many extra sales. arn
If i were a dev, i wouldnt, i honestly thing it is a really stupid idea. Who would pay for a shirt with a logo from any game on it, let alone an iphone game?
True, but who wouldn't love a novelty? I wouldn't mind having a Zen Bound T-Shirt just for the heck of it.
You know, that actually sounds cool! I want a tee-shirt made for my app when it comes out!! I would wear a tee-shirt for other games also, but I wouldn't order them online. If I saw them at a fair or something (or maybe sell them at Nordstoms = sp?, that's where my mom shops and then she would have to get me one), I would get it.
If you want to make a tee about an app then you need to approach it differently then just using a apple/itunes square with tons of colour and images, you need to be more suttle, in example, like the regular apple logo. Example, use a silhouette and only 2 colours, maybe add text. Tee's which you can't work out the logo or image instantly are some of the best (IMO)
as a graphic designer for a game that has a somewhat artisan approach to its visual image, i would stay away from places that tend just to stick the logo on their shirts. especially since their website design makes me doubt whether the print quality is any good, usually attention to details goes all the way. might be wrong though, i often am. and people who want process prints on their tees usually don't care about the quality as much as my filthy kind does.
Ha - it was cool to stumble on this thread. I love the thought that they're 'Nerdy'. I've just given out 3 of the BurnBall Tribes t-shirts as part of the Tribes game - the players fought hard for them. http://apptees.com/shirts/15
See. If I had burnball (the only reason I don't is because I got dr. awesome first, but still realize the talent of the burnball devs and do look forward to their future releases in hopes they will not be similar to games I have already purchased) I would fight for one of those shirts too. I actually was thinking about getting a "bigger in russia" shirt for sneezies!