Universal Aralon: Forge and Flame 3d rpg (Crescent Moon)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by JoshCM, Feb 11, 2014.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    It happens. Was Exiles a concole quality game like we had hoped? No was it a pretty good iOS game for $6 sure was. The problem is cm has raised the bar with most of their releases so it was a little let down this time but it still was a pretty good game. Anyways looking forward to the next project gl with it all.
  2. Grifman

    Grifman Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    That's your answer? Seriously? Maybe your sales were horrible because the game was so lacking in content compared with previous games, you think? Your programmer getting "burnt out" is not my problem nor is it really an excuse. Frankly, I'm pretty shocked at this response - to me it expresses a casualness towards your customer base and their legitimate concerns that is very indifferent. This just cements my stance towards not supporting any of your future ventures.
  3. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    C'mon,stop it please.It was the first honest answer i heard from CS about Exiles lack of success.Although we already knew that before but i much prefer (and appreciate)being honest with your customer instead of just saying nothing.Obviously they had more ambitions with Exiles but they are also a company with a business plan (that didn't worked out in this case).At the end it was just 5 damn bucks,nothing that should kill anybody who is carrying arround a device that cost a couple of hundred $$.Case closed from my side and i definitely look forward to Aralon.See it as an extra invest for other beautiful games they made and that they released for much less money they would have deserved.Don't scare away the few premium developer left on iOS with such a rude attitude.Be polite.
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Why dont you take a look at some of the big players? EA literally just removed like 10 games from the app store and this isnt the first time. Tons and Tons of big game scap p2p publishers have online games with a community that people literally invest thousands in and they just one day take the servers down and reskin the game and release it fresh. Its shitty the game didnt work out and its shitty they are giving up on it but to say they dont care about their customers is a little insane. You release pretty much all of their other titles are top notch and set the bar for the big players even right? have produced game of the year titles and charged as little as $5 for them.

    MRBISCUTS96 Member

    Mar 17, 2015
    Any screenshots you guys could pull out before the big trailer? :D
  6. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    I will always support CM Games. True, not every game has been a big hit with me, but they are still fantastic developers! Even the biggest names in the gaming industry falter, and not every game is going to be award worthy, and not everybody is going to enjoy them equally. Crescent Moon is a tiny spec of a company compared to those, yet their games stand their own, and for years they have literally set the bar for 3D Action RPG's in the AppStore. Aralon and Shadowlands are two of the greatest mobile games ever in my opinion. Keep up the good guys, and thanks!
  7. shadowgamerr

    shadowgamerr Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    Living life and Playing mobile games
    Right by your side
    So we can expect Aralon to be a bug-fest? Really? Have you considered the main cause of horrible sales being the lack of value for a player if he cannot properly play it?

    Deer God hasn't received positive reviews either, there are a lot of bugs there too, after an update are you planning to abandon that too? Your games aren't the cheapest on the App Store and when someone buys one (like, say, I did back when the first Aralon came out), we give up on the little 1-2 dollars and go for a more premium value, for the 5-8 bucks (or more) and the expectations are: value for money, content, smooth experience (game balancing, controls, as little bugs as possible) but most of all support. And you just proved now that you don't give 2 shaits on us.

    Is that really how you want to maintain a fanbase after horrible sales on Exiles (I didn't buy it 'cause of the bugs I was reading about and the apparent shortness of it) and unknown Deer God (shame if the bugs would keep it from being a success, it seems like a good game) sales?

    I hope for your sake is not, because you are one of the devs who is trying to do good games, don't waste sales because of poor support.
  8. JoshCM

    JoshCM Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Game Designer
    Upstate NY
    Exiles was definitely a let down. We even added content and bug fixes after the initial release but I don't think many were satisfied with that game, except Pocket Gamer that gave it a decent review.
    Apologies that it wasn't up to your expectations.

    I think Aralon 2 still has a bit to go in terms of polishing and bug fixing, I don't want it to come out and get the same reaction as Exiles which is why we've held it back longer.

    The Deer God was actually a huge success because of the Games with Gold program on Xbox - our biggest game in 2 years, easily. It took actually about 5 months of bug fixes just to get it through certification with Microsoft, and it still had bugs after that. We submitted a new update earlier this week for that one.

    I am still working on the trailer for Forge and Flame but its getting closer - I'll keep you all posted when its ready!
  9. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    new trailer is all i need right now :D. keep up the best work on this one josh, im sure im gonna play the hell out of this one once it comes out. oh and is the combat system gonna be real time this time or still based on semi turn based?sorry if its been asked before.
  10. Adeeb246

    Adeeb246 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2010
    I'm shocked that you can say that about a person trying to make you happy. It's ridiculous that you can talk to another human being like that bro. Yes they are developers, and yes they have a business, but they are people too with lives of their own! Who knows what goes on in their life, who knows how long they spend trying to make a game to please people like you... and you have the decency to criticize, belittle, and get all bothered about a silly little game that you're going to delete after a few months. Show some respect! Show some empathy! Grow up!

    To the developers: thank you so much for continuously making games for us. Your hard work and your dedication to make great games is appreciated by so many. Sure you can make some mistakes, but it's all a learning process. I'll be supporting your games anytime.
  11. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    I like Crescent Moon Games and i like Josh, but Exiles was certainly dissappointing and seemed to me like it was just thrown out in the state it was to grab cash instead of just abandoningnit and taking a total loss.

    Having said that I'm still very excited about the new Aralon, but i wont rush out and buybit at release like i did with Exiles. I'll wait for a fair amount of reviews.

    Still love that you're here and talk to the community Josh.
  12. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012

    So true....exiles completley ruined my experience for premium games as its the first one i have never bought because of the horrific reviews, i just cant beleive how bad it was and that the devs never cared to do anything about it as probably just cut their losses. But yeah because of that i will never buy a crescent game unless it gets some good reviews.
  13. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Man this thread is more entertaining than most TV shows. I think I will
    just pull up a chair and eat some popcorn.

    Seriously though, for those not happy with a certain game, at least
    you can get a refund through Apple. Next time , don't fall in on the hype
    wagon and buy right away. Wait a bit and see what the reviews are.

    I'm really disappointed in the way a few here talk to others. Treat others
    the way you would want to be treated. Let's just play nice!
  14. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    yeah,but that's what reviews are for,right?Or this forum.And how could it "completely ruin your experience for premium games" if you even didn't bought it?it's getting really ridiculous now :rolleyes:

    And it was not T.H.A.T bad but how would you know if you only rely on other peoples opinion.
  15. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Well very easily, i followed the expectations of exiles for a long time, the premise of the game was amazing, a lot of hype went into this game. For a dev like this to bring a game out where hardly any effort to update or deliver on what it was supposed to be was taken, well that made me realise just how risky ios gaming can be. Yes i didnt buy it, and only saw my friends gameplay and reviews, and yes it was a shock to see that it was an empty shallow experience that many free to play games surpassed. Also no other updates or time has been given to this game, its just been given up on, and its a shame as it was unique to the app store. When i say ruined my experience, before exiles i would purchase premium games for the sake of supporting devs as since i started gaming back in 2009 there have been fantastic low budget games released, with regular updates so i could buy knowing it was worth it, but i guess as my expectation for this was high and it did not even deliver as a standard fun game, well i stopped just buying willy nilly. For me personally it was the most disappointing release in ios for what it was supposed to be ( my two cents and personal opinion )
  16. shadowgamerr

    shadowgamerr Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    Living life and Playing mobile games
    Right by your side
    It's good to hear that you've learned your lesson, I want Aralon 2 to keep me playing for as long as the first one did (still install it every now and then to play it). The only thing that ain't sure for more, is if it will be a Day 1 purchase or not - but I do want it to be that "Insta' Buy" I'm expecting.

    It's good that The Deer Good was successful, after all, we want more games from you. :D

    And I cannot wait for the trailer to be released, I want to see more of it.

    Best of luck working on it!
  17. abh037

    abh037 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
    Haven't had a full-fledged RPG on iOS for awhile, really can't wait for this!
  18. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    I hope the magic casting system is enhanced for this new game. I always felt the spells really could have looked better.
    I just did not feel like I was a powerful magic user. The spell to levitate or move stones was really under used in the last game.
    You could have used that spell a lot more. Blocks or objects could be moved to climb up on or cleared to allow progress.

  19. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Hype is growing.............
  20. abh037

    abh037 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012

    Great news! Can't wait!

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