Universal Aralon: Forge and Flame 3d rpg (Crescent Moon)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by JoshCM, Feb 11, 2014.

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  1. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Hmm, I wanna see some dark souls typey stuff too. I kinda hope for a button (or timing a block at just the right time) to Parry a melee attacker and to do a Riposte on him for crits.

    Perhaps Dark Souls 2 is growing a bit too much on me, haha.

    (there better be a warhammer made out of stone that does ludicrous amounts of damage.)
  2. noah0706

    noah0706 Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2014
    A mowing business
    Kannapolis, NC
    Haha i totally agree.
  3. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    #163 Nuke77, Mar 27, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    The controls in Ravensword 2 are nearly perfect. The only things I would improve on for Aralon 2 are as follows:

    - Hold down the jump button to sprint. Sprinting, like fighting and magic, should also drain the blue mana/endurance/stamina bar at the top right of the screen.

    - As it stands now, tapping the hand/"action" button only takes/steals/opens/activates, etc. stuff in the environment. It would be great to be able to manipulate objects as well, (like in Skyrim, i.e. moving plates/cups/bodies, etc.) by holding down the hand/"action" button.

    - Right now, the "quick access" panel at the bottom of the screen should be revealed/hidden by tapping the arrow instead of dragging (dragging now conflicts with accessing Control Center in iOS7). Perhaps an even better solution would be to move the "quick access" panel from the bottom of the screen to the left of the screen. Continuing with the theme of "tap and hold" button functions, why not make the inventory button work similarly. Tap to open inventory or hold to reveal/hide a vertical "quick access" panel on the left.

    - The automatic sheathing of weapons should be removed and replaced with a manual control option (tapping the attack button to draw weapons should stay the same). The way I envision this working is to tap the crosshairs to sheathe a drawn weapon, otherwise it will stay drawn. The benefit of this functionality is especially apparent when using the bow. To maintain a sense of "stealth" you don't want to have to release an arrow every time the bow is drawn while holding down the attack button. It would be nice to allow the bow to be undrawn and sheathed without releasing an arrow. To do this, all you should have to do is tap the crosshairs.

    - Double-tapping the screen should not automatically cause your character to run to that spot (this can be very frustrating!). This should be an option that can be toggled on in the settings if desired.

    - I know Aralon doesn't have guns or crossbows (as far as I know), but if it ever does, it would be nice if you could hold down the attack button on these weapons to block like you can with a sword.

    Lastly, and this isn't a control issue, but "auto saves" should use a separate save space from "manual saves" so it doesn't save over your manual save file.

    Oh, and give us the option to buy back items we trade/sell!
  4. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Amazing ideas! Just 1 thing, you can move objects in ravensword 2 like you do in skyrim. Like when you are arranging the items in your house just for an example.

    It would be nice to see an action bar for spells on the bottom of the screen and an action bar on left side for potions, different weapons or what ever you'd like (both able to be accessed and hidden by an arrow or something like in the shadow sun).
  5. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    #165 Nuke77, Mar 27, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    Yeah, I am aware of being able to move stuff in your house, but it doesn't seem to transfer to other parts of the game for some reason. I think it's because it was added later. Plus, I think using the hand/"action" button is more intuitive then just tapping objects on the screen. To be honest, I didn't know how to move objects in my house for the longest time until I did it by accident.
  6. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    I thought I was the only one that decorated my house in RS2 lol if the game wasn't sooo short I would have played a lot more n gotten the throne, but after beating the game I lost interest.
  7. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    I know it was discussed briefly before, but in addition to the quick access panel spell casting feature, I think it would be best to keep an equipable "runestone" type magic system like Ravensword 2 has. I really liked being able to use the "Wind Rune" spell to move blocks in a puzzle where you had to cross a giant pool of acid. This type of magic serves an active dynamic function similar to Skyrim's magic system, whereas the equipable spells in Aralon feel more like a "Dragon Shout" in Skyrim because they are a one off burst of power. The combination of the two magic systems would add a dimension of strategic "Mana" management. For example, a one off lightning spell from the quick access panel would use a large chunk of mana in one big gulp, whereas shooting a continuous stream of fire from the hand sips mana for as long as you hold the button down. One scenario could be: If I shoot fire from my hand for 2 seconds, I will still have enough mana left to cast my destructive lightning spell, then top it off with a mace to the face.
  8. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Josh, i know you guys said you will only be using an action bar like in aralon 1, but is there any chance you guys could make the magic system like what nuke is talking about possible?
    I know it would take a lot longer to inpliment but I'm sure we'd all way the extra amount to have that kind of magic system.
    (runes for spells like RS2 and and normal spells like in aralon 1 both in the action bar) you would have to add an extra magic attack button but I see no problem with it cluttering the screen.
  9. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    #169 Nuke77, Mar 28, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    My mistake! Upon further inspection, I see now that the bar at the top is not an endurance/stamina bar after all! It seems to be a "leveling up" measurement. It looks like there is no endurance/stamina bar in Ravensword 2. I went ahead and edited my earlier post above.
  10. anteye5

    anteye5 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Actually the blue bar is the endurance/mana bar.
  11. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    Wow, you're right! I never noticed it before and always thought it was strictly for magic. Thanks! Above post updated again.
  12. Kyoshirin

    Kyoshirin Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    All I keep hearing is do it like "Skyrim" oh use controls like ravensword 2 they were amazing just add from there etc . To keep it simple aralon is not ravensword or Skyrim. Have you guys even played aralon ( from reading some of your comments ) I personally like aralon much better than ravensword was a more solid game so they are making ARALON. So give ideas to build on that sorry lol I get tired of hearing ravensword and Skyrim it's called originality people lets keep it !
  13. ChinD

    ChinD Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    #173 ChinD, Mar 29, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2014
    I agree with you that they are making Aralon and not skyrim or Ravensword. However I don't think there's anything wrong with taking good ideas from either of those games. Ravensword had some great ideas. Skyrim is an epic accomplishment! I mean they made something like a billion dollars on it! I'm sure galoobeth and crescent moon like to dream as much as the rest of us and I'm positive they want to make the best game they can. I'm sure Aralon 2 will be awesome and it won't be Ravensword and it won't be Skyrim even if they take a few ideas from the two.

    That being said, here's me dreaming! I've been following the thread and this is a kind of summary of feature requests and ideas already mentioned I liked plus a bunch of new ones of mine (Most of these are quite absurd and just me dreaming).

    - "Auto saves" should be a separate save space from "manual saves" so it doesn't save over your manual save files.

    - Ability to jump and roll like Ravensword 2. Hold down the jump button to sprint. Sprinting, like fighting and magic, drains the blue energy bar at the top right of the screen.

    - Manipulate objects, (like in Skyrim, i.e. moving plates/cups/bodies, etc.) by holding down the hand/"action" button and dragging. Full game physics system. (Maintaining a separate action button would be better than using the crosshairs icon especially on larger screens like an iPad).

    - Tap the inventory button to open inventory or hold the inventory button to reveal the "quick access" panel. Hold the button again to hide the "quick access" panel.

    - Dual wielding. Manual control option for sheathing weapons (tap the attack button to draw weapons stays the same). Tap the crosshairs to sheathe a weapon, otherwise it stays drawn. For the bow tap the crosshairs to undraw it without loosing an arrow. Tap the crosshairs again and the bow would be sheathed. (Aralon 1 had a universal attack/action button that changed based on the target/object you had selected. I think this is unwise as it would be difficult for say hunting with the bow or wanting to attack an NPC).

    - Weapons like guns or crossbows (if the game has them), should act like the sword and block when holding down the attack button.

    - Include both Ravensword 2 like hand magic and Aralon style "quick access" panel trained skill spells. Perhaps instead of equipable runes like ravensword 2, have equipable rings (ie fire ring, ice ring etc.).

    - Full day and night cycle. Waiting/Sleeping. Weather system (ie snowing, raining, wind etc. Perhaps wind affects bow shooting).

    - Huge open world. Loads of flora and fauna. Lots of different NPC's and enemies. Tons of places/caves/dungeons/ruins to discover. Several cities and towns of various sizes. Fast travel to discovered locations (when encumbered you're not able to fast travel).

    - Loads of loot and acquirable objects (ie different armors, weapons, potions, food/drinks etc.). Torch for night and dark caves. Extensive libraries and lore.

    - Be able to buy back items that are traded/sold. Barter/Haggle System. Gambling. Rent rooms at inns, buy meals, buy baths etc.

    - Character and class creation. Extensive leveling and skills/talents system. Skills training and competitions (ie bow shooting, arena combat, mount racing etc.).

    - Underwater swimming. Sea monsters. Underwater combat. Underwater exploration like sunken ships and chests etc. (perhaps the blue energy bar would drain the longer you're underwater simulating holding your breath. Once energy is depleted you begin taking damage).

    - Crafting/Smithing/Enhancing/Fishing (maybe bow fishing with special bow)/Harvesting/Digging/Mining/Cooking/Campfire (maybe need to buy a flint. Campfire is activated by using flint item in inventory)/Camping (maybe requiring to purchase a bedroll and/or tent for sleep in the outdoors. Camping is activated by using the bedroll and/or tent inventory item).

    - Lock picking, pickpocketing, stealing, hiding/sneaking, escaping jail, breaking and entering, assault, murder etc.

    - Moral System and Outlaw Status. The ability to attack whoever whenever. Option to battle guards or accept being taken to jail via a dialog prompt (perhaps option to payoff guards not to arrest you). Bounty System. Be able to buy your way out of outlaw status like in Aralon 1. More dialog options that affect outcomes (like persuasion/intimidation and moral system consequences. Maybe failed intimidation leads to fighting and/or outlaw status).

    - Mini map and compass with gps like motion tracking. Select quests to track and have quest marker guides similar to skyrim or even ravensword 1 (maybe add a direction arrow to the mini map that appears at whichever edge of the map you need to move towards until the location target is visible on the map).

    - Multiple mounts. Horses, dragons, birds, wolves etc. Flying mounts. Boats and carriages. Mounted combat.

    - Lots of side quests. Jobs (ie bodyguard, courier, wood cutting, harvesting, hunting etc.). Extensive guild quests. Interesting quests like catch thieves, protect village, rescue people (ie kidnapped, prisoner, break someone out of jail, burning building etc.). Bounty hunting, large battles, stealth missions, assassinations (maybe poison someone's food without being seen etc.). Treasure hunting. Night quests.

    - Improved NPC and enemy AI. NPC's move around, have homes and jobs etc. Hire NPC's. Traps to avoid or dismantle.

    - Ailments like starvation and thirst (maybe becomes an issue after 1+ in game days), exhaustion (maybe requiring sleep or a potion. Perhaps becomes an issue if character hasn't slept in 3+ in game days), poisoned or diseased. Wounds, infections, hygiene (perhaps bathing at an inn or in a lake or river would lower infection odds. Maybe buy soap for bathing. Bathing could be activated when in water and you use the soap inventory item). Potions and medical supplies to craft/buy to cure these (or be healed by a healer for a price. Or maybe use a healing spell). Vampirism and Werewolfism.

    - Buy/craft a house and decorate it. Get married. Adopt children. Pets and companions. Farming and harvesting. Throw house parties and invite guests (perhaps purchase catering at an inn for your party).

    - Equipment damage/breakage and repair.

    - Complete voice acted Dialogue.

    I know, 95% of this stuff is pretty absurd!
  14. galoobethgames

    galoobethgames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Thanks everyone for the feedback and ideas. We do read everything posted to this thread and see how things fit with the vision for the game. The game is progressing and hopefully we'll post some more screenshots soon. More gameplay details will be forthcoming as we iterate on the design.

    I can confirm the full day/night cycle with a sun and moon is already in game, and I have seen some beautiful sunsets while standing by the gates to Callaheim. More to come soon!
  15. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Sounds awesome!! I reallly can't wait for the new updates ####
  16. Nuke77

    Nuke77 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    I like all the ideas posted above-talk about epic! I'm glad to hear that this thread is being monitored, too! As far as this game being Aralon and not another Ravensword or Skyrim, I would just say that most of these ideas are about refining the control system, and improving on or adding new features. None of this affects the world design or story-all of this will be unique to Aralon, and essentially make this game Aralon. Aralon is using the Ravensword: Shadowlands framework afterall! These suggestions are trying to take advantage of what already exists so that it can be improved and added upon. As ChinoD stated above, a lot of these requests are "wishful thinking," but many of them are already in the Ravensword framework or the original Aralon. So, combine the two, and add the Aralon stuff into the framework. Anyway, here's to an amazing Aralon 2!
  17. ChinD

    ChinD Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Sweet!!! You guys are awesome!

    I just found an auto-run option in ravensword 2 and wouldn't you know it, when turned off double taping the screen no longer makes the character move! It was there all along!

    Still not sure what the auto aim option does though.
  18. Kyoshirin

    Kyoshirin Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    I agree Chino idea are pretty cool and honestly I love most of your ideas I just want it to be a solid game that is also lengthy I'm just afraid with too many ideas it may stretch the game out too far making it empty in certain areas like (NPCs or exploration and quest ) I'm such a huge fan of Aralon it's one of my favorite iOS games up to date but you're right :) lets just throw our ideas and thoughts in and we will leave Josh and his team to decide how to properly flow in a beautiful game lets show the Mobile world what a true Rpg experience is ! And I to be honest found ravenswords spells less interesting , I loved aralon spells for an example the regeneration spell for knights I'm kicking butt and my health just regenerates as I take hits so no damage occurs , lol makes you feel like a beast. I just felt like I grew with aralon as a weak main character who trains hard fights many foes and at the end of the game I was honestly proud of my character. But yeah I prefer the skill spells since they felt not unique and combos can be developed with them. For rune spells I guess if you could modify them or evolve their skill would make it more interesting to use in battle my fav rune was the Force rune lol
  19. Kyoshirin

    Kyoshirin Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Whow I just read ChinD 'a post fully I loved most of his ideas especially the guild quests and I do love the moral systems and nah dude you got some awesome thinking lol
  20. ChinD

    ChinD Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    I hear you, I love Aralon too! I've played through it 4 times! Aralon had what Ravensword lacks, content. I think Aralon 2 is going to be another full and rich experience for all of us to enjoy no matter what features they decide to implement!

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