Universal ARMAJET - Multiplayer Arena Shooter Built For Mobile (Alpha)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by jlegs, May 15, 2016.

  1. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    #1 jlegs, May 15, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016

    Hi all!

    Jeff here, helping out with community for Super Bit Machine, and we're happy to share our currently-in-alpha multiplayer mobile shooter, ARMAJET. We're currently looking for interested gamers in helping us test out our game in different aspects, which is key for a multiplayer title.

    Touch Arcade actually highlighted the alpha here, if you want some background reading - we're actively taking signups and rolling out invites in batches on iOS and Android as well!

    For a little about ARMAJET itself, it's quick, fun, and easy to pick up. We took inspiration from classic arena shooters like Quake and Unreal, while adding some cool aspects and features from modern titles.

    If you're looking forward to armoring up, sign up for the Alpha here!

    Please feel free to share feedback here or tweet to our team at @armajet - whether it's related to bugs, gameplay, features, etc., we're happy to hear it and talk to our players.

    - The ARMAJET Team

    UPDATE (Aug. 11): We're rolling out our Beta on August 18th! Thanks to everyone that checked out the Alpha in one capacity or another - we've incorporated and listened to a lot of feedback, and you'll see those tweaks and updates with the Beta release. It'll be open to more folks on iOS and Android and we're taking signups at bottom of our website: http://superbitmachine.com/armajet/
  2. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Got the beta yesterday and played it a bit and I love it! Excellent game! The only issue i had was shooting, it's a bit slow and it doesn't always work but I am sure it will be perfect after a good update.
  3. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, this alpha is to get a sense of where to go with mechanics, game economy, etc. - the more players, the better chance of actionable feedback we can get like this. :)
  4. Paddy27

    Paddy27 Member

    Apr 5, 2016
    Well I love it,sometimes I have problems with moving (like jetting upwards) but maybe because I'm using an iPad with a wider screen and all but I love it....hopefully more gun,secondary and perks will be added before full release
  5. blue rocket

    blue rocket Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    Did you guys decide on a payment model? One time charge or F2P? Really think this game has a premium feel that progress should be rewarded with skill, not timers and things like that.. Just my 2 cents!
  6. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Until I know if there's an NDA in place to stop me from gushing away here, let me just say... be excited. Be very excited.
  7. BravadoWaffle

    BravadoWaffle Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Game Designer
    Awesome awesome awesome game. So glad you started a thread here. Musta been a swell guy who suggested it to ya. ;)

    Absolutely cannot wait for CTF mode to come.

    Want to be able to name my character something other than BravadoWaffle in the game.

    Custom suits and skins will be awesome, and I'll be spending my cash to buy me a cool suit / helmet combo or something.

    Obviously the in-game economy isn't quite there. Gold is really really hard to come by. But I don't think you guys are worrying about that right now.

    I'm noticing that sometimes a little target reticule appears on one of the players and my gun tracks them, but I can't reproduce it with any consistency, and I'm not sure why it happens.

    Overall though, nothing but praise for the game. It's amazingly slick and smooth and I've got some pretty healthy rivalries going with a few players. So keep up the good work!
  8. thumbs07

    thumbs07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2010
    This looks excellent.
  9. adamlax

    adamlax Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
    I'm playing in the alpha and this game is really really cool. It's really well put together. Good menus and it's really fun. It's in alpha only and it already feels like an awesome game. One of my favorite games already. Great Job!!
  10. namestolen

    namestolen Member

    Feb 13, 2016
    Reviews Editor for 148Apps
    Any chance of Mfi support? Would love to play with a controller.
  11. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks for the feedback! Our alpha is definitely a tool to help us identify what to tweak and improve gameplay-wise, among other things. Appreciate you sharing!
  12. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks for asking! The model at the moment is F2P but as it's set up right now, the only thing that can be 'bought' with premium currency, or Paragon, would be the higher end chests offered for more parts towards higher rarity weapon unlocks (which you can still unlock and collect through regular chests with regular gameplay)
  13. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    Haha, thanks for the suggestion to post here! ;) So our latest TestFlight update did address the username issue in a way - you can change it once.

    We're definitely looking at the metrics from the Alpha to see what needs to be improved, tweaked, and addressed on a larger scale, which is a good chunk of what you touch upon. There will definitely be more iteration and updates soon!
  14. Loosey101

    Loosey101 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2015
    Loving it!

    Having a fantastic time so far! Couple things I've noticed so far.

    1. NEED NEED NEED the ability to customize suits and helmets! I'd love to be able to customize a logo on the suit as well.

    2. What is the point of switching your tech model? Just generally curious.

    3. Add a capture the flag mode, as well as a last man standing type mode. Maybe the players have to snatch a briefcase and if you die you cannot redrawn that round.

    4. Graphics are great! Feel free to maximize them for those of us with high end devices ; )

    5. Thanks for making a unique game!
  15. BravadoWaffle

    BravadoWaffle Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Game Designer
    #15 BravadoWaffle, May 17, 2016
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
    U r the best! They will soon learn to fear the name P0rthos.

    Update: seems that custom names aren't quite working. I'm back to my game center name. No biggie tho.

    Also Airstrike doesn't work in volcano level (because of roof? Maybe that's on purpose...)

    If you stand on shield spawn spot when it is spawning you don't pick it up in Shield Rush even though you are right on top it.

    There seems to be a mystery blank player with a ??? Moniker that gets added to the teams sometimes. Or maybe just means it's an empty slot...

    Going up levels needs some kind of reward.

    Love Tremor but it's a tad OP IMO. I can rack up 10-20 KOs with it in a game too easily. I'd suggest a 25% damage reduction.

    Wildfire is crazy fun to use.

    I like Locust more than Blacktusk but I'm not sure if they are different enough. Maybe make locust bullets bounce...

    Not sure about the rest because I haven't unlocked them yet. But there ya go!

    Oh and game needs global chat too. Chatting in the 20 seconds between matches is too hard.

    I'm sure you are planning many of these things but just wanted to put it out there in case. :)
  16. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Ok, got the latest test flight build running on my 6s+. I'm loving the hell out of this game. So much fun, spectacular visuals, wicked fun gameplay. I really hope this game takes off in a big way and can continue to expand as I'm a huge iOS gamer and spender/supporter. Kudos guys, stellar effort and product.
  17. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    We're gonna be looking further into the bugs you mentioned. Love the feedback, keep it coming. Thanks again!
  18. WakenBake

    WakenBake Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2016
    I applied yesterday and was wondering if you were accepting more or not?
  19. jlegs

    jlegs Member

    May 15, 2016
    Community - Super Bit Machine
    Los Angeles, CA
    We've been rolling out invites in batches, though we're getting near our beta cap on iOS (since they put a limit on app invites). Are you on iOS or Android?
  20. Loosey101

    Loosey101 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2015
    Did you all have a chance to review my feedback, interested in your thoughts.


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