Universal Assassin's Creed Identity (Ubisoft) Coming February 25th

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Danz060391, Sep 30, 2014.

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  1. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Oh, the all time complaining psp dude again just with another one of his probably hundreds accounts. :D lol jk
  2. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    For what is always online needed?
  3. ivalerio90

    ivalerio90 Active Member

    May 27, 2014
    Im really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really disappointed..ubisoft this is a hitting below the belt..You should dont do this to me..my dream of an ios AC game end here drastically
  4. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth
    This looks really good. I'm looking forward to its USA release. :)
  5. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    So far I've only played about 10-15 mins of it. Pretty much the first real mission after the tutorial. Lol, I know I'm gonna get grief, but I actually think the game isn't half bad. (Ducks for cover!) I mean, yea, the camera is a little wonky. Like if you accidentally rest your right thumb on the screen, all the sudden the camera takes off, but that's the only camera issue I've endured. As far as controls, umm, they work! Lol. I can't say much more about them besides that. You can rest your left thumb on the screen and use like a virtual joystick of sorts or you can tap on the screen to where you want to go if you like that route. Combat is pretty simple. Tap on the person your fighting and you guy will strike, hold you thumb down and he will guard or parry. Graphics are decent. They aren't the best graphics, but definitely not the worst. You gotta figure it's a pretty big open world, so I'm sure the devs had to sacrifice some. Also, it probably depends on what device your using. I know with AC: Pirates, the game looks horrible on my iPad 2, but looks 10 times better on my iPhone 5, so maybe they did the same with this game. I'm playing it on the iPhone 5 and the game looks really good. There's a hell of a lot going on as far as skills and upgrading and hacking and whatever else. I'm still a little fuzzy on all that stuff, but I will say that there ARE timers and dual currency for all of that. I upgraded a couple skills and the timers weren't too bad. Like 1 minute each, but like most F2P games, the timers always get longer the farther you progress. It's too early to say that I love or hate the game yet, but I will say that the short time I played it, I had fun and will definitely be going back to play again. It felt like I was playing AC: 2 on my phone. I'd say it's worth a try if your an AC fan.

    Just my 2 cents.
  6. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    Well, at least they were polite about it.
  7. djiwai

    djiwai Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    #27 djiwai, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    why won't they make a port of assassin's creed liberation... I imagine psp vita is somehow more powerful but this is totally possible, at least on iphone 5S/6...

    edit: I played Identity a bit, I won't delete it yet because it's interresting anyhow. but I noticed that it's draining battery fast; and I'd say that it's because of the "always connected" thingy. I don't like it. I can only play those kind of games at home, where the wifi is, and from now on, plugged to the wall.
  8. Lerisbo1192

    Lerisbo1192 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    hueco mundo
    sooo.... Im i the only one having absolutely zero lag on ipad air? (without metal cauz ios7). heard people saying it lags on iphone 6 so i'm wondering why! anyway the game is pretty incomplete and even the controls are clearly still under work. the CONTROLLER SUPPORT needs A LOT of improvements, but i guess all of this is due to the fact that its still in soft launch so the game isn't finished. this definitely has potential to become a blast, as the existing problems can ALL be fixed in updates.
  9. TheMerc

    TheMerc Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Exactly, that at least took some of the sting out of having an iPod Touch :)

    Judging by what I've seen of Sanuku's gameplay video, this game seems to be everything I've wanted out of a mobile Assassin's Creed experience! Some of the movements aren't as smooth as in some of the console games (which is to be expected), and the locations aren't as populated as they were in AC II/Brotherhood (again, to be expected), but gameplay-wise it hits all the right buttons. The online requirement is something I could really, really do without (ideally, there'd be a compromise between online and offline gameplay, like there is in Spider-Man Unlimited, with certain game modes locked while offline) and I'd really like IAPs to be as unobtrusive as possible: I could deal with them being there, since, being that this is an RPG, a certain degree of grinding should work within the parameters of the genre, but anything that rhymes with "paywall" is a big no-no. I'm hoping to have a compatible device by the time this rolls out (which, according to PocketGamer, should be in 2015) so I can give this a spin.
  10. theavatar

    theavatar Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    A bad game's a bad game.
  11. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    (Having only seen Sanuku's videos): Is there more to this game than the basic repetetive filler missions you'd find in a regular Assassin's Creed game?

    This'd seem like a massive wasted opportunity if there isn't...

    Please stop calling it a PSP Vita. Do you know how stupid "PlayStation Portable Vita" would sound? It's called PS Vita for a reason.

    Assassin's Creed Liberation was pretty terrible though.
  12. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Is it out anywhere else? Having never played any AC games I'm intrigued
  13. bradleyg5

    bradleyg5 Member

    Sep 18, 2014
    Wow that looks quite a bit better than the crappy PS Vita Assassins Creed game.
  14. theavatar

    theavatar Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    Joking right.
  15. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    #35 redribbon, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    Vita's ACL is definitely better than this one for sure. despite of its low resolution and lags. have you tried it? if you dont, then i suggest you to try it, its a good game anyway ;)

    ps. this ACI is really a huge step on iOS/ mobile gaming. take a note that this game is build under unity engine and not on ubisoft original in house engine so there's a lot of flexibility for the dev to take it into the next level of gaming. its only the beginning, i just can't wait for the final version of ACI then i will make a comparison to ACL.
  16. theavatar

    theavatar Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    #36 theavatar, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    They would have to create a new game from scratch for it to be of any quality, This game is broken and is mostly a mess in every way.I figure it would have been better to just port the Acl from vita than have this identity crysis.;)

    This is imo in no way any 'big' move from ubisoft GL did it 'years' ago with better sucess with backstab,this is just a hastily thrown together game with unecessary online requirements to cash in on the AC name is quite easily the worst AC opene world game I've played on any platform.

    P.s The vita version has actual real time dynamic shadows and hdrr to go along with far better textures,hugely better draw distance and pop in or fade in,Console quality poly models and animations.This game is comparable to psp version in terms of graphics and is in noway comparable to vita version in any way imo.You can play Angry birds at a higher 'resolution' than skyrim but that doesn't mean that angry birds is a better looking game,It's just a watered down and simplistic flash game compared to an sprawling and dynamic open world of Skyrim.Resolution doesn't mean anything if the actual graphics are crap.
    Not to say the game runs at a lower fps than vita version too.
  17. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    They both have their advantages and disadvantages.
    IMO here are the visual aspects each game exceeds in

    + Runs at the devices native resolution
    + Runs at a somewhat decent framerate
    + better texture quality (partially due to the game running at native resolution)
    + better draw distance (kind of)
    + The city environment isn't quite as flat (HATED that about ACL!)

    + much more complex shaders, real time shadows.
    + much better animation system (same as on home consoles/PC)
    + much more detailed character models, clothing physics
    + more advanced post-processing effects (Depth of field, particles, reflections,...)
    + many more objects/more foliage in the environment (ACI looks so empty)
    Other things worth noting:
    + The UI isn't ugly / doesn't look low budget
    + cooler looking menu backgrounds/transitions (distortion)
    + better loading screen (run through the animus!)
    + better croud AI

    I would say that in this case more is less, because I really didn't like the muddy, laggy mess that was Assassin's Creed Liberation. Both ACL and ACI could do better than this.
  18. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Can someone help me with a NZ account I feel like I'm missing out
  19. theavatar

    theavatar Member

    Sep 30, 2014
    I agree with pretty much everything else but these,Fps is lower than that of AcL imo the responsiveness and smoothness while scrolling if not there.Textures may appear to be better but they are 'way' less detailed and basically psp stuff.Draw distance is not by a lobg shot comparable to vita version,a very 'long' one.It's quite as same as the psp version with a lot of popin and fade in or 'fog'.Unlike in vita version whete you cwn literary see for miles in each direction.
  20. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    ACI's framerate in sanuku's videos definitely looks better than that of ACL, I haven't played the game and it probably varies from device to device, so that one's hard to say. The point is: The framerate in the city in ACL was pretty bad.

    Draw distance wise the fog is much more noticeable in ACL, which is why I think it is worse there, but it's hard to compare, since there's a lot less detail that can be faded away in ACI and the city isn't as big.
    PRE-POST EDIT: I just saw the AppStore screenshots for ACI, and can definitely see what you meant by the draw distance being better in ACL. It seems like Sanuku was showing off a part of the game that wasn't nearly as bad in that respect.


    Regarding the textures, there's just no way you can defend this, the lack of Anasotropic filtering is really noticeable in ACL.


    I should probably go a bit more into detail on what I hated about the city in ACL:
    - The ground the city was built on is completely flat.
    - Buildings all have similar heights, no really major landmarks like in other AC games.
    - All the streets either go horizontally or vertically. It's INCREDIBLY boring. (One reason why AC games should never be in american cities: The road networks are all so similar)

    Personally I think I preferr the sharp, colourful visuals of ACI, but at the same time it does look verry much like a mobile game, with a lack of objects, detail and complex visual effects, which is why I think both games could do better.

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