Universal Astro Attack - Retro Arcade Shooting mashed with everything Video Game.

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Mr_Snuffle, Aug 15, 2015.

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  1. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #101 LordShad0wz, Feb 23, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    James I've been playing. I'd say in 45 minutes and watching 3 ads I've unlocked 4 ships.

    I think what you might do if it's ok with you is bump up the amount of coins you get when actually playing? I've always thought 1 coin was too low. I just never mentioned it.

    I don't think it's too Grindy so far. The only thing will be when I get the same ship multiple times. I'll let you know when I play more tomorrow. But atleast you know going in from a fresh perspective 4 ships in 45 minutes with 3 ads isn't too bad.

    I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this game! Honestly I really love the new ships. I really love the Galactix. I'm a Galaga fanboy so I immediately said yep he just made his first sale for sure lol.


  2. Cool :) Thanks for the feedback, and how long it's taken you to unlock new ships. I want to make sure people earn stuff, but I also need to make sure you don't burn through the content in a few hours :p

    I'll have a think about the coins :) Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
  3. MichaelThompson

    Feb 23, 2016
    3D Artist
    Ship Feedback

    Hey guys!

    My name is Michael and I am one of the designers who builds ships for the game! I was just wondering if there was anything in the last few releases you really liked / didnt like, ships you'd love to see etc. feel free to let us know!

    Keep pew pewing!

    Michael :D

    P.S. I will start posting some preliminary designs of possible future ships, so WATCH THIS SPACE!
  4. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Well the ones I will be purchasing on day of release are:

    The Police Box

    Without a doubt the above are the coolest looking and most fun to play. I know this is subjective but atleast for me this is how it is and I've spent so many hours already playing and testing this game I want to give some money to the development team.

    The rest I will be playing to unlock.

    I really love the most recent set of ships. What I like is when each ship has their own distinct type of ammo shots. I'm not really fond of the green shots.

    I just unlocked the time loo. I really like this one too. It's modeled on one of my favorite bad guys hehe


  5. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #105 LordShad0wz, Feb 23, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    I really can't stop playing using the Galaxic.

    I guarantee you it will be the best selling Ship. It's not just the ship. It's the entire package. It makes the game a completely different game for me. I just want to ply another round. Then another. The effects are just so nostalgic and damn cool. Especially with the power ups.

    And James. I meant to elaborate on the coins thing. You will find people don't like all the ads. Some people are going To want to skip them. I wish you had IAP choices set up so I could purchase no ads and double coins and then actually play the game and get the coins that way. I know that's not possible right now but it's something to consider for after you've launched and dealt with any bugs we haven't caught in the testing. I would absolutely send money your way on top of the purchases I already plan to make as I've outlined previously.

    If you go into it from scratch and purchase a few ships for fun and decide not to watch ads and only get coins from playing and the free bonus every 6 hours then it will be a grind fest. Which is why I suggested about raising the amount of coins you get while actually playing. Perhaps they increase the further you go. So start at 1 and then 2 etc etc. then it resets of course after the play is over.

    Just something to think about. I hope you understand my reasoning. I actually applaud you for only having the opt in ads. For me I will go out of my way to view them and I already have. For testing purposes today I ran out the ads. 24 ads straight. It started replaying a few ads but it allowed me to view 24 today

  6. Thanks for that feedback, man. I seriously appreciate it. You've been an amazing help through this whole process.

    I'll have a think about the coin thing. A doubler is definitely something I could add down the line, and if it wasn't for all the UI updating I'd need to do, I'd throw it in :p I'll keep it in mind for a future update. I could up the amount of coins dropped in the game by making some of the invaders spawn coins, not just the mother ships. It could give a little more risk and reward to the shooting. And because the game speeds up, you would earn coins faster the further you got, which fits into your reset idea :) I'm also thinking of raising the amount of that 6 hour reward, it feels pretty anti climactic at the moment.

    I noticed you haven't mentioned the mission system, which is what I was hoping would be a good way for people to earn coins. What do you think about the missions?

    To be honest, all the numbers need a lot of work, but because I've put a lock down on any new big features, I can start to focus more on tuning :)

    And marketing. I really need to start that ball rolling :p
  7. I want to throw something out to everyone, just to get some feedback. Recently, a local dev has been doing very well with interstitial advertising, and it's been their main bread-winner so far. I've been shying away from forced ads, but I still need to be mindful of earning enough money to support myself, and the rest of the team.

    What would you think about having interstitial in the game (occasionally between play sessions), but purchasing anything from the shop turns them off.

    Would this be something that turned you off the game?
  8. New title art! We've been messing around with the title art today.


  9. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    I like it! Yes! Much better!

    Btw as to the missions, that's where the real coin earning happens. Atleast for me. And that's where I watched all of those ads. To rush the next mission.

    I like the mission system. It was a great move to add them.

  10. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    This is fine as long as it's not over the top. If a game is good I ALWAYS purchase no ads. Always. But if you over do it you will push people away and get idiot reviews on the AppStore. The game already has a ton of opt in ads. People are already going to whine about all of those probably.


  11. Thanks for letting me know your thoughts. I definitely don't want to overdo ads. I need to think about it a little more - I don't want to just rush to add it in because it's working in another game. I want to make sure it works in this game too.

    Oh, I've added coin drops from the invaders, and I love it! I'm getting so many more coins now. I needed to increase the cost of the prize, but it's all feeling a lot better now. It still needs tuning, but good suggestion :) I'm super keen to know what you think about it in the next update!
  12. felixpf

    felixpf Active Member

    Feb 25, 2016
    Indie game developer, pixel-artist, motion graphic
    Looks awesome, just applied :)
  13. Cool :) I'll add you for the next build :D
  14. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Awesome on the coin drops! That is great! I can't wait for the next build to see how the balancing is. I will delete everything so I start from scratch. I'll play as a totally new player.

    I have another request. Now this is actually a personal request. I know you need to lock it down so maybe it could be for an update after release if it's too much. With the telephone box, can you add a special laser like a lightning bolt or something. That's one of my favorites and I guarantee that's going to be one of your best sellers. The green pew pew just doesn't go with it.


  15. There is a good chance ol' Call Box will be getting some love in the after this next lot of ships ;)
  16. Sneak peak for the next update to the beta.

    This update is called Console Wars!

  17. Toshki

    Toshki New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
    Hey all!
    The name's Amy and I'm one of the artists on Astro Attack :)
    I've been wanting to make a 'community theme' which is basically a cool little theme with input from our awesome testers.
    I'm hoping to get some ideas for the ship, bullets and enemies so throw your ideas at me and I'll keep you all posted on the ship's development!

    PS. You can also send me ideas on the Twitters! @IamToshki
  18. hvianna

    hvianna Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    IT Analyst / Webmaster
    I love the console wars theme! Great job with the ships!! I had to "buy" a couple of them because I just couldn't wait to save the coins! :D

    The new gradient backgrounds look really good too! Maybe you could add some objects, like planets, nebulae, satellites and space stations to the background, with some parallax effect.

    The game is shaping up really well! Enemy coin drops was a great addition, the difficulty ramp feels great right now, and I'm getting much more consistent scores among plays.

    Do you guys have any plans for in-game music?
  19. Glad you like the changes :) We've all been working hard in the lead up to release (it's very soon!)

    Having some fancier backgrounds is definitely on our radar, so good suggestion! Maybe not for release, but it would be nice to flesh out some of those backgrounds to gives them a bit more life. On the music, that's a bit up in the air at the moment. I don't want to put in something that's annoying, but I'll definitely start having a dig around for something that makes a good fit.

    Music has been a bit tricky, partially because the game is actually beat based. The original title for astro was Beat Invaders, because the game works of Beats per Minute. You'll notice that everything moves in sync. Bullets and movement is all based on the current BPM, and it speeds up as you play. The down side of that is that if the BPM of the game doesn't match the music, it starts to sound pretty bad. Locking down the right music has been hard.
  20. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #120 LordShad0wz, Mar 4, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
    I just want to say two words for the new update to give you my feelings:


    Excellent job! I love the new ships! I loooove the gradient background! I love the idea of what Hvianna said! I love that the regular invaders drop coins, however 250 to unlock is a bit too high I think 200 is more realistic. The idea was to give more progress through playing. I started from scratch and I had to watch a lot of ads to get coins to unlock the first ship. I think 200 coins is a better level.

    I really love the glove ship. That's on my list to purchase day one. So that's 4 ships I will be purchasing on day 1. And the weapon fire from the console ships, can you please apply it to the telephone box, that's exactly what I was saying it should be lol. I was laughing when I saw the blue lasers saying holy crap this is exactly what I thought should be used with the telephone box!

    I would still like to request a coin doubler IAP if possible at some point. This game really does warrant it. It would make you money and for people who hate ads it would give them the option of not having to watch any or maybe a few here or there.

    I am so happy with the way this game has shaped up. It's just really fun. The ships and everything is fantastic and you really can't ask for a better dev team. And I'm not saying that to kiss your ass I mean it. I will start playing and then look up and it's been 45 minutes. You just want to play and play and play. You know a game is awesome when you lose track of time playing it.

    I can't wait for everyone to play this. And I'm definitely going to write the TA staff to do a proper review.

    And for ship ideas, I absolutely have to go with something the likeness of the Last Starfighter. The enemies could be the likeness of the Kodan armada. That would be absolutely awesome!


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