Universal Bacon May Die - pig based beat em up & shoot em up (beta testing)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by SnoutUP, May 29, 2017.

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  1. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Hello hello,

    I'd like to show you my new game! Bacon May Die is a mixture of various arcade and action game subgenres, it has a bit of running, dodging, brawling and shooting in it. With multiple of melee and ranged weapons to use (more being added every update) and tons of outfits to make your potato-like character to look as silly as possible.


    No on-screen buttons. Game is tap and swipe controlled to ensure that even chaotic screen mashing can produce a spectacularly messy results. There's no tutorial at the moment, so I would like to mention a couple of important things:

    1. Swiping down does a roll, which helps dodge through enemies
    2. Swipe forward will dash with a spin attack
    3. Holding side of the screen will slow time and shoot at the closest enemy


    At the moment it only has a single level, which go endlessly with checkpoints (your progress is saved!) which increase the enemy "pressure" and count. I plan to add ways to transition to different environments.


    Game is in active development and any feedback or suggestions for weapons, enemies or even gameplay mechanics are welcome!


    I'm not saying that player will definitely be able to pilot that plane in the GIF above, but what if it could..? Wouldn't that be cool..? *wink wink*

    Hit me up with your email and a short line why you'd like to try the game to be added to Testflight! I'd love to hear what you think about this gameplay, controls, enemies and weapons, so I could make the game better for everyone!

    P.S. If you're looking for something different, maybe try my Iron Snout fighting game (TA thread)?


    Also, check out my Twitter and all other games I released on iOS!

  2. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Teaser for upcoming update! Should go up in Testflight tonight or tomorrow.

    * Adding new move (flip back) for kiting and dodging

    * Improving weapon selection UI
    * Adding XP system
  3. DMarT

    DMarT Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    [email protected] Id love to test this game. I cant get enough fighting games and anything i can do to help new games survive and thrive i will.
  4. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Great, added to the testers!
  5. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Update is live in Testflight!

    * New move: swiping left in the right screen side will do a backwards flip (good for dodging & reflecting rockets)
    * XP system (it will be used for some item unlocks and numbers will change in the future)
    * Weapons will show stats required to unlock them
    * Better enemy kill indicators
  6. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Exciting update is live!

    * Vehicle mechanics!
    * New enemy
    * Likely performance improvements

    Check it out: http://imgur.com/msbZweo
  7. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member


    Update is up!

    * A couple of new fancy outfits!
    * Fixed rockets insta-killing some mobs
    * Fixed a crash happening with stray projectiles
    * Explosions now knock off enemy heads
    * Projectile deflects are added to combo
    * Pause freezes weapon trail & explosions for nice screenshots (share them!)
    * Damage knocks player out of vehicle
    * Settings menu
    * Option to disable blood
    * Option to disable screen shake
    * Option to disable nice things to boost performance a bit
    * Volume sliders!
  8. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Big update is available in Testflight!

    * bacon laser gun
    * pet followers
    * important shop UI changes
    * clothing NPC
    * skip level NPC
    * more items to unlock!
  9. SnoutUP

    SnoutUP Well-Known Member

    Another update is out!

    * fixed multiple possible crashes
    * nice UI updates
    * fixed erroneous level shift

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