Universal [BETA!] Blocky Farm - voxel-styled farm manager made with love <3

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by sortris, Oct 14, 2015.

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  1. endless3135

    endless3135 Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    I discovered that one of my cows got out of the pen. Not sure if this is supposed to happen or not. Thought it was kind of funny. Is there any way to get him back into the pen?
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #282 ste86uk, Jun 10, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
    You could probably do with a notification of some sort to let players know when an event starts as I never even noticed that event board until you mentioned it.

    I really like the fox and frogs, along with the birds and pretty sure I seen a rabbit too. Would love to see them a bit more often maybe even more things in the future.

    Just wondering also I'm now selling carrots but they are worth less than things that grow quicker than them? Shouldn't longer production and grow times mean a higher value?

    A bug report with the fox walking around, he clips through the train station platform rather than walking over it.

    Oh also I could do with a notification to say when chests are ready to be collected from pet love. I just have to keep clicking to see if it's ready or not. Still never had any tools from anything at all. Also get slightly upset when I unlock clothes rather than building upgrades.

    Edit: ouch used gems to clear land to fit the cows, pigs and dairy finally but now I've got no chance of filling that heart meter before the next chest.
  3. endless3135

    endless3135 Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    So I made the mistake of watering the tree and I lost all my progress. Is there a way you could give me gems to get back to where I was? I was on level 12. It happened right after I got the tree.
  4. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    This is fixed in 1.0.2 update. Still waiting for the review...

    So sorry for that. I will PM you after the update to give several additional gems.

    The camera should focus on the Events Board when you launch the game and event is started. Moreover Events Board has visible posters and an exclamation mark over it. However we will probably work on it more.

    Yes, there is rabbit too. "Would love to see them a bit more" - noted.

    There are several possible intaractions between wild animals and the rest of environment. Every animal can be flattened by a vehicle. Fox can frighten our animals when is close to our farm. Dog will chase the Fox and will guard our farm.

    This is a bug, thanks.

    Yes. We didn't implement movement AI to wild animals but this is must have in the future.

    You should have got a push notification on your Apple device. But we will surely add ingame notification on the love button.

    Fixed in update 1.0.2.

    You have to manage your farm wisely. It is normal that when your farm grows, it is harder to make all animals happy ad hoc :)
  5. Annii

    Annii Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2013
    My cows have escaped. Also reached a bit of a stalemate. I can't place the pigpen as I don't have room and a lot of the orders use bacon. Still no tools
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Thanks for the replies, my main issue right now is getting a full inventory and not being able to do anything about it. My market has been full for days.

    I got my first tool from one of the rubbish crates as my hearts were at 44% because of my new animals. So it seems like maybe it's just not gold chests giving them out?
  7. Sportsmadmike

    Sportsmadmike Member

    Jun 10, 2017
    My cows escaped also. Got a decent market though
  8. Annii

    Annii Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2013
    Here are a few more ideas #

    Tools :- for me this is frustrating as I can't place buildings down because the space is too small and I don't have a tool to remove the block. Maybe have the birds randomly drop them in chests or have them as prizes in the casino.

    Building placement:- when I try to place a building and I don't have the money the screen flashes up the welcome offer

    Market : my gear has been in the market for a few days now with no takers. Perhaps you could allow cancelling the sale for free after a set period or time or have the game make an offer on the goods that's a little lower than the asking price. Another idea is a shop in town where you could sell your gear.
  9. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    They may be in the Casino as prizes.

    @Annii @ste86uk @Sportsmadmike offers put on sale are automatically sold after 4 days. We are thinking about reducing this delay to 2-3 days. And maybe cancelling offer not for gems but for a rewarded video ad? What is your opinion?
  10. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    Blocky Farm 1.0.2 (23) update

    Dear friends!


    Blocky Farm 1.0.2 update (build 23) just landed! :)
    Just take a look on the list of changes we made:

    If your game loading screen will stuck on 70%, you have to reset your game progress. Sorry :( There are 2 ways to do that:
    1) A window saying about the problem should appear. Press the "Reset" button and restart game with the app manager. Not restarting the game after pressing the "reset" button may cause further problems with the game. (we are still working on the restarting flow in such cases).
    2) Or just reinstall the game...

    If you want to get additional gems as a compensation for losing progress, please PM me.
  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I wish my farm looked like that one in your picture above!

    Thank you for the update! My production is now working properly and I have not lost progress, I've now watered my apple tree and closed the game multiple times and it's all fine loading.

    My orders are now refreshing in 30 seconds is that deliberately? Also just a small thing but I think the colour the apple tree changes to when it's watered is a bit odd.

    Finally commenting on the market I think 3 or 4 days is an extremely long time, I know it will be hard to tell properly until you have more players and an economy going. But with Farm On which I'm playing while it's softlaunched I'm putting things on the market and a few hours later it's all sold. Maybe while it's only beta testers you could reduce it to 1 day for now since we have no other players to buy them from us?
  12. endless3135

    endless3135 Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    I noticed that I was able to pick up the field squares from George's farm in town and place them on my farm. But I wasn't able to plant anything on them. Not sure if this is supposed to happen?
  13. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    I am sure that one day your farm will look even better! :)

    Thanks for checking. Glad everything is ok.

    It's our oversight. Thanks for vigilance. Will be fixed in the next update.

    Noted and waiting for other players opinions. I am also curious of your opinion about a Cherry Tree.

    We will invite more than 50 new players next week, so we will test shop usage again. It may depend on number of players, but in my opinion auto-sold timer should be around 2-3 days.

    Haha :D Poor George. It is an obvious bug. Just fixed, will be published in the next update. Thanks :)
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #294 ste86uk, Jun 11, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
    Haven't got a cherry tree yet but it looks nice on the picture you posted. Had a game crash when I hit level 15 it just frozen up and I had to force close the app.

    Getting more freezes that make me need to reboot the app, most seem to be happening on interacting with the order board but also sometimes collecting things.

    Also I'd like it if when I go to make something for e.g. Chicken feed if I hold my finger down on the chicken feed it would tell me how many I already have. Saves me checking my warehouse to decide on what to make.

    Edit: so far no tools but I did get two items for upgrading my storage. Do they count? Either an upgrade item or tool to remove an object?
  15. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    Thanks for reporting your problems.

    Yes, great idea!

    Complete list of farm tools: Dynamite, TNT Barrel, Saw, Hatchet, Nail and Screw. The last two are used to upgrade storages. Keep trying. ;)
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #296 ste86uk, Jun 11, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
    Finding the slipper a much better toy to use than the mouse it seems to work quicker and be better plus it's more fun.

    I take it you did something to the trade board? I seem to be getting deals that match what I can make better now or perhaps it's just because I can make most things now?

    Enjoying the game getting many more freezes and crashes though since the update. Just hit level 16 and the leaderboard doesn't seem to be working though anymore. How is score worked out on that?

    Does the exp and gold from chests the birds carry scale as you level up?

    Edit: bug just had a bug making cookies in my bakery and when I collected one another didn't start its timer, I tried adding a new one to make and it wouldn't let me. Had to shut down the app and open it and it let me collect the cookie again then started the next.
  17. endless3135

    endless3135 Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Would it be possible to make it so you could take the items out that are in que to be made and replace them with other items? I sometimes mess up and cook something that I don't need right away. It would be nice if we could rearrange or replace items that are in the que. Just a suggestion.
  18. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    Could you point what was an exact issue with cat and mouse toy?

    Did nothing. Glad to hear it works well for you. The reason may be that you catch up your level with production buildings. And now you are able to produce everything you unlocked at your level. Orders board's logic is to generate orders with only available products.

    Could you point the moments of crashes and reasons of freezing?

    This is a bug, will be fixed.

    Bird treasure scale with your level. Gold from chests not.


    There are several players asking for it, but there is one main reason against this idea. Player could be able to put items to the queue making more space in the storage, doing some things with this space and then removing queued products. Maybe rearranging is a good idea, but we will leave it for the further updates. Thanks :)
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #299 ste86uk, Jun 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    So with the mouse toy most of the time for me the cat doesn't do anything with it the mouse just runs off and that's it, sometimes when I place the mouse it's instantly in the cats mouth which is fine for me saves waiting. But the slipper and snow boot the cat always goes for those so it's better to use.

    Also most of my freezes are happening with the order board when I cancel or send orders sometimes it unfreezes after a bit but other times I have to shut down the app. I can't think specifically of why others are happening at the moment.

    Other than that I was going to say there are no real notifications when you unlock things like the well, tractor and train station. You get a quest to use them but only after you've completed one of the ones you already have. But it still doesn't really tell you what they do it's for you to figure out yourself. It would be nice if when you got the level to unlock these things a message appeared along with your level up saying unlocked or a separate pop up telling you. Also they cost so much! Around 17k I think it was for the tractor and the train and it's taken me all of this time to save up 20k and most of that is probably from watching videos.

    I got a mission for completing train cargo orders a few levels too early before I could even unlock the train station.

    I like the little animation you added with the cat getting run over by visitors.

    A lot of orders seem to ask for apples but apples have a very long grow time.

    Finally I'm getting more tools now managed to get 3 upgrades recently and clear a bit of land to fit sheep and a loom in.
  20. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    #300 sortris, Jun 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    Thanks! Maybe mouse isn't the best toy for the start. Dog has a stick as a first toy.

    Happily fixed all freezing problems with Orders Board. Will be in the next update.

    We didn't have time to implement a tutorial for every new feature in the game, but you're right. It should be introduced better.

    Glad to hear that! :) So problem with tools seem to be resolved finally?

    This is only a prototype. Player will be able to turn them on/off in the Game Settings.


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