Universal [BETA] FEAT - bridges, towers, rollercoasters, rocket landing and much more to build!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by feaoftruss, May 17, 2020.

  1. feaoftruss

    feaoftruss New Member

    May 17, 2020
    #1 feaoftruss, May 17, 2020
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
    Hello everyone! Welcome to our first devlog!

    Would you like to turn your coffee into a bridge? With FEAT, you can feel like a real engineer on the job! Embark on an exciting adventure into the world of engineering and explore mind-bending levels designed to put your skills to the test, against real-life challenges. Guaranteed to entertain you - trust us... we are engineers!

    Facebook | Discord


    Unity3D & Visual Studio

    • 01. First episode of devlog
    • 02. Sign Up, Log In, Save/Load level, Tower, Camera constraints, Auto-split of element

    We are going to update this devlog 1 times per two weeks, so we hope you will follow us!
    ste86uk likes this.
  2. feaoftruss

    feaoftruss New Member

    May 17, 2020
    02. Sign Up, Log In, Save/Load level, Tower, Camera constraints, Auto-split of element

    Last week we worked on the user registration and login system. As you can see on video we have the possibility to register a new user to our database prepared using Firebase from Google. If the user successfully registers in our application, he can log in and will be automatically moved to the starting scene from which he can go to the levels, which the player has currently unlocked. In addition to the registration, we have started the implementation of a module that allows the user to save the solution of a given level also using Firebase. On this basis we are able to save and load the best but also last solution that the player has done in our game. You can see that when the Player design his solution concept and presses the simulation button, the level will be saved. If we exit the game or close the level and open it again, the solution will be loaded. As you can see, after passing a level, we have a summary of the level together with the best result that the Player has achieved so far. It's not all great yet, we're in the process of implementation, but I think we're already close to finish and it will allow to create leaderboards and compare ourselves to other players.

    Another thing we've been working on in recent days is a new type of level. This time it is the tower. We're also working on it, but as you'll see in a couple of seconds, you can already design a pretty reasonable tower and I think it will be a nice addition to this type of games, where basically you could always build only bridges. In our game all types of buildings will be very different from each other and each type will require a different approach, because we will deal not only with different types of buildings but also loads. When the Player finally presses the simulation button you can see, and in this situation you have to imagine because wind visualization is not done yet, that the wind blows from the left to the right and causes the tower to bend, which leads to the destruction of one of its elements and collapse. Quite a funny destruction, but soon it will look really cool.

    We also added a small feature related to the camera. If a Player moves close to the camera limit, you will see this tiny bounce effect which indicate that this is a boundary of the view.

    Another addition to building state, is an automatic split feature. I've always missed it in all Bridge Builders I've played, and I think it improves the gameplay. So what's this about? If you create a new node within an existing element, our algorithm will automatically split the existing element into two new ones and you won't have to remove the old element to avoid creating some weird structure. We hope this will be useful for you and will have a positive impact on your user expericence.

    And that would be enough this week, because we had a lot of other personal issues so there wasn't much time for development, but in the coming week there is a chance that there will be a bit more of it and we hope you will find it interesting too.
    ste86uk likes this.
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I’m new to the bridge building games I’ve never really played them before until recently getting Poly Bridge and Bridge Constructor Portal. This definitely looks raw still but looks interesting and like something I’d want to check out.

    Not sure what firebase from google is for accounts? But generally I only link my games to facebook, Apple ID or GC with the last two being preferred.
  4. feaoftruss

    feaoftruss New Member

    May 17, 2020
    Thanks for the replay, authentication methods are something we definitely need to reconsider.

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