Universal [BETA] Gumslinger (by Itatake)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Itatake, Apr 3, 2020.

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  1. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #21 macplash, Apr 21, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
    Interesting. I’m testing a lot of stuff constantly. Even now I have like 20 titles in TestFlight ready, but purchasing anything never worked for me. Could it be I’m using the same Apple ID as for regular purchases? Because it’s possible to have different one just for TestFlight, which I didn’t bother to do. I’m gonna try anyway then. What’s the worst thing that could happen, right?;)

    EDIT: hey man, are you playing the green turtle? I’m the green plant. Did I just go against you for real? Now I’m seriously curious how the multiplayer works!

  2. Asp

    Asp Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2017
    Green plant? Surely that’s Audrey 2 from the Little Shop of Horrors.
    Itatake and macplash like this.
  3. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    #23 macplash, Apr 21, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
    @Itatake BUG REPORT: when playing the 1st skillshot event in Level 2, everything’s fine. But if I wanna replay it, there’s a bug with pizza not flying towards me anymore. To make it work I have to restart the game. Then again, it works only once. If I hit replay again, nothing.

    EDIT: the same problem with 2nd skillshot after that in the same level, in round 2 - no flying plates after tapping that replay button until the game’s restarted.

    BUG REPORT 2: After being RANK 06 (being in top 21% of all players according to my profile page), the next promotion after that put me back to RANK 05 (and it says I’m in top 32% now). Not that it matters while in beta, but if that had happen in full game, it’d be upsetting to say the least.
  4. bx59

    bx59 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    @macplash I use same Apple ID too since I also have many work related betas on my account.

    HA, and that’s definitely wasn’t me!!! A green turtle is not my thing at all lol :) The plot thickens...
  5. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @bx59 yeah, it actually even says you won’t be charged during beta, so it’s a great new information for me. And I can confirm it works like a charm. But you can’t blame me. As I previously stated I’m not playing f2p games, especially not in the beta, so how could I possibly know, right?

    Well, the thing about the names and avatars just opens more questions. I’d really like to know how multiplayer in this game works or even if there is one. Because as I wrote, we are always on the left, so are obviously the other real players. If the gameplay with my name is associated with someone else, I’d like to avoid that if possible. And I’d definitely like to go against real people. Otherwise, what’s the point?
  6. bx59

    bx59 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    @macplash To be honest, I feel a bit disturbed about seeing my name on something that I’m not associated with.

    unless alternate universes a thing now and there is an another bx59, if so, i need to chase & beat him. like that Jet Li movie.
    Itatake likes this.
  7. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    great.. now I have to watch it again.. I can't believe it's been almost 20 years. I remember that scene in the police parking garage like it was yesterday. It's not available on Netflix in my country though. I need to check it out elsewhere.

    Although, bx59 being someone else, especially during the beta with limited players, is highly unlikely. I'm curious about the @Itatake 's response to this. I really am.
    bx59 likes this.
  8. Itatake

    Itatake Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    Game concepts
    Sweden, Göteborg
    @macplash and @bx59
    Let's start with the multiplayer. It's not realtime PvP, it is (as we call it) a PvPb game. Player vs Player bots. The match making are looking for opponents based on live players' data, stats and history, and there are a bunch of different parameters used in every new duel.

    The turtle seems to be a bug! Your idle characters (the Gumslingers you have unlocked but not using) are used in tournaments to fight for coins that you can collect as a daily bonus. That's why people can meet your idle characters. The turtles tactics and skill was based on your data, but if the turtle isn't part of your army it shouldn't be there. Good finding, we are checking it out!

    Bug report 1 is an issue we can't reproduce. Very annoying! Thanks for the video, we will continue to investigate why.

    Bug report 2 is a known bug that we will have a fix for soon.
    bx59 likes this.
  9. bx59

    bx59 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    Clarification on my side: ofc I've whaled out the entire game (since I can, lol), than I deleted & re-installed to check the coin grind by assuming that it doesn't have the cloud save yet. Indeed it didn't brought back my old profile, yet still there should be a BX59 on your database w all chars unlocked. Still, even if I'm a bot on pvp, I'd love to see only selected char associated with my account. :) (I'd also be happy if you delete it since I'll just restart the game today, and don't wanna take another username @Itatake) Last but not least, thank you for caring. We just LOVE your game, and we'll fight for it hahaha!

    @macplash man I remember watching it on the theatre... felt like the matrix all over again... time flies eh?...
  10. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @Itatake well, thanks for the clarification on the multiplayer matchmaking and whatnot, although I have to say I’m slightly disappointed. I mean, and I’m being perfectly honest here, I’m quite disappointed. As I see it, you could’ve saved the trouble with collecting and analyzing other users‘ data and just make it a single player campaign. Because basically there’s no multiplayer and I’m not actually playing against anyone real. And as @bx59 already said - and I couldn’t agree with him more - I wouldn’t wanna have my name associated with losing player, especially if I have no control over the outcome of the match.

    The other thing that bothers me is inability to go back to previous levels and play skillshot events. As well as different arenas being basically lost to me the moment I progress forward. Why this sort of design? I’d love to practice my shooting skills of hitting the can midair 3 times, but I can’t go back to do that. Why? The same with pretty much any other skillshot. These are the most fun, especially considering there’s no real multiplayer.

    It’s still a fantastic game though. I just need to rethink my approach to it and overall gameplay strategy I guess. But I definitely shouldn’t be punished because of progressing. I should be able to choose which part of the game I want to play and for how long.
  11. bx59

    bx59 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    “Collect all Gumslinglers! Your gumslingers are always out dueling for coins when you’re not. The more gumslingers you’ve got the bigger is the bonus.”

    Okay, now it clicked... I apologise for not reading it carefully.
  12. Itatake

    Itatake Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
    Game concepts
    Sweden, Göteborg
    We are a small team trying to make our games unique and with new perspectives, and it's a big challenge to get the on-boarding crystal clear from all point of views. Your feedback helps us to identify our points of pain.

    By the way, our trailer is now officially launched!

    macplash likes this.
  13. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I love the trailer! Sums up all the good stuff nicely. Is there an ETA on full release? Btw, is there a reason for my nickname not passing a profanity check? For whatever reason it says it’s an invalid name.
    Dino DiBlasio likes this.
  14. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
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