Universal [BETA] Nimian Legends : Vandgels - Open World Adventure

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Protopop, Jan 23, 2019.

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  1. Noah

    Noah Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    Development Manager
    Atlanta, GA
    Just tried the Beta Link, but apparently it's full right now, which is a good thing I suppose!
    Protopop likes this.
  2. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Oh shoot, I didn't realize it had limited spots. Now I feel bad about posting about it.
    Protopop likes this.
  3. phunkysai

    phunkysai New Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Any chance we can get an AppleTV port with controller support?
    Protopop likes this.
  4. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    oh guys, this game is truly awesome, it's out of this world... can't wait to have the final version installed!
    Protopop likes this.
  5. Maven

    Maven Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    I tried as well...

    Filled up extremely quick :(
    Protopop likes this.
  6. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    No i am so happy you did. I had opened 100 spots and only about 50 had joined. Anyways once you mentioned it (thank you so much!) it filled right up. As soon as I got home i upped the limit to 500 (here's hoping:) so there should be plenty of spots available.

    Ive been very grateful for the beta tester feedback. I've already had some great suggestions and bug fixes that have improved the game in the last week, often in ways i didn't think about. Making the game by myself, i tend to see things through my eyes only. And its a really powerful thing to see how other people see it through their eyes. Some of the bigger suggestions have to wait until a larger update, but a lot of them were very easy to implement and improve things a lot.

    Anyways thank you for the support. Its really hard to make an indie open world mobile game, especially with all the shifting technology that is happening on the scene (Unity, Ios, xcode, MacOs etc all always changing), and sometimes i feel quite down about it. But i am determined to keep working on it because i enjoy it so much, so it makes it all the sweeter when i get surprise support like yours. I feel like the world is a more welcoming place:)

  7. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    It totally did, Thanks to the supportive post by TouchArcade:) I just upped the limit by a few hundred, so there should be no problem trying it out.


    Its rough and indie, but its open world and no ads or fees or anything like that, and I'm just a guy who loved playing D&D and making adventures, and now i love to do it in a game:) I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you have any trouble

  8. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    You have been so helpful, with both your feedback and encouragement:) Its very nerve wracking releasing a game thats from the heart. I open myself to all sorts of criticisms, many of them im sure are deserved with a rough game like this. But with that also comes the kindness and excitement from people like you - thank you

  9. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    You know what? I actually ported my first game, Nimian Legends BrightRidge, to AppleTV. It was a lot of work and i'm glad i did it, but i think i sold like 5 copies:) I would definitely consider a an AppleTV version of Vandgels, but because its just me i have to allocate my time carefully. Vandgels itself is already more than a year overdue from what i though it would be. In fact, i found a post from August 2017 the other day where i naively said it would be ready probably in a couple of months - live and learn.

    The good news is the AppleTV code is still in my project file, because I built Vandgels in the same project file as BrightRidge, so that i could (potentially) bring all the improvements i made in Vandgels back to BrightRidge. So i think at the very least i will export an AppleTV version and see how it works. There is a good chance that it may work off the bat. If not, ill look at it and think about how much work it takes, because befor that i will be trying to figure out the Android version, which is ready but i missed Google Play stores 64bit requirement (they no longer accept 32bit games) so there a lot to chew on. Anyways thanks for asking. I love my AppleTV and its good to know that other people like gaming on it too.

    BTW forgot to mention, i think as a temporary work around you can connect your ios device to apple tv, like mirror the screen, and use a gamepad that way, because Vandgels on Ios devices has gamepad support too.

  10. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Im really glad people want to test it - thanks, and i upped the limit so there's no problem trying it now.


    I think TouchArcade reaches a lot more people than i do, and the moment they mentioned it like a bunch of people signed up:) It's definitely a good thing because i focus so much on making the game thati dont do any marketing, except for trying to answer all my players, and share images and videos on social media, so its great that a site like TouchArcade helps by mentioning Vandgels.

  11. RedThumb

    RedThumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
    Hi Robert,

    I just got the latest version of the beta.
    After the start, I walk to Vandgels, talk to the monk and then go to sleep.
    Next the robot awaits me in front of my room and asks me to follow him.

    Shortly after I got stuck right here. Character is "frozen" and does not move at all any more. Can't jump or walk out of there.
    Any idea how to free myself or do I have to start over?


    Attached Files:

    Protopop likes this.
  12. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks for playing RedThumb and for including those screenshots - that is immensely helpful in understanding what happened. It was super easy for me to replicate that and get stuck there too. Ill add a collider block in an update later today to make sure that doesnt happen again or to anyone else.

    In the meantime you could close the app and restart it. The game auto saves at checkpoints, and youll restart when you wake up and can continue normally from there.

    This is why beta testing is so helpful and why im so grateful that people are testing it and helping me make the experience better. If you get stuck anywhere else or have any more problems please let me know. ANd again thanks for the screenshots - that saves me so much time:)
    RedThumb likes this.
  13. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    I uploaded b137 with a fix - small brick walls based on your feedback, to make sure no one else gets stuck:) Thanks again for catching that and letting me know.
    RedThumb likes this.
  14. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    hope you like my gameplay just like i super enjoyed playing it :). one thing though, i'm really sorry that i forgot to put the best graphics setting in this video. i promise to make another video with the newest iphone 11 later in september/okt once apple release it.
    Protopop likes this.
  15. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    I thought I'd write here as well as youtube:)

    I think this is so wonderful. For those reading this, redribbon aka rrvirus was also the person who started the TouchArcade thread for my last game and has been very supportive. Because i dont have any budget i dint really have any marketing. And the two biggest ways that people have found my game is through TouchArcade reviews, and YouTube videos which really can reach a lot of people, so im so grateful for this. Also, watching people play my game is one of the best ways to see what i can improve. And of course its just a thrill to see you playing these moments that ive had in my head for along time.

    I'm gonna be watching to see what i can improve in updates just like i did with BrightRidge. Im also going to try and figure out how to make the android version since Google now requires 64bit, and my game is only 64bit on ios not android. Plus i am working on doing a french translation to start for Vandgels next update, and i have been in preproduction for the 2 next games for a feew months too - Nimian Legends :Residi Bay, and a secret new project code name project Wilderless:) Im really trying to learn as much as i can, and Vandgels was started 3 years ago, so im looking forward to seeing how i can use what ive learned since to make better experiences.

    I also just submitted Vandgels to the Apple store today, so if all goes well i hope its approved shortly. Ill keep you posted,a nd get you a code for a permanent free copy. Honestly looking at your channel i still am amazed at how you do this - record so muc gameplay and the way that you seem you understand game developers because you seem you have an instinct how to frame teh gameplay and show the best angles. I wonder f there's some game designer in you as well:)

  16. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA

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