Universal [Beta] Tacticool: 5v5 top-down battlefield with cars, ragdoll, destruction and physics

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Sazonov, Jun 29, 2017.

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  1. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    After playing a fair bit in the early days and banging the drum I’ve not played in ages. The new update seemed like a good time to dip back in.

    What’s changed? Everything! Ok; that’s an exaggeration but to say it’s almost a different game is not too far wide of the mark.

    To begin you might almost have described the game as a runner. What we have here is a little more conventional but what has been lost in uniqueness has been payed back in spades by the playability.
    It being a bit more familiar has made it far more accessible than the constantly on the move early model, even after the crouch was added.

    What has been retained is the limited area of view; you can’t see far, even with a sniper rifle. This for me is where the essence of the game has been retained; the almost claustrophobic “hemmed in” feel.
    Playing with a longer ranged weapon still gives you the expected advantages (as do the short ranged too) but there’s no shooting your enemy from across the map here.

    The new Area 39 map is a nice twist with the pesky lurchers mixing it up for both sides. I’ve got to unlock some guns again but the starter ones feel familiar and satisfying in their feel.

    What’s also been retained is the polish. From day one it felt like a slick product and that remains the case; graphics are still lovely and sound production is strong.

    One problem for me is a constant glitching. A few milliseconds freeze every second or so. Almost imperceptible but not quite. Very off putting; has anyone else had this problem or is it just me? I’ve tried the usual hard reset.

    All in all I’m very glad to be back and shall try and make some time to get back into it and pop into discord too.
    It’s fascinating to see how it’s evolved; keep it up.
  2. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    MetaGonzo, thank you for your summary, it's good to know we are on the right way!

    Sorry about that. Video settings don't change much there, I assume? We have only one region supported right now, in EU/CIS, that also may be the reason for microlags.

    What do you think of the new modes, do you miss old modes and what mode do you want to see next?
  3. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    The lagging could be my end and I’m not sure it’s video based. If it’s not an issue you’ve come across before maybe it is me; that said I have no trouble with anything else and my connection is robust to say the least. I’ll keep an eye on it.

    I need to spend more time on it really but the game would obviously lend itself to area domination/king of the hill type game modes now that remaining still is a viable option.

    On that note; any chance of a control configuration screen allowing buttons to be repositioned?
    Having a crouch button that needs you to take your thumb off the movement pad just feels counterintuitive to me; my muscle memory says it should be on the right.

    I’ve promised myself to try and play less PUBG, at least until the new map hits :D so I’ll make sure I transfer that time to Tacticool. Something that hasn’t changed is how bloody good it is. :)
  4. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    #44 MetaGonzo, May 2, 2018
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
    Hurrah, lag is gone. Who knows; maybe it was something my end that’s resolved itself or maybe it’s something in the update. Either way, it’s back to super smooth for me.

    More importantly, moveable buttons. Great stuff; thank you. Being able to toggle between stand and crouch whilst moving sounds like a minor detail but it’s not. It improves the flow no end and feels so much more natural.

    Great job.

    Edit: Forgot to mention I spotted a spelling mistake on one of the loading screen tips. The one about sniper rifles and MGs taking time to aim has “Sniper” spelt “Spiner”.
  5. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    Thank you MetaGonzo, good to know we are doing it right. Yes, I'd love to play 'conquest' type of map too. We'll do that eventually. One of the priority things for us is playing with friends.

    Give us more ideas for improvement!
  6. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Interesting update. I like the additions to the team roster.

    Whilst I applaud the idea of no more infinite ammo, I think perhaps the amount provided is too little.

    You run out very early in the match it seems to me, especially in a game with auto-fire.
    How about an increase in starting ammo along with the ability to pick up more from fallen players. The chance to do so should be short, the pickup disappearing after a few seconds to prevent the battlefield becoming a big ammo dump.
    Alternatively (or even in addition) an extended ammo supply could be selected instead of the special.
  7. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    Yeah, that idea wasn't well thought through. And would have only worked with ammo sharing ability, any sort replenishment on the battlefield etc. So next update we'll bring the ammo back. But equipment profiles will have to be switched after the death.
  8. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Far from just being a fix for the ammo problem, this temporary locking out of guns and operators after you die adds a very interesting new dynamic.

    It forces you outside of your comfort zone once you die with your favourite load out. You have to be at least competent with a couple of other weapons.
    What do you do it you’ve poured all your upgrade money into your favourite gun and have to rely on a base version of another? What if you’re used to running around as Welt and your play style doesn’t suit a slower character?

    Now you have a deck of operators that are only cycled through when they’ve all been played. I really need to practice and upgrade away from assault rifle!

    Excellent change; I love it.
  9. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    Good question. We need to make sure players understand that they need 2-3 weapons not just 1. For now, in Beta, you can get all your in-game currency from upgrades back. It's in settings - developer section.

    Update notes:
    1. Unlimited ammo is back!
    2. But dying puts your current equipment on cooldown for two lives.
    3. Buffs for Welt 9, Locals and A.
    4. Accuracy increased for pistols, sniper and assault rifles.
    5. Damage increased for submachine guns.
    6. While in Beta, you can reset your upgrades and try something else.
    7. Bug fixes and optimizations.

    Today (Sunday) there's 'play with devs'. Join us in Discord https://discord.gg/AVwudRe. 18:00 Central European Time.
  10. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Why not refer to the load outs as cards that make up your deck? People will generally understand the concept of a card that is played and then is not played again until the others have been played.

    The problem perhaps is that some people may have a bias against the idea of cards due to the implication that some “luck of the draw” is involved which obviously is not the case here.
  11. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    I like the idea, we'll think what can be done with it.

    In other news:
    This week's work is mostly dedicated to bug fixing and optimization.

    Also in work:
    Playing together with friends.
  12. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    We have updated again. It's mostly optimization/bugfixes.

    And if some of you have missed our big updates - I've got a quick recap for you!

    Here's how the game is controlled now:

    New units and their perks:

    The new map hides zombies:

  13. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    You can now play with friends and do quests for gold! Thoughts?

    Cooper04 likes this.
  14. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    I’ve been beta testing this now for about a month or two but will I keep my progress? I haven’t bought any thing I’ve just played it and I hope I can keep my progress
  15. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
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    Yes, the progress will remain. Even if we change something while in Beta, we get people back all their earned silver and gold.
    Cooper04 likes this.
  16. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    Awesome! Thank you
  17. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    Thank you too! And since you have been with us for a long time, how do you like all the changes? And which features do you want most in Tacticool?
    Cooper04 likes this.
  18. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    I’d like to see new maps coming and new game modes like a supremacy mode where you try to hold the point in the center and I would like to see more types of vehicles. And I really like all the changes you add none of them feel negative
  19. Cooper04

    Cooper04 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
    Stock car driver/RC car hobbyist
    What will this games age rating be? I’m hoping 12+ so my parents will let me get it when it releases
  20. Sazonov

    Sazonov Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2014
    also games...
    Yes, 12+. There will be more maps, and we plan to have more modes.
    Cooper04 likes this.

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