Universal [Beta Test] Spin Bandit : Jazzy Heist and loots

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Ferulci, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Ferulci

    Ferulci Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Link to download the beta (needs to have testflight app on your device to install) : https://testflight.apple.com/join/7lTE3YhS?fbclid=IwAR1fGRDbSB6Kiug37YZP2ISAMzaCrnLalZLhgx5WJIfTcLjyV4LQNvf75eI

    Spin Bandit is a jazzy arcade game that is designed around 2 principles : Steal and Loot.
    - Steal : You are playing a world famous thief, your goal is simple : Find the safe combination before cops find you. To do this, you'll have to carefully move your cursor until the phone vibrates, while avoiding several traps such as drones or lasers (as you can see, people take their treasures security very seriously).

    - Loot : Each safe contains a treasure. At first, you'll get chump change but as you progress, trophies, famous paintings and mythical objects will become available. The higher the risk, the higher the reward ! Spin Bandit has more than 100 loots to collect, and as one once said : steal'em all !


    Other surprises such as characters, special heists and combo system awaits you, but we'll keep it short and sweet for now.
    Here is a video of the gameplay loop :

    Spin Bandit is just starting a beta-test phase. You might find some W.I.P areas like leaderboards.
    We'd like to get your feedbacks about everything : does the game feels good to play ? Do you like the control scheme ? Difficulty pacing ? Our goal is to make the best game possible, so any feedbacks will be appreciated !

    To test the game on iOS, open this link : https://testflight.apple.com/join/7lTE3YhS?fbclid=IwAR1fGRDbSB6Kiug37YZP2ISAMzaCrnLalZLhgx5WJIfTcLjyV4LQNvf75eI (you need testflight installed to be able to open it).
    To test the game on Android : leave a message here and I'll reach out to you to send a tester invitation.

    Thanks !

  2. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    So far so good. Simple idea but needs concentration. Not hearing any jazz.
    Would it be possible to put the left/right taps on the whole screen?
    Ferulci likes this.
  3. Ferulci

    Ferulci Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Hi !
    Thank you for your feedbacks !
    - Regarding the music : Sound doesn't seem to be played on some devices. We are working on the issue.
    - For left/right taps : yes, that's a good suggestion. We'll implement it asap.
    Stronsay likes this.
  4. Capronissimo71

    Capronissimo71 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    Good game but as others said sound doesn’t work for me too. Playing on an iPhone XS Max
    Ferulci likes this.
  5. Ferulci

    Ferulci Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    Thank you for the report ! We are working on it.

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