Universal (Beta Testers Wanted) Fancy Dogs: Match-3 Puzzle & Puppy Dress-up

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by wenix, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    #1 wenix, Mar 20, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    Hi folks,

    Back in mid January I posted about this puppy game but not many frequent updates afterwards.
    Now we're nearly at Beta phase (expected some time next week) so I'm wondering if anyone is interested in checking it out and giving feedbacks :)

    Fancy Dogs is a game about raising and petting your dogs, dressing them up, giving them toys to play with, and playing match-3 puzzles to get more stuff for the dogs.

    >> Click to apply for TestFlight <<<

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thanks in advance. Woof woof.
  2. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Tentative game description:

  3. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I've received several TestFlight registrations. Thank you.

    Beta build is expected to be available some time next week. Cheers.
  4. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Hi everyone,

    The first beta version is now available. You should have received TestFlight email.

    Hope you'll enjoy the beta and thanks in advance for any feedback.

  5. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

  6. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

  7. Red1

    Red1 Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Nov 26, 2010
  8. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    @Red1: Thanks a lot for the tip! I've sent TA staff a mail :)

  9. rzzldzzlrs

    rzzldzzlrs Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    I'm a big fan of fancy cats, may I have another invitation please? ;-( My email address is [email protected] Thank you. :-(
  10. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Hi :)

    Thanks for your interested. I've just added you to TestFlight, please check your email.

    By the way, besides TestFlight, the game is currently also being featured by Google in Early Access section. If you have a friend who uses Android and is interested in checking the game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.genixgames.fancydogs

    And we have a Facebook Beta Testing Page, you can discuss, ask questions, give feedback or bug report there :) https://www.facebook.com/events/202371396930549/?active_tab=discussion

  11. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

  12. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

  13. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Hi everyone,

    I'm sorry to inform that we delay the release of Fancy Dogs, due to many feedbacks and bugs during the beta test.
    But it won't be long. I'll keep you posted.
  14. wenix

    wenix Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

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