I have the app installed too, but no credentials. I can't find any email with credentials either. Just the one inviting me to the TestFlight. Edit: found the email and I'm in. Well, at least as far as trying to get placed into a match.
You should have 3 emails. 1.) Thank you for applying; here's your user name and password. 2.) Alpha's on the way, here's how you use TestFlight. 3.) Standard format TestFlight release, click to download. If you've applied and have not received the first one but did get the third one I'm not sure what you can do beyond emailing them. I'd also say post on their FB group page but seeing how that almost entirely consists of people begging for access I'm not sure either approach will get you very far. Edit: Obvious but have you checked your junk/spam folder? That's where mine was.
Had a few games now. It's clunky (of course) but it certainly has potential. It's very bright but that's a bug that they're aware of; graphics are simple rather than flashy but I don't mind that personally. My initial major gripe is that as you are taking damage your views wobbles around a great deal making retaliation essentially impossible. Being the first to see your foe in an encounter should of course be an advantage but at the moment the wobble makes it a fore gone conclusion. The other thing I shall really push for is an option for 3D Touch hard press to fire, like DeadHeads. All mobile FPSs should have that as an option imho. Anyhow; only played a very little bit. More thoughts as they come to me.
Unless you're really keen on actually testing something quite raw you're not missing out on much at the moment. I'm sure it's going to be great but right now there's a lot of waiting, a lot of frustration and just the very occasional moment of "ooh, this could turn into something really good". And this is as it should be at this stage; if this was a release it would be slammed. If you think that access to the alpha is a gateway to gaming heaven (like everyone on FB does for example), you're mistaken. Do I think it's going to be awesome? Yes. Is it awesome now? Absolutely not.
Well that sucks, only got second and third email not the first with log in info. Kinda of a weird way to do thing but oh well.
Bullet Strike: Battlegrounds Alpha Tester Part 2 As many of you requested, we would like to call for more testers to join our Alpha version . Please fill your information in the form below: http://bulletstrike.com/blog/15-news/dev-blog/36-bullet-strike-battlegrounds-alpha-tester-part-2
we're so happy when you love the game how many enemies have you killed? and What's your rank in leaderboard?
Yeah, i knew. And we open the form again for mising people, you can apply here: http://bulletstrike.com/blog/15-news/dev-blog/36-bullet-strike-battlegrounds-alpha-tester-part-2
Thanks a lot for your feedback. With the view to developing the game based on players' experience, we hope to get all your comments, additional feature suggestion,... to improve in the future.
You can post your feedback here definitely( we cover all channels to collect user's experience. But in here Google Plus is better for us.
Update 2: We are looking for the next round of alpha tester. Please check the info here: http://bulletstrike.com/blog/15-news/dev-blog/36-bullet-strike-battlegrounds-alpha-tester-part-2
It's asking me for a username and password to play and I have never made one and I'm not sure where to. Any suggestions?
because the game is being tested for development( The alpha test) so you can't make your own account now. You need applied for the alpha tester application we opened before, and if you're selected, you would receive our email with account information to play the game.
I'm confused. So just because you got a email with TestFlight code, doesn't mean that you can actually play?