Bungie Hiring Mobile Developers

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by bobobo, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. bobobo

    bobobo New Member

    Feb 7, 2011

    Check it out. Thought some of you guys would be interested:


    If you’re a talented mobile or server engineer with a passion for real-time data access, scalable high-performance systems and world domination, Bungie is the place for you. We have one of the best benefits and compensation packages around and we’ve recently updated our careers page with several key positions.

    Senior Mobile Application Engineer
    Mobile Application Engineer
    Senior Server Programmer
    Server Programmer
    Server Software Management Engineer

    Even if server engineering isn’t your thing we have over twenty great career opportunities available across many disciplines. Check out all of our open positions on the careers page.

    Apply Now!

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