Hello! I wanted to let you all know we are preparing to re-introduce to mobile version of a very little known arcade game called Chicken Shift. Originally released in a very limited release by Bally Sente back in 1984, Chicken Shift quickly fell into arcade obscurity with the crash that was soon to follow. Chicken Shift will work very well on both large and small screen devices as it only requires two buttons to play through the various levels. You can follow along with our progress by visiting ChickenShift.com. Our growing development team consists of some of the best minds from the history of gaming, many of whom started out working for Atari, Activision, Intellivision, etc. We hope everyone will ultimately enjoy our efforts to do this great and original game mechanic justice when it releases this winter. Mike Kennedy RetroActionEntertainment.com ReadRETRO.com GameGavel.com
More Chicken Shift Progress Chicken Shift is coming along nicely and is proving popular with those we've shared early gameplay demos at Classic Gaming Expo over the weekend. We are working on chicken and moon animations now and starting the second "kitchen" level. Chicken Shift Cast: Updated Coop Level: New Kitchen Level:
Chicken Shift: Back to the Coop Hey Everyone, We are preparing to launch Chicken Shift and would love to get some initial input. Here is a web version of the game which will use the "Z" and "/" keys to shift the red and blue pipes. This will obviously be replaced with the touch screen for mobile but you should get the idea. Check it out ChickShift.com This game was programmed by Bob Polaro from Atari fame. Steve Woita and myself are producers. Thanks for your help, support and input.