Classical/Orchestral Composer and Professional Proofreader

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by heathenpoet, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. heathenpoet

    heathenpoet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Hi there,

    I'm a classical music graduate, and am about to leave my office job of three-and-a-half years to pursue various self-employed creative pursuits.

    So as of the end of this month I'm going to have a lot more time for freelance composition, and am looking to build up my portfolio. I'm currently working on the theme/sound for one upcoming iPhone game, which I'm really excited about!

    My writing style is mainly based in the orchestral, cinematic, and theatrical. Not to say it's cheesy; I tend to prefer at least slightly interesting harmonies, rhythms, and time signatures. I also have an interest in ambient and electroacoustic work, but less experience in that area. I have Sibelius software (for creating scores) and Logic Pro 9, which has very respectable orchestral samples, ambient effects, and such. I also have a basic home studio set up, so can potentially help out with sound effects.

    For the second part of my advert - my aforementioned office job was in the publishing industry, so I can proofread or copyedit to a geeky standard. I know my closed parenthetical em-dashes from my attributive hyphens, and I'm not ashamed. :cool:

    All best,


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