iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Whew! Figure out #4 - at least enough to pick up 6 more points so I'll practice some more to try for more. Thanks for that help.

    Still can't figure out anything for #8 yet.

    Moved me up to 18 (no tie this time). Not much, but better than nothing!
  2. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Maybe you should read my post about that again. I think you missed a part there too ;)

    And just to tease you: 981 is also possible but much harder :D
  3. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Dang, I need to get some sleep - I'm missing very obvious things. Been a long day and I'm just OLD.

    Anyway, got #4 up to 984 - enough for a tie for 13th. Went back and saw the stuff for #8 that I missed but in my few tries so far, no new points.

    Don't see how this approach would cause the countdown to stop sooner, but then, sometimes that countdown makes no sense anyway. I'll keep working on it. TOMORROW!
  4. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #4 is now up to 986 and I can see how it might reach 987 - just didn't get the luck on those few times.

    #8 reached 974! Got real lucky - also made one change though it might not matter. I reversed the last two drops since it seemed I needed a slight delay on the 2nd one to get past the swinging bar. On the new score, I failed to get the right side blocked though, but fortunately got lucky that the rain didn't hit anyway.

    And you say 981 is possible on that one? Dang. Don't see how, but I'll keep trying. Any others worth trying to raise scores on without slo-mo?

    Oh, I played a little bit on my old iphone 3G since it is slower. Before doing any of your suggestions, I was able to increase my score by 6 without a whole lot of work. Even got 992 on the first level. But that phone doesn't let you show things on Game Center.
  5. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    #785 iPancho, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
    Level 3: there's a strategy that'll get your score up to 986 or 987 even in heavy rain.
    An you should play around with level 6, on which i think i had 984 without slomo.
  6. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    My strategy for #3 was to drop a barrel on the left side of the orange then quickly dropping another to the right to stop it - then quickly drop the wheel on top. Kind of tricky, but even when I succeed, the countdown continues too long. I know some of that is because of the first barrel probably still bouncing around, but not always.

    Do the more obvious approach of getting the orange to go into the protected area didn't give me as many points.

    Always thought level six had a chance of a higher score, but never figured out a real strategy for it. Mostly I just hope for luck, dropping things various ways.
  7. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    With level 3 you're on the right track. But you don't need to move the orange right, and you don't need the wheel.

    And level 6 is just a matter of getting stuff jammed in the turning cross and hope you've got you're oranges covered enough. You can see an example in my album (Spoiler alert: there's also a screenshot of my level 3 solution in the album)
  8. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Computer is in the shop so I'm limited to my iPhone. On level 3, if you don't move it to the right, I assume it must be moved left. I sure can't see any way to leave it there! I did so experimenting to drop it into the middle and picked up 1 point to 985. I also got level 4 up to 987.

    Total PTs =9834 for 8th place.
  9. DaniK094

    DaniK094 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    #789 DaniK094, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
    Edit, disregard this
  10. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Did a bit more to get a couple points. My scores are now:

    1. 991
    2. 985
    3. 986
    4. 987
    5. 978
    6. 981
    7. 981
    8. 975
    9. 985
    10. 987
    Total: 9836

    Couple of days ago, that could have move me to 7th place, but not anymore.

    I know you can get slo-mo and I think Shaun does too. But do you know about any of the others in the top 7 that are above me? I'm curious at how I stand for those who don't have slo-mo.

    Looking at your album, don't know how you managed that on level 4 - I typically dropped the triangle and quickly dropped the wheel to wedge in in on the right (wheel then falls off). Then I dropped the other triangle on the right of the upper platform - it seemed to help cut down stray drops from flying across right at the end and also reduced the drops coming down from above (but usually would fail. Your setup is way better so I guess I'll be experimenting some more even though I got the 987 you predicted was possible.

    Very ingenious on level 3. Definitely have to try that! On level 6, I've never gotten anything like that. I've gotten the oranges in the wheel, but never those positions.

    More fun!
  11. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    I guess maybe there are some more people reading this forum ;)
    I know Lo has slomo, at least on the full version. He might be the first to have discovered it. And I know ctay has some slomo. As for the others I don't know (in case one of those others is reading this: join in and let us know)
  12. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    I can get three "speeds" of rain on CO. But only a slight reducion in rain after about 2 hours of play on VCO.
  13. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, after I don't know how many hours playing CO Valentine, I think I finally got a slo-mo!

    I was sitting in my car, waiting for a restaurant to open, and started playing. Besides the game, I also had the iphone maps app running, a browser (icab.mobile), and mail. Only the map app is unusual - and I had it checking my location which may have been a key factor. I'm not sure, but I think being plugged into the car usb system may have been a factor too because after going into the restaurant, it didn't seem quite as slow. But then, I have such a small amount of experience with this, that could be coincidence.

    But I did benefit from the temporary slo-mo on two levels:

    1. 991
    2. 985
    3. 988 (pick up of one - I picked up another pt previously today at regular speed).
    4. 988 (pick up of one)
    5. 978
    6. 985 (pick up of four!)
    7. 981
    8. 975
    9. 985
    10. 987
    Total: 9843

    Thought for sure this opportunity would let me get a nice bump on level 8 (my lowest score) but no luck during the time I had.

    So I'm up to 7th and even am listed first on the "Today" list. Don't know what time that starts, but I'm sure it won't last long. Still, nice to get it once!
  14. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, dang. Ever since I got back home yesterday I not only have no more slo-mo, but now I seem to be in a faster mode than before! If that doesn't change, I'll get no more pts!
  15. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    You certainly have enjoyed these 10 levels of VCO. :)
    Maybe you would enjoy the full version of Cover Orange or Cat Physics.
  16. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Yep. I like it because there are only 10 levels and after playing for awhile, realized I was fairly high (100+) without knowing anything except my own approaches - never could understand how some people got so high, but at least it wasn't like Angry Birds where it sure seems the top scores are from hacks and I would have no chance.

    I have the full game of Cover Orange too. I plan to get into that more, but I have solved them all before I even learned how to manipulate the objects (I thought you had to drag them to where you wanted to release them) so, while I've raised some of the scores, most I need to work on. Even so, I am just over 47,000 place. Not bad out of over 1 million players with the little effort I've spent on it. And I haven't started the newest levels today.

    But, if I understand it correctly, there are now 160 levels. Maximum points is 1000 each. So how is it people have over 2 million pts!!!???

    Is it hacks? Or are there some bonuses I know nothing about?

    Game center doesn't mean much if people can hack their way to the top. I'll play the game, but probably less than CO Valentine where I can stay near the top.

    I had seen references to CP. Now that I know what it is, I just downloaded it.

    General comment: I think it is great that people getting top scores are willing to share their ideas. I feel really good that I could get 9814 on my own, with no slo-mo, but I never thought of the ideas that I picked up from others. Maybe I would have eventually gotten some, but I doubt it would have been many.
  17. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Yeah! New levels

    Attached Files:

  18. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
  19. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Did Game Center change with the latest update? When I look at Cover Orange scores, mine no longer shows the name I use, but just says "Me". I'm hoping that is just on my iphone and others see the name it should (dabigkahuna), but I don't know. Can someone tell me if your iphones show "dabigkahuna" in the 7th position of the CO Valentine game?

    Also, when I go into Game Center, there is a box that says "Status" which I can edit. Since I never messed much with game center before, I'm not sure what that means. Is it for when others can try to contact you for a game and you can enter your status? I don't have anything set to contact me so if that's what its for, it wouldn't matter to me.
  20. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #800 dabigkahuna, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2011
    Can I assume you have the highest LEGITIMATE score on Cover Orange again? I see those above you seem to have scores that are impossible to achieve even if you lost zero points.

    If so, congrats! I'm still past 10,000 so not exactly a threat!

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