iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Another record! Level 153 (990 pts).

    I just made a small adjustment to my strategy. I used to drop the barrel between the other two barrels and then try to balance the wheel on top of the other orange.

    This time I balanced the barrel on top of the orange and dropped the wheel between the other two barrels. May not have matters - just luck perhaps - but if you haven't already done this, you might want to try. Slo-mo is necessary because usually I got hit anyway. Regular speed should be impossible.

    Picked up some other points here and there in the last set for 156,777 total. Still 11th place.

    Besides trying to pick up points, I'm trying to deal with puzzles where it is fairly obvious that there is a strategy that is less than obvious! I already have seen you come up with tricks I never would have thought about. For example, #149. I normally drop the wheel as low as I can on the left side to hit the middle wheel in the stack. But I keep getting 977 pts. But you've gotten 990!!!

    I've tried hitting it different places, but every place else causes at least one to fall the wrong way, unprotected.

    Then I though that maybe the solution was to put my wheel on top. Finally got that to work, but the cloud comes in below that so I lose anyway.

    What am I missing?
  2. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    This conversation should totally be in the General forum... I can't find much here that tells me whether or not I want to buy the game.
  3. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    No problem. Just download "Cover Orange Free" and you get 10 levels to try before you decide whether to buy the full game.
  4. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Aha. That is helpful, thanks :D
  5. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #845 dabigkahuna, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
    Whew! Finally made the top ten "officially" just a moment ago! Won't last, but that's okay.

    Oops, make that 9th place. But with 8th place about 153 pts ahead, probably not going to happen. More likely others will pass me first.
  6. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #846 dabigkahuna, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011

    Just did a little math. Based on Pantsjo's high score list, I'm a whopping 1196 points away from what it would take if I matched all those top scores.

    And you are 897 pts ahead of me - just 299 away from that theoretical max. That's amazing.

    Not to mention Pantsjo who is 235 ahead of you, just 64 from that max.
  7. wansmily

    wansmily Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    This is really a brilliant game! More difficult than I thought before. Do need tactics.
  8. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    There are tactics in this thread, at least starting with page 78 (the 777th post in the thread) which is when I got involved and started asking questions.

    I'd suggest playing around on your own for awhile so you get some satisfaction with figuring things out yourself. I finished the game before trying to get help to raise my scores.

    Besides, doing it on your own, without being unduly influenced by others, may cause you to find a solution - and new high score on a level - that no one else tried!

    But lots of tactics are in here. Some are specifically about a certain level, but often the tactic is applicable elsewhere. That's why I keep going back to old levels. I learn a new tactic and see where else it might help.

    You can also find solutions on youtube, though the ones I saw weren't about getting a really high score. They just showed how to solve the level. But that's the main thing unless you want to work you butt off to get into the very top scores. Tough to do with over 1 million players!
  9. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Whatever happened to the v-day version? Did they pull it and move those levels to the main game? Or is it just gone?
  10. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Okay, I've been trying different strategies that, well, haven't worked so far, but MAYBE could work if I get it "just right". So I thought I'd ask some top players if they have tried these things had had success or if I'm just wasting my time:

    Level 5: Trying to balance a barrel on top of the orange. It never seems to work, so far. Don't know if the fact that the orange is not on an solid ground just make it harder if DOES IT MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE?

    Level 15: Same as above.

    Level 17: Same as above.

    There is another level - down recall which one, but an orange is balanced on a point rather than level ground. If you recall any such cases, is it still possible to get an wheel or barrel to balance on top of the orange?
  11. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    In my experience balancing needs the orange to be on solid ground, but not necessarily on level ground.
    In level 17 you can balance, but that's only because of the little metal ring thingy is there to help keep the box or wheel in place.
  12. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Doesn't have to be level ground??? If it isn't level, wouldn't it roll downhill? Or am I misinterpreting? Oh, wait, I guess you mean something could be on solid ground, but on a point or something. I solved one of those today.

    Anyway, I played level 5 and found what seems to be a good solution (1 pt behind record). I think I dropped the first barrel close to the orange (on right side), then dropped the next barrel from up high, then quickly dropped the box BELOW that second barrel, hoping it overlapped the orange enough.

    Level 15 I made no improvement - still 5 pts behind.

    Level 17, I did figure out that I needed to use the chain to hold it on top, but the darn countdown just keeps going all the way down to at least 975 - 15 pts off the record! Basically I try to drop the box on the platform above the right orange and the wheel on top of that as quickly as possible - and it is quick. Then a few extra seconds to cover the left orange.

    Near as I can tell, the timer keeps going so long because the wheel on top of the orange very slightly shifts as the little levers turn. VERY frustrating to see everything in place while the timer keeps dropping!

    I have picked up points here and there. Still 9th place, but only about 6 out of 8th. I doubt I'll do better than that since 7th place is hundreds of points ahead of that! Focus will probably to hope for a new record or just get some points to make it harder for people to catch me too quickly!

    Oh, and I also want to find out how to get some scores which to me seem to be impossible.
  13. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Hmmm, picked up ONE whole point on 17 by dropping the box on the left orange. That still is too far behind. If that little movement that goes on guarantees the timer won't stop sooner, there has to be a completely different approach.
  14. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Better post this before things change: I reached 8th place!

    But with being 583 pts behind Shaun and hundreds more behind ctay2, I don't think I'll be moving up. But I guess I should be able to at least reach 157,000 pts so that's my next goal.
  15. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011

    Dang, you bumped up a lot of top scores!
  16. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    I believe the box on top of the left orange is the solution and to "cover" the other orange you will need slo mo (less rain). Also, I believe it may take a few tries to get the timer to stop. Level 4 is the same way. Good luck.

    I play these games on my ipod and according to some with newer iphones, I have a 1 point advantage... not really true. But on some levels where there is only one object to drop, I can get the 992.
  17. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Yeah, I finally got around to play today. And i've got a decent slow-motion going on (level 7 is taking 35 seconds between reloads).
  18. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, I do the box on the orange thing - but I find that normally I don't need to "cover" the other orange - at least with slo-mo - so usually I just drop the the two wheels as fast as I can on the platform above it. One may or may no plug the little gap.

    I've tried putting both on the platform above the orange, or one there and one to plug the gap, or one in the gap on the other on the top right platform, or one on the lower platform (to the right of the bomb and the other in the gap, etc.

    Can't find any way to get the timer to stop!

    As for level 4, I'll have to look at it again.
  19. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Just got #4 - dropped the wheel on the "ship" (doesn't block anything though) and got lucky that the rain had a gap in it! 991.

    I was wondering about getting 992 scores - like level 1. Done that a huge number of times, but can't do better than 991. So it can only be done with an ipod, not the iphone 4?
  20. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    iPancho and ctay

    I was wondering, since you both have hundreds more points than I do, what levels are you furthest behind the record score?

    My worst is 73 (27 pts behind!). I have several others in the 20's.

    Also, I assume you've duplicated my 3 remaining top scores (since once I figured them out, I could repeat them fairly often so it wasn't just luck), but just curious to make sure.

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