iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    Cheers Ctay. No I didn't get an IPod. My score is on my 3GS which like the iPhone 4 is impossible to stop the timer on 992. I've started collating the scores but have been side tracked as I'm major busy at the moment but give me another day and I'll update you guys, I promise. ;-)
  2. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    My Unique High Scores

    This leaves me more vulnerable to attack but I suppose I'm merely returning the favour...

    33 - 990
    38 - 990
    40 - 990
    86 - 990
    108 - 990
    112 - 988
    120 - 988
    157 - 990
    162 - 987
    178 - 990
    180 - 990
    188 - 991

    There you go, am i back in the good books now? ;)
  3. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    ...and just got 990 on 35
  4. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #1284 ctay, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
    well, you are in the "books" for sure. Good job and congrats. :D
    many of these scores are on those darn timing levels where it is difficult to get the clock to stop...
    very interesting :)
  5. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    First the bad news (just a little) - your 188 score isn't a record. I was looking at my master list (on my computer - not the list online) and I already had that one. Apparently I failed to post it. But all the rest are higher.

    Most of them, at least as it relates to my experience, seem to be hardware benefits. Some you posted I have equal or better on my 3G, but can't do it on the iphone 4. Others that have 3GS phones would have to report their comparisons with yours to tell much more.

    I am assuming you have a good slo-mo going for you and I want to ask you about that in case there is a better way to get it. My way is just to let level 7 run all night, over and over, but it takes a long time to get really slow on the iphone 4. The 3G slows down much quicker (also starts a bit slower anyway). How do you get the slo-mo?

    As for your level scores, I'm particularly curious about 108, 112, and 120. I suspect it is also hardware differences since my 3G does pretty well, but those are levels I simply can't get the clock to stop on the iphone 4 so maybe whatever you do would work on other hardware.

    162 is another one I'm well behind on, but I can at least stop the clock quick enough - just would take a ton of slo-mo and lots of luck - at least the way I play it.

    I've been focusing on the 3G for a long time now. Not even close to enough slo-mo on the iphone 4 to even try to raise scores - at least not with the tactics I already know.

    Do you think you discovered any new, general, tactics like you've seen posted here that may work on multiple levels? My latest was dealing with moving chains. I forget the level, but it is the one with the chains forming a box with bombs spread on on them. They keep drifting, keeping the timer running. I found that I could just bump part of one (missing the bombs) and alter it enough to stop the timer sooner. There are other levels with chains I want to test that on in case it helps.

    Congrats on your achievement. I'll try to get the scores up tonight when I get home from work - but that will be at least 9 hours from now so be patient.
  6. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    I used the same strategy on that level to also get 988. I love that you think that its the hardware on those levels. I'd say make the timer stop with your strategy. (just like on the barrel and chains level). If anything the Iphone4 stops the timer quicker as you have 991's when there are 3 shapes, a feat not possible on my 3GS.
  7. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    New levels

    Maybe time for some new levels so Big K and SSB can duel it out.... think I'll sit ring side and see what happens :D
  8. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #1288 ctay, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
    know hi list

  9. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    known high scores

    My records suggest that on level 38 panjo holds the known high score of 990 also since I have a score of 990 on level 33 that level was, at one time, held by someone (but not me). It is also possible, since it is an earlier level, the 990 could have been obtained by a number of players, thus, no one "owned it".
    None the less, SSB you certainly have added some spark to the game with your new high scores.
  10. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    #1290 SSBenj, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
    I'm not familiar with the history Ctay but on Big K's list (none 3G) last night those 2 levels were deffo showing less than 990. As for duelling it out, bring it on, I love it. :D
  11. HelperMonkey

    HelperMonkey Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    What happened? This game came out nine months ago, and now it's shot WAY up to #3 overall in the sales charts.
    Great to see the recognition for a good game, but HOW did it do it?
    The AppStore is wild...
    Anyway, congrats to the devs.
  12. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I'm working on the 3G now and playing another game on the iphone 4. If Benj gives any insights into new tactics in general or specific levels, I may mess around with the iphone 4 again.
  13. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    We know there are differences in the hardware. For example, there is a level on one of my devices where I just drop the single object - nothing else is going on - and the timer just keeps running. Yet the same approach on my other device, the timer stops quickly. The one with the two spinning baskets behave quite differently on the two devices. We have also found at least one level where an object would "fit through" an obstacle on some hardware, but not fit through on another.

    Of course, in some cases we can't be positive it is hardware, but when Ctay can get a small number of 992s on an itouch 3 and I can get a ton of them on an iphone 3G - but no one using other hardware can - certainly it is reasonable to think it is the hardware, not the user - at least on most of them.

    But no device has shown to be superior on EVERY level. My 3G is great, but, for example, it is 10 points behind the record on level 93 and 4 behind on level 154. Just can't stop the counter.

    Love to know what the heck you did on 112 though! I always figured there may be an approach that would work, but I haven't stumbled on it yet.
  14. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, there was a period of time where the new scores were coming fast and furious. Pantsjo originally was doing the list but couldn't keep up so he asked me to do it. I had more time, but there were things I missed - even my own scores sometimes - trying to maintain lists on my computer with the high scores as well as my best scores on each level for two different devices, plus keep track of new scores people told me about.

    Every so often, we'd find something that had been missed. Happened to us all.

    I've put up the new list - hopefully have them all right. Updated the stuff from what Ctay said - she had earlier listings and some of those were missed for sure. It's a big job to go through every single level and compare.

    Most interesting is that 4 of your scores also beat the high scores on the list that includes the 3G:

    86, 112, 178, 180.

    I saw you raised your score significantly since earlier today - any more high scores to report?
  15. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    THANKS BIG K for taking care of our high score list. Great job! Also, I recall the day, even before the hackers, players reporting their scores would always send a screen shot that showed their high score. Since then we have all trusted one another ... too bad that fdg doesn't have its own leaderboard independent from the Hack .. er, I mean GameCenter...
  16. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #1296 ctay, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011
    Thank you

    I believe that I am about to lose my #1 status, so congrats in advance ssb. :)
    I would like to take this moment to thank everyone who has helped me and cheered me on. Thanks Erik, we still have some fun with this game don't we?
    Shaun, thanks for finding the glitches and sharing them ;) . All the catters, thanks for playing and sharing too...BIG Thanks to Big K who has researched this game to the nth degree and found even more glitches and methods for obtaining high points. Lastly, but not the least, ipancho. Rolf you have helped and inspired me to play this game and without some of your very clever solutions I would never have made it to the #1 spot. We really did have some good fun with this game! :D
    Thank you fdg for a great game!
    I regained the #1 spot again, for about 2 hours, before the hackers hacked.
  17. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Yeah, it's ultimately been a great team effort when you think about it. Pantsjo was first to help me with tactics and even pictures, and then you. I think by the time I got involved, most of the others were less active, but they had their posts up here and I read every one of them so they helped me too.

    I was always amazed by the approaches Pantsjo told me about. I mean, I never would have thought of turning the game off to get a gap!

    My main interest in the game for several months has been to push it to its limits - especially since I can't beat you anyway! On each device, I've always wondered if it was possible to reach it's "max" score, be it 991 on some devices or 992 on others. Far away with some levels and I suppose some are impossible, but there could be some approach I haven't tried yet.

    Now, if someone ever gets an 993, that would be wild!

    I'm kinda thinking that the slower devices simply have the ability - beyond slo-mo itself - to get that 992 stuff - I have 166 of them on the 3G! Certainly the 3G is slower than other devices used. Not sure how your iTouch 3 compares with the 3GS. I'd guess they are the same speed basically, but even if they are in theory, there could be just enough difference to get a few like you have.

    We do need more levels, but I suspect it will be awhile.
  18. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #1298 dabigkahuna, Aug 20, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
    Got 991 on level 131 with my 3G - got really lucky with the gaps.

    Hmmm, seems I found another error in the list. I was playing level 157 on the 3G and got 991. On my phone, that was a record for it, but when I looked at my list, I had already entered that number. So, while I improved, it won't show as a new high on the list because it was already there for some reason, under my name on the 3G list.

    Anyway, I've also added two points to level 178 (990).

    Seems like a good day for me - just increased level 112 on the 3G - 992! Been messing with that one for months trying to figure it out.
  19. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    #1299 SSBenj, Aug 20, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
    I wouldn't count on it Ctay. I'm really struggling to milk any more points out of it now. 8 points seems so close but so far! Did you want me to post any screen shots? If so just let me know and i'll get on it. As for tactics BigK, I mainly use the ones from this thread although not the power button one as my power button has broken.

    My understanding of how to stop the timer is as follows:

    1. Get all of the shapes in play as quickly as possible. Even where you have to time it. Still find a way of dropping it quicker, (ie bouncing it off something or dropping it from higher up). Any delay subtracts from 992/991 as your maximum possible.

    2. The timer will stop if you can make all shapes and moving things stop (if only for a split second) at the same time.

    3. If everything only stops simultaneously for a split second, this needs to be at 992/991 or lower. For example if you get everything still for a moment at 996 but by the time the timer is at 992/91 stuff has regathered momentum then the clock will continue to run.

    Using this premise on the "timing" levels, as Ctay calls them enables high scores.

    As for level 112 BigK, there was alot of luck involved but I managed to get everything wedged at a 45 degree angle by dropping the shapes to the left of the swinging arm.

    That's all I can think of for now


  20. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    990 on level 112

    ...2 blue barrels to the left, upright next to each other and big box on its own to the right. Truck wedged 2 barrels against swinging arm. Hope this makes sense. (obviously used slo-mo (a few days worth)) and pause tactic to disperse the rain.



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