iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Dimbo_Jack

    Dimbo_Jack Guest

    Hi There,

    I saw the update last night and downloaded it as well. Didnt know until I got a few points and went to gamecentre and some new guys on top of the list. Thought someone had hacked again wwhen I saw that the scores were beyond 260K.

    Guess what, I played a few levels and was on top of you guys and clicked it as well.

    Of course, will be shortlived but what the hell!! I'll only try Slo-mo over the weekend. Hopefully will have some good score by Monday as I intend to do dome concentrated play. Will be happy if I make the top 50 for a start :)

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  2. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    You did get in there early. When I got up this morning there were lots of people ahead.

    I did manage to get back in 1st by about 1700 points, but that will only last until ctay gets playing again or, of course, hackers.

    I don't know why you wait for weekends to do slo-mo. It should have no effect on other things you do. It only slows down that game - nothing else. You'd have a lot more slo-mo by the end of the weekend by starting now overnight.

    Heck, while I was playing it on my 3G, I left the iphone 4 running level 7. I'll have both of them running overnight today - one plugged in next to my bed and the other plugged into the computer.

    The 3G will slow down sooner so I hope to max it out soon. Too bad it doesn't have the leaderboard.
  3. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I see ctay is going to wipe us all out!

    Dimbo Jack, I see you are up to 15th! Can't tell, with all the new levels which probably are not going to be real high yet if you have been building up older levels with slo-mo or not. If you are, you'll probably keep relatively high even as more top players get active again.
  4. Dimbo_Jack

    Dimbo_Jack Guest

    You mentioned I have to keep the screen on all the time. With the kind of usage I have I cant keep my screen unlocked or the phone will start doing funny things without me knowing. I inadvertantly swipe icons and as I discovered the last time I had my screen on, I mad e quite a few phone unintended phone calls.

    I'm currently into the 290's with some 4 levels remaining, but my first plays are generally to get past a level. I will come back to them later to raise my score.

    I think some of the other top players haven't started playing yet so I'm still pretty high as of this morning. I think I can try and touch about 292K or even 292.5K this weekend. But 296K is way beyond me I think. Happy to be in consistent Top 50. That by itself is a significant achievement for me.

    I don't want to become addicted to this - just play it as a game and not become paranoid about people climbing up. :)
  5. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #1405 dabigkahuna, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
    You just have to leave the screen on while running level 7. When doing anything else, you run it normally. In my case, unless I know I'm not going to be trying to get more slo-mo, I set the lock screen to never activate. I turn it off by simply pressing the top button when doing other things during the day or just because it isn't plugged in. Of course, I could keep going back and changing the setting for that, but I don't want that bother.

    Assuming you aren't having a faulty phone problem, there is no problem letting the screen on and run level 7 all night. And since the game is running, you couldn't make a phone call anyway unless you pressed the home button to get out of the game. But calls can come in and then the phone acts normally until the call is finished - then you go back to letting the game run.

    Remember, with the multi-tasking on an iphone 4, you can quit the came and come back to it where you left off as long as you don't also go to the task bar and delete it from there. Only exception is that if you run a bunch of apps in between, you might lose your slo-mo. And sometimes, if you are doing this for a bunch of days like I do, a cliche also cause it to restart at normal speed. So will upgrading the game.

    With slo-mo for awhile, you can get enough points to stay near the top probably no matter what.

    I've been working on my 3G - now up to 297,453 !
  6. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Looks like ctay has the lead for good. I haven't gone through the levels carefully to make sure, but I don't think I can get that high, especially with some levels where the darn clock just won't stop quickly on my iphone 4.

  7. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Have almost finished on the 3G - all but 5 have the max score of 992 on that device and of the other 5, four have 991. The problem one is lever 269 - only 980. On the iphone 4, I only get 983. The clock just keep running. So if anyone has done better, I'd appreciate some help - though I suspect it is another of those that just doesn't work well.

    Total on the 3G is now 297,457.
  8. Dimbo_Jack

    Dimbo_Jack Guest

    BigK - I finally saw what you meant by slo-mo. Wow, but it sure as hell is slow to the point of exasperation especially after one has been playing at break neck speeds comparatively.

    The slo mo has helped improve scores rapidly but I have tried it randomly on few levels, so I have hopes of raising my score substantially. All I need now is patience. I have a lot of scores in the 960 and 970 space plus some even in the 950s, so like I said there is hope. Crossed 292K pretty easily, but am surprised that some of the older players still haven't played catch up. I should not be up so high up based on fact that I was around 63 on the leaderboard. Where are those guys. I can recall some names but there's a person called Serenitas and a few others who I was benchmarking previously and even Serenitas is in the teens I think. He was in the 80s when I was in the 60s, so comparatively I have scope to improve.

    But of course the middle batch of players worries me as they can land up higher anytime.

    Are they not for real ?
  9. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Don't know how much slo-mo you have. I measure it by timing how long it takes level 7 to go through a complete cycle. Normally it is about 7 seconds on my iphone 4, but right now it is over 30 seconds, which is pretty darn good slo-mo.

    My exasperation is with how long it takes when I finish a level to move on to the next as well as the levels where the clock just won't stop until 970 or so. I know I probably can't find anything to solve that but I keep trying and it takes forever for the timer to finally confirm I was right - that I can't do better.

    Let us know about levels you have problems with. May be some specific hints for them.

    I suspect some older players have simply moved on. And some have gotten frustrated by hackers, though we only have a small number of them compared to, say, Angry Birds! For me, while I can be in the top 5% on various games, this was the only one I was able to get to the very top (well, except for ctay always beating me! But that's fine. She helped me a lot and I helped her. My goal is to get every point possible on my hardware, which means figuring out every trick there is.

    I would guess the only fake ones are those what suddenly appear at the top.
  10. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #1410 dabigkahuna, Dec 18, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2011
    The 3G now has scores of 992 on all the new levels except for one - level 269 has 981 and seems to be one of those levels where you can't stop the clock sooner on that device.

    On the iphone 4, the max for any level is never higher than 991. I have 32 of those.

    I have 4 with 990 so hopefully I can bump them up. Of the remaining 4, these are my results:

    265 (986) I'm not sure, but I think the moving chain keeps the clock moving longer than normal.

    266 (988) I think the lever moving is the problem, but if you blow up the bomb to drop it, that takes enough time to keep the score down too.

    269 (977) As with the 3G, the clock just won't stop, but it is worse on the iphone 4.

    294 (964) This is my worst one. Probably a hardware issue. The timer just won't stop even though I have everything in place and stopped far sooner than that.

    Hope this helps some people - and if you have more than me on these levels, tell me how, especially if you have an iphone 4!
  11. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Jack, since you have slo-mo, you can take the screen shot pictures to get gaps. I think you can also just press the top button to turn of the screen and then come back to the game to get a gap.

    A well-placed gap can let you leave an orange uncovered and still miss it - saving a lot of time. Trouble is, gaps are not very controllable. They do seem to have have patterns - that is, I can press the keys to create a gap and the gaps will appear the same place USUALLY, if I do it at the same time. But it may not be anyplace useful! Sometimes the gap, even if pressed at the same time, will change and I'll then have a new pattern. Pressing for a gap at different points can give different results.

    Oh, ctay is definitely too far ahead for me to catch, even if I got the maximum of 991 on every level on the iphone 4.
  12. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Our hackers are back.

    And Seth Anubis is STILL on COV with a 9964 - absolutely impossible. C'mon FDG - Pantsjo has the highest legitimate score on that one. Time to get rid of the hacker!
  13. Dimbo_Jack

    Dimbo_Jack Guest

    With slo-mo I did get some advantage but many a time the damn movement of the orange is so slow that it gets blown up by the bomb before it gets a required distance away (which happens in normal circumstances). Also the clock does not seem to be so slow to me many a time. can you share your inputs?

    Didnt understand the bit about the gap that you talk about though I did get some help clicking away during the slo-mo.

    Helped me cross 292.5K. Now aiming for 293K. But guess what the other guy has topped Seth A as well. Hows that for competition?
  14. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #1414 dabigkahuna, Dec 19, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2011
    Well, the exact tactics for any given level vary so it may be that trying to get the orange to move away from a bomb may not be the best in your situation. What number?

    The clock should be slower, though I never checked to see how much the clock changed compared to how fast other things move. I only check to see how long it takes to run through level 7 from when I first tap the restart icon to when it restarts again on it's own. Like I said, around 7 seconds is "normal" speed. I'm over 30 seconds now. I do know the timing is not consistent. I might time it once and then immediately time it again and have a change a couple seconds - but the average is still slower. Also, even overnight, I've had the time not change, though that is the exception. Once I had it suddenly be faster, but ensuing nights slowed it back down again.

    Gaps are possible if you have enough slo-mo. Some occur naturally while others can be created - like by taking a screen shot. If you don't have much slo-mo, you may not notice much change though - gaps too small to miss an orange. Once you start getting gaps, you can try to create them to skip over an orange. Trouble is, I have never seen a consistent way to get the gaps where I want. I just try pressing it from various positions of the cloud on the screen and hope for the best. It isn't like you can get a gap that is, say, created 1/4 inch too soon and the next time wait 1/4 inch later to get it right. It may happen, but don't count on it working. Just trying different positions.

    Not sure what you mean by "clicking away during slo-mo" so I need clarification.

    Seth is a confirmed hacker. The other guy probably is, but it is not absolutely definite.

    Seth very suddenly jumped WAY ahead about two upgrades ago - no gradual picking up of points like you normally see. He even had more points than I could get on my 3G. No other device has been shown to be able to get 992 scores even close to what a 3G can get (I think, out of 300 levels, I have 992 on all but maybe a couple dozen levels! But there is no leaderboard for the 3G. The next best hardware is the iTouch 3 (I think) like ctay has - but that can only get a dozen or so 992 scores.

    After an update, Seth suddenly appeared again in 1st place, but it seems he miscalculated. He was well ahead, but other top scorers had lots of room for improvement and passed him. I don't think he realized that. He never appeared on the "Today" listing again. He got the top score and was gone - rather strange behavior, isn't it?

    Then, just before the latest update, the other guy also suddenly got the top score and didn't seem active after that. His score is unlikely and rather sudden.

    And now they both suddenly jump up again. I didn't see who got there first, but I suspect it was Seth, then the other guy saw his score and simply entered a higher one.

    The likely only "competition" between the two will be to exchange hacks back and forth.

    Oh, and the clincher as far as Seth is concerned is that he also suddenly appeared on the Cover Orange Valentine version (just 10 levels) with a 9964 score the same time he appeared at the top of Cover Orange!

    That's an AVERAGE of 996.4 points/level! Not possible. Even on the 3G I can only get 9908. The highest on any other device is Pantsjo at 9901.

    You've played enough to know such a score can't happen. Not a single person, top scorer or not, has ever reported even a single level at a score over 992 on any device - and usually it is 991 at best on most hardware. Then you have to subtract for the levels which, for some unknown reason, are much lower - and it isn't always the same level on different hardware that does this.

    For example, look at level 58. On my iphone 4, I simply can not stop the clock before 973 (don't worry about whether you can beat it - just how soon can you stop the clock). On my 3G I can get 992 so it isn't about my tactics. But if you get the clock to stop sooner, let me know how!

    No one who scored so high on Cover Orange would have to cheat so blatantly on Cover Orange Valentine. Wish they'd remove his score and, if it is possible, simply ban his name permanently. Leaderboard has been referred to as "cheaterboard".
  15. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #1415 ctay, Dec 19, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2011
    hello big K
    yes the hacking is terrible :( and just as bad is fdg (and other games) to allow it to happen. And the leaderboard developers are equally at fault for allowing their program to be hacked by an app from a jailbroken iphone...
    All would be easy to fix but none of the professionally responsible seem to care very much. If Apple is responsible for the "leaderboard", then they should feel ashamed and embarrassed that their "leaderboard" is nicknamed the "cheaterboard".
    And, you're going to love this, :rolleyes:, guess who is #1 on the game I am playing now, Monster Island. PaulpBaker. Remember him from CO? He actually was kicked off the CO leader board! go figure
  16. pixlepix

    pixlepix Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    If its so easy to fix, you go fix it. We'll be waiting
  17. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #1417 ctay, Dec 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011
    You sound as if you know more about fixing things than I do; I am just guessing it would be easy to fix. Furthermore, I don't work for fdg nor Apple. I am sure big K would like to know the advantages of jail breaking, since the idevice you use you stated in another post is jail broken.
    How you doing with the CO game?
  18. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I agree that if they - at least Apple - is going to have a leaderboard, they should make it a little harder to hack. I was surprised at the approach you reported before about how FDG get rid of hackers in the past. I would have thought they directly eliminated specific people, but that wasn't what they did.

    If hackers names were permanently blocked, that would help. Yeah, they could change names, but most people want their preferred name. I'd also like to see a person who is caught hacking more than one game to be blocked from EVERY game's leaderboard. That would at least make them think twice. It may not be possible to stop it completely, but reducing it would help.

    In the case of CO and COV, it is usually just 1 or 2 so I'd like to see FDG deal with them better, like they used to. I mean, c'mon, it isn't like we don't know Seth is a definite hacker - that is conclusive in COV and, while it isn't as conclusive with CO (though it is darn close), the fact that he cheated on one means he shouldn't get the benefit of one really big doubt on CO.

    I've posted before about steps hey could take to reduce hacking. I'm not going to dig into the coding for the system, but I've done enough programming in the past to know those ideas could be done.

    The fact that you get the same guy hacking multiple games, as you point out with Paul, is reason enough to have a cheater blocked from all games. After all, they only have to get caught once and lose all their scores.

    I'm probably pretty close to my max on CO again. 26 levels with the 991 max. 8 levels with 990 (might pick up another point on some later), and 6 lower scores that may just be limited on my iphone 4.

    Go back to the list of scores on this page I made awhile back - the 6 levels and their scores are listed. Would love to know your scores. I achieved one goal, though it may be temporary. I got within 100 points of your score finally!

    I just downloaded Monster Island. Don't know how involved I'll get, but it looked interesting.
  19. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I noticed something different in some of these new levels I never saw before.

    Normally, after I beat new levels to death, I have a bunch with scores like 990. Since the iphone 4 apparently can't get more than 991, I'll keep going back to these. Some never change, but a lot will and the pattern I've noticed is that getting a bit more slo-mo makes the difference. I'm guessing the slower speed changes things just enough to stop that clock 1 tick sooner. Same thing can happen with lower scores too.

    The thing is, strategy isn't being changed and the speed change only improves a well-established score by 1 point.

    Well, today I had two levels improve - one by 2 and one by 3. If I hadn't played them a lot already, with slo-mo, it wouldn't be strange, but jump like that is. At least one of them also fluctuated more than normal. In these cases, trying to pick up one more point, sometimes you get it and sometimes it stops at the old score. Not this time. It would sometimes stop 3 points higher and other times at the old high score. Never in between.

    Now, this may not mean much if it is just specific to a couple levels, but the question becomes, did they change something in the overall programming that led to this new behavior? If so, all the old levels might have room for improvement no matter how much you've played them. Not sure I have the patience to replay levels again which I've probably done many dozens of times without improvement though!
  20. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Dimbo Jack,

    I see you are moving up, but are in a tough place - 650 points behind the next person. Been there before! Keep working at it. Have you built up more slo-mo?

    Stuck on any particular level with a low score?

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