Cread Games- Programmer Needed

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by CreadGames, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. CreadGames

    CreadGames Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Touch arcade has one of, if not thee, most active community relating to itouch devices. This popularity effectively makes
    touch arcade a perfect host for the recruitment of enthusiastic personnel. Cread Games would like to announce it's search for a programmer.

    As a fledgling company, Cread Games is hoping to acquire the talents of an enthusiastic and motivated programmer. A quick disclaimer, the company is
    not looking for a one-project association, but rather for a permanent employee to help craft its identity. The position entails a serious
    commitment and will involve contractual binding to assure both parties the fulfillment of their rights and obligations.

    As previously stated, Cread Games is searching for someone who is not only motivated and enthusiastic, but also inspired and creative. The programmer is
    expected to be competent but not necessarily a veteran of the trade. The most important attribute that is required is commitment. As such, candidates
    will be filtered first by their C.V.s/Portfolios and then by online interviews. Cread Games hopes to spark interest in young enthusiastic programmers and
    to soon become a respected developer.

    Cread Games urges all questions and C.V.s to be sent to [email protected] or via personal message on these forums. We sincerely thank you for the time taken to read this post and hope to hear from you soon.

    -Cread Games

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