I am currently looking for a dev team for a game that cannot be announced yet........... postitions are............. music-needs to be a certain type of music, more peaceful artist-i have some details on what needs to be done, PM me for more
Ok i posted this same post on the other thread like this....Couldnt that whole team right there just make a game without you? What would you be doing aside from raking in money that you wouldnt deserve? Here's that quote for reference... "wait, wait, wait. You are looking for a programmer AND a graphics designer? Then what the hell are you for? Sitting and collecting the dough? They could just easily team up and cut you out, seeing as you arent doing anything."
sorry, did i put programmer? let me edit it i meant, music, graphic desinger anyways, let me ask arn to lock and delete thread i can find my own team anyways
Well, I suggest pming some people here (there are a lot of people in services for trade that do music and graphics) that can do that stuff.