Hey guys my name in the game is JN46R4, be sure to add me and add my invite code to get the Nun deadman card. Invite Code: 1YJLE4C Once you reach level 5 you also get Deadman Titan for Guardian Cross (5*)
Loving the game so far! My invite code is AWLEXFU (all caps), I'd really appreciate you using my code. Player name JimboRob, feel free to add me
Please use my referel code I help all my friends by sending them chicks. If you hit level 5 you get a 3 star nun card. Code: I9NLRD1 It's case sensitive and the first letter is an i and the last is a 1.
Hi! Here is my invite code guys! DBOQJF8 Ign: Rhythm Feel free to add me up! Veteran in guardian cross here!
Hint for newbies! If you come across rubble in missions, tap it really quick to get items from them. Add my invite code if you're just starting the game.
Hi all, Add me as a friend, accept my friend requests, or even use my invite code! Username: MrSkin Invite ID: FJJQDZQ