Dear Developers: This is the game that people want to play.

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by eatmosushi, Sep 1, 2009.

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  1. eatmosushi

    eatmosushi Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    I cannot program, nor do I pretend to be able to, I can't draw either.

    I can, however, envision the most amazing strategy role playing that ipod touchers will pay out the nose for and will be the PREMIERE role playing experience
    on mobile devices.

    Why am I doing this?
    I'm not interested in the money, I just want a damn game I'd enjoy playing.

    Let's begin.

    Title: "FantasyCraft: Tactics"
    Genre: Strategy/RPG

    Setting: High Feudal Fantasy

    Synopsis: A coming of age tale of a young hero tasked to preserving a kingdom and ultimately the universe from a long dead tyrant God King of Death who has
    been unleashed by a Wizard seduced by the power of the Unholy Relics. Join the hero as he meets interesting characters throughout an expansive game universe
    as he recruits the aid of fully customizable mercenaries and powerful allies.

    Why you should play this game:

    Combat takes place on a 3d, tiled play field, which veterans of the genre and new comers alike should easily be able to navigate.

    Your main character is fully customizable, and you can select one of eight classes, each with three different skill paths that can be used to balance and
    Create a unique skill set.

    You can recruit mercenaries that can also select from one of these nine classes, and can be customized in the same way.

    Important story characters -can- join you and can have their own unique classes and skill trees.

    Finding new, unique equipment - from weapons to armour to accessories, will also play an important role on your team's development.

    Strength: Melee dmg + Successful Ability Effects (example: knockdowns, knockbacks, disarms - see individual skills)
    Agility: Higher Crit%, Higher Dodge, Higher Initiative Bonus (explained later)
    Defense: +Hitpoints, Used for Damage Calculation
    Piety: Healing done + Less chance to be critcally hit, increase magic pool
    Brilliance: Increase % for spell to 'hit', Increase spell damage, increase magic pool

    You gain base class skills according to level ups.

    The nine classes:
    Soldier - heavy armour, heavy melee (Strength)
    Path of the Armour Lord (very high defense and protective skills / bonuses) - Path of Rage (low defense, high damage output) - and Path of the Combatant
    (good debuffs, decent defense, decent damage output)

    Paladin - heavy armour, caster, heavy melee (Strength / Piety)
    Path of the Paragon (high defense and auras that bolster your teammates defensive stats) - Path of the Adjucator (medium damage output, auras that bolster
    damage output) - Path of the Arbiter (low damage output, high defense, medium direct heals, a resurrection spell in this path)

    Vagrant - light armour, light melee
    Path of the Cutpurse (low defense, medium attack, good enemy impairment + higher rate of stealing items) Path of the Wicked (extremely high situational
    damage i.e. if behind, if from stealth, if enemy is under a certain negative status), Path of the Acrobat (high evasion based defense, high damage)

    Will Bender - brilliance based caster, no armour
    Path of The Summoner (summon stronger controllable spirits/demons - maximum controllable based on level and brilliance - new summons found in adventures and
    trained in skill tree) - Path of The Mind Breaker (medium single target magical damage, potent skills to disable / debuff opponents) - Path of The Frenzier (
    bolster medium level spirits/demons and all other allies with powerful buffs, very low damage)

    Archer - ranged fighter, skill tree determines important stats
    Path of the Dead-Eye (high agility, low defense, high single target ranged damage) Path of the Forest Walker (strength based short range shots and deployable
    traps to immobilize and weaken targets before engaging) Path of the Ranger (medium single target ranged dmg with agility, small mana pool allows piety based
    heals and self-damage increasing buffs to shots)

    Magician - no armour, brilliance based
    Path of the Flamebringer - (high costing high damage area effecting spells) Path of the Annihalator - (medium costing, high damage, long casting time single
    target spells) - Path of the Frostmancer (can create barriers of ice to place on the field, can trap enemies in frost, can disable enemies, low-medium

    Bishop - medium armour, very light melee (gets resurrections)
    Path of the Lightbringer (cleanses debuffs, high group heals, heal over time, self defensive buffs) Path of The Purifier (willpower based damage spells that
    heal your party) The Stalwart (group defensive buffs, focused single target healing)

    Naturalist - medium armour, medium melee, shape changing fits to talent tree
    Path of the Beast (shape change to a lion/tiger/bear, gain corresponding stat benefits, gear stats become multiplied based on form chosen +x% to y, -x% to
    z), Path of the Storm Caller (medium single target brilliance based damage, medium level negative debuffs to enemies), Path of The Nurturer (piety based heal
    over time buffs, medium single target heals, low level group heals)



    At the beginning of an encounter, after you have deployed up to X characters to the map's starting area and are introduced to the map's objectives -
    'Control This Area, Kill all enemies, Protect Character X, Kill Boss Y', what have you,
    all characters on the map, including enemies, roll a number between 1 through 100, adding their Initiative Bonus (based on agility or other initiative
    boosting effects), all units on the map get their turn in order of their initiative total.
    Once the initiative has gone through all the characters, new totals are rolled again (accounting for whatever buffs or debuffs have been used)

    The cycle on one entire initiative countdown is referred to as a 'Turn'

    During a units turn, it may make one 'move' action, and an 'act' action.

    Move actions consist of: moving, activating certain abilities that indicate they can be used as move actions, or using a focus action (regaining mana points
    or regenerating some form of energy currency (perhaps used for thieves and warriors) )

    Act Actions include: Attacking, Casting certain Spells, Opening a door, opening a treasure chest, disarming a trap

    Some abilities will require both the move and act portions to be consumed in performing them - for example, a spell with a slightly slower casting time, a
    powerful melee attack, or some other spell or ability that indicates that it requires both.

    Some abilities are so powerful that they must be activated during one turn, and are completed at the beginning of that unit's next turn to act.
    (resurrection, for example)

    Characters gain experience in one of three ways - performing an action that harms an enemy, casting a beneficial spell on an ally, or performing a class
    exclusive action (stealing something, disarming a trap)

    note that action based xp, except for healing, is very low - however when an enemy dies, all friendly units that have interacted with the enemy OR the
    character that performed the attack within 4 turns of its death will receive xp based on the enemies level vs the unit’s current xp level.

    xp required to level can be balanced after initial testing to have characters, regardless of class, level at roughly the same rate.


    Sample Combat Math:

    A Level 14 Soldier with 110 Strength, wielding a Long sword that does 30-50 damage, attacks a level 9 goblin with 36 Agility and 30 defense, and 200 hit

    All characters have a chance to dodge equal to the following:

    5% - (Attacker Level - Defender Level)% + ([Defender Agility] / 18) + {dodge modifiers from buffs and debuffs} - {attackers modifiers not to be dodged} =
    Dodge percentage

    5% - (14-9) + (36/18) = 2% chance to dodge for the goblin

    So, let's pretend we've hit the goblin. Let's assume for this hit we land on a 45 for the 30-50 long sword
    Now, we add the melee power: Strength/2 = 55
    So we get a total of 100 damage
    Subtracting the Goblins defense...
    70 damage! Wham!

    Now, this soldier just so happens to have a full stamina bar (the energy currency for his class). 100/100
    Some special abilities will recover Stamina
    Some special abilities will spend Stamina

    At level 14, the Soldier learned the skill 'Charging Strike', which requires 40 stamina to perform, and he must be at least one square away from the goblin.
    The talent tree the Soldier went down had a talent that reduces the stamina charge cost for Charging Strike by 50% and ignores 50% of the target's defense.
    This attack uses both a 'Move' and 'Act' Action.

    The attack, base line, does Strength/2 + [Attacker Level]x1.5 - Defense of Target + Weapon Damage
    So for a weapon damage roll of 45...

    (110/2) + (14 x 1.5) - 30 + 45

    but wait! let's not forget our ability to ignore 50% of the target's defense
    (110/2) + (14 x 1.5) - 15 + 45 = 106 damage

    Take that!


    So we've got hero classes, stats, and a basic concept for combat math, a leveling plan, character customization, and the seed of a plot that I'm more than ready
    to run with.

    Random battles, random gear drops, the ability to steal gear, we can do gear crafting, we can do massive boss battles that allow you to deploy 10 characters,
    15, heck whatever you want the players to do.

    Content updates you can charge for (expansions)

    and easy pick up and play for on the move iPod touchers.


    Go ahead and e-mail me at [email protected] if you think you can give this idea some legs.

    I can work on writing the script, plot, settings... I'm really willing to put some love and blood into this if you think you can make it work.
  2. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hat Salesman
    Stop posting this in every section?
  3. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

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