Universal Demon Hunters - Upcoming Turn-based Dungeon Crawler from Wave Light Games

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by WaveLightGames, Nov 25, 2014.

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  1. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks ... send me a PM and I'll add you to the playtest group. Playtest version will go out Wednesday evening.

    Release will be most likely early in January 2015. Might be sooner but unlikely.
  2. cthulhufan

    cthulhufan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 5, 2013
    Systems Engineer
    Can't believe I missed this one before, I can't wait for it to come out so you can take my money! Kudos for the scaling for older devices.
  3. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    This looks promising. Best of luck in testing :)
  4. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Hey guys ... some bad news. I'm currently travelling for work and I brought over my MacBook air to compile the playtest build. However, I forgot to bring my portable hard drive to transfer the project files (approximately 30 GB) from my development PC laptop to my MacBook air. So I don't have any means that I can think of to transfer the files to the MacBook to build the iOS build. :(

    Can anyone think of a way to do it? I have very limited and slow internet in this hotel so I can't upload them to my cloud drive and then download from there. I would rather not buy a hard drive just for this one task. Any other options?

    Anyway, if there's no way ... then I'm afraid I'll have to send out the iOS builds for playtesting this weekend when I'm back home in the frozen north lands.

    However, it'll give me a bit more time to polish stuff up so it's not all bad. However, I hate to miss a deadline so apologies for that.

    On the other hand, I am almost finished the Storm Seer and I REALLY like how she turned out. I just have to code one more ability for her and then make the demo video and screen shots. Should be uploaded tonight.
  5. Jim Shorts

    Jim Shorts Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2014
    Looks like we are just going to have to wait until the weekend. Keep up the good work... can't wait to check this out!
  6. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Doing the last ability for the Storm Seer took longer than I thought. I tried several different options and I'm still not sure I have the right combination.

    What do you guys think is the defining trait of lightning attacks? I was thinking high accuracy, high damage but no splash damage? So very useful to do damage against a single opponent but not great against a horde.

    However, wind attacks seem the opposite ... should be lower damage but lots of splash damage. Therefore should be great against a horde. So it's a bit of a conundrum as I don't want an air mage to be able to have an answer to all threats. I'm thinking of having wind spells do little damage but simply impede the target's movement and perhaps accuracy (to hit chance in melee and at range)?

    So I'm leaning towards having wind spells that help friends (make them move a bit faster or do an extra attack), hinder enemies (slow down movement, reduce accuracy of attacks) and lightning for strong damage against single opponents. I'm starting to think that the future-seeing aspect may not fit with an Air mage. I mainly added that because a Seer is an Oracle and I liked how "Storm Seer" sounded. Might revisit that one and just give her a different name.

    Sorry about that ... a bit of second guessing in my design. I'll decide which way to go and then finish her up. Going to go to sleep now, I think.
  7. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Weekend sounds good to playtest, i will even have more time to play and form impressions!

    For Wind spells, i agree 100% on what you write. On lightning damage, i think it should be high main target damage and split in half from there to the rest of the nearby targets for each jump.

    And the future seeing aspect doesn't really fit, but:

    "Storm Seers have such an affinity for the elements of storms, that they can sense and direct where and when the lightning will strike with terrifying precision, often giving the false impression that they can see the future."

    how does that sound? :)
  8. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    Cool ... sounds good. That's nicely written. Another option is that I could call her a Storm Caller or Storm Siren?

    Regarding her wind spells, what about giving her a healing spell? Could you have a soothing wind that heals / replenishes mana of units in a certain area? Right now, what I have for her spells are:

    1 - Low level spell needed to replace a devination spell that I had originally designed. Perhaps a healing / replenishing wind spell?

    2 - Cyclone: A spell that conjurs up a stationary cyclone in an area that slows down units and prevents them from attacking effectively.

    3 - Chain Lightning: A cone-shaped lightning damage spell. Lower damage but actually covers a wide area (which is contrary to my original design for lightning but it looks really cool so I'm keeping it).

    4 - Tornado: A moving tornado that does damage and permanently reduces movement.

    5 - Lightning Bolt: A really big lightning bolt that does a lot of damage to a single target.

    6 - Sigil of Air: A area modification spell that makes a certain area of the battlefield magical. Any unit within that area (friend or foe) are aided by divine winds so receive bonuses to their ability to dodge attacks and the number of attacks they can make in a turn. 1 use per battle only.

    I do like the idea of having splash damage at half the normal rate for lightning. However, I haven't coded that functionality into my spells / abilities yet and doing so would slow down my workflow at the moment. I might explore that option as an update later. I agree it makes more sense.

    Let me know your thoughts on the above design and what would make a good low level spell.
  9. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Abilities look good to me, but change the buffs (last ability) to ally only and debuffs (slow) to enemies only. Otherwise her usability is limited, especially with the 1/battle spell.

    You can easily have a Healing Winds or (Healing Rain?) spell for the first ability.
    Storm Seer is the best name imo, followed by Lightning Savant.
  10. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Cool ... I'll go with Storm Seer and add that bit that you wrote in her description.

    Healing winds seem to work. I'm going to go with a buffing spell that both heals and increases movement of allies. Gradualy heal that lasts for several turns.

    For the Sigil spell, I can't actually make terrain affecting spells work only one one faction without some heavy recoding. To be honest, I kind of like it that way because I think of them as the mage warping the terrain to her benefit. It's then up to the player to hold that favourable terrain.
  11. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    hehe, great! do we get to see her video tonight?
  12. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Yeah, definitely. Should have more time to work on the game so will have more progress to report.
  13. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Hey guys ... uploading the Storm Seer preview video to Youtube. Should be up soon. Working on Half Giant now and some bug fixing.
  14. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    Okay gents, here is the High Elf Storm Seer. A lightning / wind mage that is all about trapping opponents with wind attacks and then finishing them off with powerful lightning bolts. When not frying her enemies, she's also a decent buffer and can both heal and speed up her allies. She's also nice to look at and checks off the requirement for a scantily clad lady character that almost all RPG's must have. After all, the best protection for a woman when venturing into a dungeon full of monsters is a skimpy bikini. :D

    I particularly liked how her animations and voice came out. She flies into the air when performing several of her spells and she has a bit of humour. For example, when she casts her chain lightning spell, she says "I think I feel some sparks between us".

    Obviously, being a dedicated mage, she is really poor in hand-to-hand combat and will die pretty easily. She will need to be protected by the rest of the party.

    Some pictures:

    [​IMG]DemonHunters 2014-12-10 20-16-03-63 by raj_dhillon, on Flickr

    [​IMG]DemonHunters 2014-12-10 20-16-17-43 by raj_dhillon, on Flickr

    Will upload the video as soon as it finishes uploading. The silly internet in my hotel room is so slow and it keeps disconnecting. :mad:
  15. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Also, I've decided to remove the Orc from the player roster and instead have Orcs as an enemy faction in chapter 2. I'm going to bump up the player roster to include a Chronomancer (time-themed wizard) and Cryomancer (cold-themed wizard). So will try to have a total of 21 characters when finalized instead of just 20.
  16. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
  17. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    Hey guys, just a qork in progress shot of one of the levels for chapter 2. I bought the licence to use some new 3d models and I'm trying to mix them in with my existing models to add some variety to the level design but still keep a consistant / coherent look. Work in progress ... not quite there yet.

    [​IMG]test by raj_dhillon, on Flickr
  18. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Awesome! I really liked the effects, she is definitely a "flashy" character! :)

    Awesome*2 that you decided to include the chronomancer! :)
  19. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    Cool ... do you want the chronomancer to be a young guy or old guy?

    For the cryomancer, I may go with a female fighter / mage type like the paladin. Something like a spell sword with frost powers. Freezing spells would be gradual damage with movement and action point penalties. There will also be spells that trap enemies in ice and so prevent movement. Ice Armour or ice barriers of some kind, I think.
  20. Jim Shorts

    Jim Shorts Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2014
    Looks awesome!

    Wow incredible work!!

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