Developer needed

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by CassieTheChaoticCupcake, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    Ideas are a dime a dozen. You need to outline ideas to get attention and start as much as you can yourself. Only then will you attract the attention you require.
  2. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany

    ... nice to see what happens to a thread when you sleep.
  3. RevolvingDoor

    RevolvingDoor Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    #23 RevolvingDoor, Mar 9, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2010
    Cassie, when several members of a community spontaneously tell you that the way you sound puts them off a bit, there just might be something to it.

    I think that most of these people wanted to give you good advice. There's no need to think that they are underrating you or trying to insult you in any way. The truth is that it's hard to make money in this business.

    Let's do some math:

    "Over the years I've gained hundreds of thousands of viewers and at 99cents for the app, the developer gets 70%. 200 people buy it, the developer gets his money back plus some."

    If that indeed happens, you've made yourself somewhere in the neighborhood of $140 as a developer. (Incidentally, I think Apple wants you to make a minimum of $150 before they send you a check. I handle the art side of things, so I'm not 100% sure.) Here's some more math:

    Let's say your developer is great at what he does, and gets everything finished, from concept to extensive testing, in the span of one work week, working 6 hours a day. That's 30 hours of work. Not too shabby, but if you divide your profits by 30, you'll find that the hourly wage is sort of lacking. (Under $5.)

    Bottom line: Unless you have the numbers to prove that your developer is going to sell a good quantity of your product, you're asking for someone to come work for you for way under minimum wage. Working at Burger King is a safer bet.

    One more thing: I wasn't out to insult you by suggesting hand-made jewelry sales. That was just an example, and if you roam around Etsy for a bit, you will find some amazing, high-quality stuff that was made on a shoestring budget. I wasn't suggesting that you sell some tacky beads. If you want to prove that your audience will buy products from you, go sell them something and post your numbers.
  4. Haliaeetus

    Haliaeetus Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    Math Graduate Student
    There are two issues that I find disturbing here. Both are legal and both revolve around the third party handling the advertising and profits of your show. First depending on what contractual agreements you have with the entity, a dev may need a lawyer to negotiate a contract, which just adds to the headache. Second and more importantly, you are 12 and making someone else money with your show, and from what it sounds like you are not being compensated for your efforts. Someone may be violating child labor laws.
  5. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    I'm 18, Haliaeetus. o_o; 12 year olds aren't allowed to broadcast.
  6. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    You said you're in high school. How can you be 18?
  7. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    Because I just turned 18 a couple weeks ago. :p
  8. Twiddle

    Twiddle Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Shop Lifter
    In your basement.
    I would suggest you find a temporary job so you have a budget of at least $2000 to spend on the app. From there, buy a Mac Mini ($500), and buy the iPhone SDK ($99). That way you will have $1400 to spend on developers/artists/music composers/marketers; whatever you're looking for.

    I would also suggest you rethink how you're acting. If you want anybody to work for you, you must give everyone respect. You're talking business here. Act like a professional. The App Store is full of competition, and it has no place for people that can't take a little criticism.
  9. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    Well my friend just gave a CD to boot my computer off of. He says it's a Mac OS. All I need is an apple mouse, so can it help me any that I now have the operating system of a mac on a pc? If so, I can probably get the rest. The computer is what I was worried about and it's more trouble to ask for one than to just get a developer to do it for me. Hence, the TA post. Some feedback on the OS disk would be nice, though.
  10. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    I don't even understand what that means. If he gave you a computer, what happened to the mouse? Did he give you or Mac, or did he give you a PC? And what are you talking about the software? You're just confusing me. You need to edit your post dear.
  11. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    Fine, I'll make it clearer. I currently have a PC that runs Windows XP. I have a CD with a Mac OS that I can pop into my disc drive, which means when I start up my computer, I hit f12 and select the option to manually boot up from the CD, Mac OS, instead of booting from the Windows OS that is currently installed. THAT MEANS my computer will now be functioning with a Mac operating system. I'm not sure if it comes with Leopard, which is what I need to run some of the programs app developing requires.
    Since I now, essentially, have a Mac OS on my Windows PC, can I or can I not download or buy what I need as a developer as if I had an Apple computer, or do I need more than just the operating system to do so?
  12. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    This should probably be a new thread posted in the iPhone and iPod Touch Developers section. You won't get as much feedback here because you are not offering any services.
  13. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    It still pertains to the situation because if I can't make apps on my own, I will still be seeking a developer.
  14. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany
    it is most likely a "hackintosh" install CD.

    however, unless it is running 10.5.5 or later - you wont be able to do much around iphone development anyhow. apple wont provide you any assistance etc etc.. instead of playing with hacked versions of the operating system - just put the $500 up for a mac mini. much easier.

    i think $2000 is a small budget - if you want professional services, it'll cost you a lot more than that.. probably around $5000 for a simple app and then it goes upwards.. you have to consider, that a consultant in this area probably earns around $100 per hour - especially since they have to deal with taxes, social security payments etc.. look at a project like "project 72".. 4 guys, 72 hours.. maybe slept 24 in that period..

    72 - 24 = 48 hours
    48 * 4 = 192 hours total

    just at $100 an hour; you are looking at almost $20,000 USD. you can get this reduced by performing a revenue share; but honestly - unless you have a good strategy and some gold secret; you can have the best game and not make it in the app store.. for first projects; i try to avoid royalty sharing.
  15. Twiddle

    Twiddle Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Shop Lifter
    In your basement.
    Well, it really depends on what sort of app he's looking to make. If he just wants a small little app that any freelance developer could produce, a $2000 budget would probably be enough. I really meant a *minimal* budget of $2000 and it would go upwards toward even $30,000 or more (not including the marketing costs) depending on the type of app and services needed.
  16. CassieTheChaoticCupcake

    CassieTheChaoticCupcake Well-Known Member

    I can make my own apps just fine. I'm handy with artwork, great with technology, don't really need any sounds other than my own voice, I have an iPhone 3G S to test on, so I think I'm set. All I need to do is drop a few hundred for a mac (which I may not even have to do if people would answer my prior question), and the $99 fee for developing and such. I don't have that kind of money so I figured it'd be more cost efficient to hire someone to do it for me rather than go out and buy all this crap and then hire a team I don't really need in the first place.
  17. mobile1up

    mobile1up Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Technical Director
    Munich, Germany
    you probably could use the hackintosh - never tried.

    if you don't have "that kind of money" - how will you be able to "hire someone to do it for you"? there have been a tonne of threads here about trying to get help for free or for very little. if someone is offering professional services, they will want to make at least $100 per hour (if you get someone good). otherwise, you will find someone that wants to get started (student, et al) - of course it will be less, but you surely wont be the highest priority when it comes to school, work etc..

    it is a tough call - you want it on time? you hire a professional. you don't care? get a student or try to "wing it" yourself. from what i have seen here; it is too much of a risk to specifically work with you as you do not really have a solid knowledge of the marketing/distribution on the platform - so any services i would do for you would be at full price.. which, i can see if definitely out of your budget.
  18. kohjingyu

    kohjingyu Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I'm a student. I can build your app if you want, Cassie, for cheap too...Nothing close to $100 an hour. Definitely below $2000. Email me at [email protected] for details, if you're interested..
  19. mehware

    mehware Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2008

    hmmm, Just because you have a hackintosh, pay for the 99$ license and are handy with technology does not mean you can make your own app. At all. If it were that easy there would be a lot more apps on the app store.

    - Matt
  20. dhondon

    dhondon Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    I thought hackintosh was illegal...

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