Eclectic Music Producer seeking collaborations with game devs

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by djguerrilla, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. djguerrilla

    djguerrilla New Member

    Mar 25, 2011
    Night manager of a radio station
    Memphis, TN
    Hi all. New to the forums, but I've been following the site for a couple years now probably. I'm big into gaming in general, but I love iOS games for their uniqueness. I'm interested in working with a game dev for a project seeking new original music. I have a degree in music programming and studio engineering from Middle Tennessee State University and have a back catalog of eclectic electronic based music from recording for projects and in my spare time in my home studio. I play guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, turntables, percussion, and I'm very adept in electronic drum programming and sound design/manipulation/destruction. I love pretty much all styles of music, especially jazz, rock, hip hop, and funk. My sound is generally jazzy and chill I would say, but I write whatever style is making me inspired at the moment. The music on this site is fairly ancient, but it does give a decent idea of what I sound like: (tracks 2-4,6 especially). If any of that sounds interesting, I can email something newer by request if anyone is interested. Really I just wanted to test the waters on writing music for iOS games and see if anyone is looking for music. I'd love to work with a music loving game dev on a project, so hopefully I will hear from you. Thanks, take er easy, greg k

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