Education/profession you regret

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Gus_SWE, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    Hi everyone,
    I thought it could be fun to discuss this matter as I’m sure there is plenty of us here that has studied sh1t that we have come to regret later in life. :D Wheter it is because of money or if it is because you realized that you hate the profession or field in question.. Also, there is differencies about studies and money depending where you come from, so it could be fun to hear stories from people that lives in other countries than my own, and see how you deal with it and how studies works in your country.

    ok, as usual, the threadstarter begins..

    For me, I regret that I studied social care. I don’t know the exact english term for it, but it basically when you study to become a social worker. In Sweden this is a 3.5 year education in the university. I had like 3 different jobs in the field after graduation, then I realized it was enough. Enough is enough, right!? :D I hated it. Sure it’s easy work for a man, but working with all those woman, with all that bullsh#t cheap talking that women have a tendency to enact in on female based workplaces. I couldn’t stand it. It’s a good education to have, and as a man, if I ever get unemployed - I probably wouldn’t have a hard time getting a new job. So there’s that. But other than that, good riddance I left that crap behind me.

    A couple of years later a took a new phd in computer science. But that is a story for later.

    What about you? What do you regret? :D
  2. Cinot

    Cinot Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    I regret reading this post :D
    BerningtonOli likes this.
  3. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022

    Good for you, I guess that means that you have no education? Well, everyone isn’t privileged like that.
  4. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    #4 Gus_SWE, Jul 8, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2022
  5. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    Come on people - there must be loads of you out there with all kind of exciting skills and education that you regret? I imagine TA is a forum whith a pretty decent nerd to ”normal” people ratio. Nerds tend to have a lot of education.

    Are you ashamed or what is it? - You are in good hands here! (we are many with both failed educations and educations we regret and spent alot of time and money on). So come on, I would love to read some of your experiances in this matter!
  6. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Frankly, I think that the tone you set here and elsewhere has turned most folks away from this thread. It’s like you’re always waiting for someone to take the bait… That kind of behavior is common in gaming forums, but most of our regular members ended up here precisely because they’re tired of those kind of interactions.

    To answer your question, I’m old enough to have had several careers and many, many years of education. And honestly, I regret nothing. The skills and experiences I acquired in every phase of my life have made me who I am today, and have proved useful to me in many unexpected ways — especially now that I’m in a leadership position. I especially appreciate how they taught me how to work with (and manage) people from many different backgrounds and perspectives. They’ve also made me a happier, more tolerant, and more patient person :).
  7. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    Hello again my black friend,

    What you think of me, or my thread, is off topic I would say. If you have a problem with me personally we can take that in a private discussion. But as I recall, the last time you kind of gave up when we tried that, so maybe having private discussions is not your thing?

    I know this thread doesn’t turn people off, it is mearly a thing of sensibility. We all have a bit of shame for all those years and money we spent that never gotten us anywhere. Or something like that. So you can come down from your high and mighty horse (mr boss man :D ) and either get on topic and answer which education you have that you regret, or you can stay clear of the thread. Capishe?

    Personally I would love for you to tell us all some good storys in your educational areas. I bet you have a lot of them. Since you made boss level and all.

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