Universal Exploits: Hyper-paced, combo-driven Tactical Card Game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Overture, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. #1 Overture, Dec 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017

    What’s Exploits?

    1.Hyper-paced, combo-driven Tactical Card Game.
    2.Hero-based deck strategy.
    3.Battle real-time opponents in epic turn-based combat.
    4.Play to win, battle to earn Honor and Gold!

    The Ironfist Maiden says hi!

    Hi dear friends on Touch Arcade forum!

    Our new game “Exploits” is going to be announced in near future, and we want you to have a first look!

    Exploits is a Collectible Card Game in which you can battle real-time opponents on a tactical battleground, each match normally last 4-10 minutes.

    As a CCG, our goal is for most players, whether hardcore or casual, to enjoy the strategic fun of this genre, but in a more relaxing way, so we made a few special changes to speed up the pace.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    In Exploits, each battle starts at 10 Supplies instead of typically raising one point per turn, and each card has a more obvious link with some other cards through a mechanic, usually a keyword. For example, a unit with the keyword “Armed” will activate a special buff such as +3 ATK when you put an “Equipment” card on it, or a “Resonance” unit will be triggered and fire extra fireballs toward enemy targets when you use a “Spell” card.

    As a result, players should focus more on finding out combos from their cards on hand, and inflict the most powerful attack possible in one turn. There are still long-term strategies, but searching for possible combos will be a basic experience in Exploits. We found this more casual and relaxing than some major CCG such as Hearthstone, Duelyst or Scroll, but not without its own fun and strategic depth.


    The story of Exploits happens on a middle age fantasy continent, where young kingdoms wage war on each other for power and belief. As the leader of a newly found mercenary order, our players can fight freely for honor and gold.

    Each deck is a small group of mercenaries led by a General. Your General is a Hero unit who will add 5 stacks of Skill cards into the deck, each stack contains 2 cards, so it’s 10 cards in total. These 10 Skill cards will decide your basic strategy of each deck. The main purpose of this design is for our players to feel the power and characteristic of their Hero, and enjoy the fun of delivering a strong, dramatic combo.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Exploits is currently under development, we are working very hard to polish it and there are many things we wish to share with you.

    So far there are 25 Heroes and near 200 other cards in game. We hope to start a soft launch in a few months, and hopefully a beta version for you in very near future. We will release more information on daily basis, please tell us what you think about the game, we are very eager to hear your advice!

    Touch Arcade forum is a place we hold dear, we will keep in touch with you on the forum, try to answer all of your questions. Also, please join us on Facebook page, we need your help to touch more people!

    Thank you very much!:)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

  2. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    The way you describe the gameplay, it makes me think of deckbuilders in the sense that there is long-term planning (in which cards to buy) but the moment to moment decisions are more what to do right now (with the cards in your hand at that moment, what order or how to play them for maximal effect).

    Can't speak for others, but personally, I like that style of gameplay where there's more of a focus on what to do tactically on a given turn.

    Will there be a solo campaign mode?
  3. Modjular

    Modjular Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2014
    From what you say so far, I think you guys are making a lot of the right choices, with portrait mode and an uncluttered game board, and not trying to use 3D models on the board itself.

    I like the idea of the unit traits, and interactions that can happen. It's seems like there will be a lot of depth there. Whatever you do though, I think it's important to keep it accessible. At least for me, Hearthstone and clash Royale were fun because the interactions were so apparent in the beginning. It was easy to jump in and have fun with the beginning cards. But then that led to deeper strategy. I guess it's kind of a vague suggestion, but there's definitely good and bad ways to do it.

    I look forward to the release :)
  4. I think you got the vibe! :D

    Glad you like it, we found it’s (strangely) fun to focus on one given turn too, sometimes we joke about it by calling it “a new puzzle game every turn”. :p

    There will be a solo campaign mode based on our heroes, which feels like puzzle stages with simple story.

    There used to be a story mode which is more like traditional SRPG, with stories, character dialogues, battlefield events etc., but we decided to focus on PVP and the puzzle stages for now. We spend lots of time to find a satisfying gameplay experiences, so for now our first priority is to polish it as hard as we can.

  5. Thank you!

    I think I totally agree with your “vague suggestion”.:p The word “apparent” actually covers it all. It’s a feeling created by delicately designed mechanics, hard to describe but it’s there.

    Both Hearthstone and Clash Royale were trying to embrace the casual strategy players from two different ends, and they both did a great job. As a hardcore TCG player, I think Clash Royale is fun, exciting and refreshing at the beginning, but a little unsatisfying in strategic depth after a few months. It’s totally ok since hardcore TCG players are not exactly their targets.

    Hearthstone is good, but personally it has to compete with other hardcore TCGs, and indeed it’s more relaxing compares to others, but sometime not that relaxing when I am in the mood for casual entertainment.

    Hopefully our game can find a new balance and provide different kind of fun compare to these two, but as a small team we still have lots of things to polish, and inevitably need players’ help to perfect it. That’s why opinions from players like you are very important to us!:D

  6. Hi guys, happy new year! We have updated some gameplay gif, hope you like it. ^^
  7. JIN913

    JIN913 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2016
    Game Designer
    Hi there.

    This game looks terrific!
    I think the game is a bit similar to Hero Academy or Duelyst. I'm a huge fan of these two games, so I really want to try your game!

    About"Battle real-time opponents in epic turn-based combat", do you mean the way of PVP is similar to the Hearthstone or Duelyst? If so, it'll be great! I like Hero Academy very much, but what's annoying me is that the PVP of Hero Academy is non-synchronized which results in the very slow rhythm of the game.
    In addition, I had to say that "Play to Win" and "more relaxing" is exactly the mobile game style I want.

    The art style and the animation of the game is outstanding! Your artists must be fans of Akihiko Yoshida.
    Hope that I can play your game soon!:D
  8. Glad you like it, thanks! And sorry for the delay of replying, we are working our ass off these few days.

    About your questions:
    1.Yes battle real-time opponents means the pvp is synchronized just like Hearthstone and Duelyst. Btw I am a old fan of duelyst too :p.
    2.And yes our main artist is a fan of Akihiko Yoshida. You have a very sharp eye! :D

    We are working on our first TestFlight version, hopefully it will be ready before the middle of February. Zug zug!


  9. [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Hey guys! I was wondering if you would like to see some more information of our game?

    In Exploits, a Hero unit can be used as a General, or a Merc. (Can't be both though).

    Daniela is the holy maiden of Enoria, a holy kingdom of light worshipers. She has powerful skills of raising Morale and deal damage according to the amount of Morale. Daniela is designed to cooperate with the Encouraged troops of Enoria, but there are other combinations to be found of course.

  10. flaretimo

    flaretimo Member

    Aug 30, 2016
    Dev. Relations Viking @ Flaregames
    Karlsruhe, Germany
    Hey guys,

    awesome work on the game!

    Are you planning on doing a (testflight) beta or going into soft launch soon?

    I'd love to get my handy on the game!

  11. Hi! We are working on our first testflight version, it should be done before 15th February (hopefully earlier).
    I will definitely send you an invitation by then!
    Thanks & Cheers!

  12. PixelBite

    PixelBite New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
    Is it coming soon? Bin looking for a game just like this for a while now. Looks awesome, I can't wait to play it
  13. #13 Overture, Feb 4, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    Hi, sorry for the late reply! We were under closed beta test for the past two weeks, it's still rough so we want to polish it a little more before it meets players here. Hopefully we will launch an open beta within 2 or 3 weeks (Adjustments to do and bugs to fix!). Thanks for liking it. ^^

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