Extended SimpleAudioEngine

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by BrandonLassiter, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. BrandonLassiter

    BrandonLassiter Well-Known Member

    I have created an extension to SimpleAudioEngine that is opensource and free to use if anyone is interested. If the mods approve I will submit a link to it. I want nothing in return for it just looking to help out the community as it has helped me.

    The basics of what it can do that SimpleAudioEngine cannot is built in toggle for mute/unmute (with an option to fade in/out), fade in/out background music to whatever level you want (and take as little or as much time as you want to perform the fade) and it also has the ability to save whatever volume levels you decide you want for your game i.e. if you want the background music to be at 0.5 and sound effects at 0.75 you do it once and then it saves those values and uses them everytime the game is opened (there is also a function built in so you can change the default values).
  2. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    We approve. Why wouldn't we?
    (as long as it's not a dodgy link or anything)
  3. BrandonLassiter

    BrandonLassiter Well-Known Member

  4. BrandonLassiter

    BrandonLassiter Well-Known Member

    Let me know what you guys think! Also if you have any suggestions of other things to add to it I will try to update it accordingly
  5. BrandonLassiter

    BrandonLassiter Well-Known Member

    Just updated it with a few things:

    1. Added pauseBGMusic. (Ability to pause background music)
    2. Added resumeBGMusic. (Resume background music when paused)
    3. Fixed bug for background music looping.
    4. Added preloadSoundtrack. (Preload multiple audio files at once loaded into an array)
    5. Added playSoundtrack. (Plays through the preloaded soundtrack)
    6. Added stopSoundtrack. (Stops playing the soundtrack)

    If there is anything anyone can think of to make this better let me know
  6. onnlv

    onnlv Member

    Dec 12, 2012
    Busan, Rep of Korea
    Thanx for sharing your work
    I'll try it later :)

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