Fieldrunners - techniques?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by blakespot, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    Ok. I want to reach the 4xx,xxx score Arn (obviously untruthfully) claims to have reached on the Hard level.

    Anyone care to share successful tower deployment techniques?

  2. NotYou

    NotYou Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008

    Here's my high scores so far. I haven't played many games yet and I'm new to tower defense, but I think I have a pretty solid strategy. I only tried hard mode once (i think that's high score number 3). I lost because I screwed up. I think I can beat it next time.

    The second picture is my what my setup ended up looking like. I make sure to line the big weapons mostly in the center to take care of the helicopters. I also make sure to place the bigger ones so the runners will cross them twice. I make sure to have multiple goo towers near big stuff, so they hit more runners at one time.

    That set up works like magic. I was tempted to put the game down at level 80 and come back when I won. I did end up having to change it for the very last wave (removing the towers the runners already passed and upgrading the towers at the end). Only the runners in the last wave made it past the halfway point.

    Attached Files:

  3. TheSinMuffin

    TheSinMuffin Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    It's really not that hard to get 4XX,XXX and beyond. I just build a maze that goes up and down from left to right. Mix up your towers. I usually put tesla towers in the middle from left to right so that it its the helis. Other than that, just experiment with mazes. Happy TDing!
  4. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    After playing hard a bit more, it may have been Medium level that I achieved that score


  5. Project-79

    Project-79 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2008

    I need help on FieldRunners. I just cannot come up with any ideas. Everyone of my ideas get me about half way through normal mode.

    My most recent looked some thing like this (see attached, touch arcade messed it up).

    *m = machine gun, g = goo gun, b = missle bombs, S = start

    Thanks for any help (sorry if it's a bad picture)!


    Attached Files:

  6. NotYou

    NotYou Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
  7. Project-79

    Project-79 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2008
    So, build it in that order? In other words, you didn't replace any of those later on?


  8. NotYou

    NotYou Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
    Start building straight across the field first. Make sure to put up a couple missile towers for when the helicopters come. You have the keep that middle line as powerful as you possibly can or the helicopters will blow right through it. Eventually start building that line underneath the first one, but don't connect the two until it's done or they'll just walk around the whole thing (they always take the shortest path). Just make a path and keep growing it. make sure it zig zags(put one random tower in their way and they'll have to walk around it).

    The main thing is to only build as far as the runners can reach. That way you can save up to buy stronger towers. Keep that up and they'll never make it very far. I didn't build the top part until like level 75.

    I'm still new to tower defense games, but I really found that to work well.
  9. NotYou

    NotYou Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
    Did the messages between me and Project get moved from a different thread, or am I going a little crazy?
  10. blakespot

    blakespot Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Blogger, Reviewer
    Alexandria, VA (USA)
    DAMN YOU! I was doing great at Medium, but after you said it was Hard you mastered, I never went back to Medium.


  11. Jesse Arcadia

    Jesse Arcadia Active Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Running for the gold--not working so I can build m
    Los Angeles
    Boring but foolproof technique

    I found a technique that is kind of boring but will let you pass level 100 easily. You won't get the best score, but you'll complete the game.

    You basically make a long line from the start to the end. Not a tunnel, a line. Make it start from one of the two spots that can block the entrance. At the very beginning of the line, leave a gap.

    For a while, this will be all you need. The runners won't be strong enough or fast enough to get to the end. So you'll build up funds.

    When the runners start getting strong and/or fast enough, wait until they get to almost the very end of the line. Then sell off the tower at the very end of the line, which should be blocking one of the two spots that allow runners to exit the field, and build a tower on the other spot.

    Now, basically, all the runners will be on the wrong side of the line. They'll have to reverse course, run back up the whole line (getting shot at the whole way), loop around using the one hole you left at the start, and run back down the line again.

    Then if they reach the exit again, do the same thing again, and make them all run back again. You should have enough funds to do this as long as you need to, until they're all dead.

    Once you build up enough funds, you can start upgrading the line, adding goop towers and electric towers as needed--and you will need goop and electricity to take out the 'copters. But if you stay on top of your upgrades, it's a cakewalk.

    It's simple and boring but it works. You'll take hits to your score for all the selling off you need to do, which leaves room for re-play to try other strategies for more points. That's what I'm doing now.

    But if you just want to reach the end, this will work. I've only done this on medium, so I don't know if it's viable for hard, but I don't see why not.
  12. drpaiin

    drpaiin New Member

    Oct 15, 2008
  13. rob_bozuk

    rob_bozuk New Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    I call bullsh*t

    yeaa..that last post is fake..sorry..i know i cant be trusted cuz of my new registration to this site and lack of posts...but i registered JUST so i can prove my point...i do TONNES of photo editting and photo finishing, and when you save that picture and REALLY zoom into the name Matt...the T's arent consistent or the of the numbers 6 and 5...

    if you want more proof, repply and ill prove it..
  14. NotYou

    NotYou Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
    hhmmmm. I think you're on to something. That top score is sharper than the other numbers. Zoom in and look clsoe at the top of the 5 and the 7 and you'll see exactly what I mean.

    I haven't been playing this game lately, but now I want to pick it up again so I can really beat hard mode.
  15. Armbruster

    Armbruster Well-Known Member

    I've passed wave 100 before, and gotten a lot of points.

    Basically, the technique is to make the path as LONG as you can, wind it and mathematically, you can figure out the right path for the most walk time per attacker.
  16. dr1112

    dr1112 Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    hot damn

    I had an epic round last night at about 4am. Made it to the 99th round and racked up a score of 700,000+. This was on the hard setting too. I'll post some screens in a few to show off.
  17. dr1112

    dr1112 Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Aight... Here's the proof. My High Scores table and a shot taken right before I died on level 99. As for technique, my secret was upgrading the big towers as fast as I could, and juggling the bigger enemies if you know what I mean.

    Attached Files:

  18. Frand

    Frand Well-Known Member

    773425 here, 100 waves on hard.

    You get better bang for back with diagonal lines, not verticals or horizontals. Place tesla towers across the direct route that the helicopters pass, and glue towers next to them, then missiles if you feel like it. But the big deal is to maximize the traveled distance by placing as many turrets diagonally next to each other as you can.
  19. CloneWars

    CloneWars Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
    Bank Robber
    Atlantic Ocean
    I find that the best thing to do is make your path updating as little as possible and the around wave 40 (which u should easily get through if your path is long enough on medium easy and hard) then update ive gotten to wave 98 on hard :)
  20. Jesse Arcadia

    Jesse Arcadia Active Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Running for the gold--not working so I can build m
    Los Angeles
    Diagonals FTW, if you want to do a classic "path" approach (and not the "one line" approach I talked about above). With a diagonal, the attackers run around two faces of each turret every time, which does way more damage than straight lines.

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