Universal Final Fantasy VII coming to IOS!!!!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Seiza616, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. Elsa

    Elsa Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    Maybe people have finally realized that it was only nostalgia and them not playing actually good games that made FF7 seem like a good game.

    FF is like the CoD of first person shooters in the RPG genre. Whoops, actually I didn't want to make it sound that demeaning, sorry. CoD actually had some good titles.
  2. Seiza616

    Seiza616 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    I hardly agree and neither do most critics who have rated the game historically. I mean when compared to some of the threads that have tons of posts....compare those games and I think you will be hard pressed to find one that is better than FF7.
  3. Noah

    Noah Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    Development Manager
    Atlanta, GA
    I think that the reason we all have such fond memories of FF7 back in the day is because the CG scenes were unreal for a game at the time. We played the game because that was THE game to play... but I think today, with amazing games coming out on a regular basis (looking at you Tomb Raider) I don't think it will hold up. And I say that with the upmost respect for the Franchise. I love FF games; VI is my favorite and while I think VII will sell well, I don't think it'll be as amazing as we remember it being.
  4. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Yeah fond memories of this indeed. I especially love all the mini games and little secrets. Wish more RPGs took after that. (Like super Mario RPGs) I bet is going to be a huge file size and I really hope nothing is cut for the port. Gahhh this summer is going to be brutal with waiting for games. Crashlands wh invasion death road and now this. Going to pull my hair out
  5. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I personally still play and complete FF7 (along with Vagrant Story and Chrono Trigger) once every few years and i simple still find these 3 games some of the best games even compared with today's standards.
  6. Edmilan

    Edmilan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    Sane here. Another thing that made me love this game was due to the crap ton of secret stuff in the game. From unlicking the highest level limit breaks, to each character's ultimate weapons, and of course, the super bosses!
  7. Balca

    Balca Member

    Feb 5, 2015
    Hello everyone, you think FFVII will be available when in your opinion ??? rather in July ? or August ? September ???

    thank you
  8. lainsxp

    lainsxp Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
    well they said "end of summer" but i hope this week .. lol
  9. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Probably late August would be my guess. Has it not also been said that FF VIII will be coming to IOS as well if so thats my two fav games in the series and that would be awesome to have both considering I still have my PS1 discs for both of those. I remember the multiple discs which was odd for a game at the time. Anyone heard a price either?
    I'm guessing 14.99 but I don't care if it's 19.99 I am getting it the minute it shows up in the store!!
  10. ImJPaul

    ImJPaul Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    I couldn't disagree with you more. Don't really see the purpose of you entering a thread just to trash a game. If you played this game in the late 90's, it was far and above the most impressive title on consoles. The production values, soundtrack, story... everything. It was all top notch and extremely impressive. The graphics look terrible now but when this came out I remember mine and my brothers jaws dropping to the ground. I think nostalgia plays a role in it but this has, and always will be my favorite game. Can't wait to have it in my pocket.

    PS- Everybody don't forget: DO NOT WRECK THE TRAIN!
  11. Seiza616

    Seiza616 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    #31 Seiza616, Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    I agree with this statement, these games have heart as opposed to many of the newer games (including Tomb Raider) which have a hollow feel to me. In reality games like the ones mentioned by pscience are not made anymore. So what if the graphics and cut scenes are dated.....really? I mean come on, many people today like playing games that look like they belong on a NES.....Final Fantasy VII will hold up just fine.

    I predict right now that the "remake" of Final Fantasy VII that everyone is clamoring for will never surpass the original. It may be good but it won't have the same heart as the original source material. Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.
  12. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Hey, you can always use a credit card to unlock secrets and get powerful in today's standards ;)
  13. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    it's a sad truth I grew up on NES and Atari and those games were brutal by today's standard.
  14. nkx

    nkx Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2015
    I'm pretty excited I hope this game comes out this week
  15. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    I'm the last person to put FF7 up on a pedestal, but... come on now, Elsa. I agree with you that Final Fantasy is the CoD of JRPGs in as much as they're designed to appeal widely (all the way down to making sure that beating the main story isn't hard at all), but to say they aren't good games is a bit far. I was pretty much current on almost every RPG released at the time, console and computer, and I thought it was a really good game albeit one that could have been better. But writing off the entire series? I don't know a single RPG fan worth their salt that would say there isn't a good game in the whole series. Like, not even FF5?

    I mean, opinions are opinions and all, but it kind of feels like you're just trying to kick something that's popular here. :p
  16. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    That's kind of what Primoz/Elsa does. I wouldn't mind him (her?). He (she?) has his own way of posting and isn't the most sociable person on TouchArcade.
  17. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Everyone loves unlicking things in RPG's! Although FF gives you some of the best unlicking experiences!
  18. Magnum0ik

    Magnum0ik Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Insurance Broker
    Portsmouth, England
    Must say I am interested to see what they do with this on iOS.

    I have the ps1 version on my Vita so will only pick up if it is enhanced in some way. If it is a port of the latter PC version - I played an earlier, modified version (ultima edition I think it was) and this had enhanced graphics, then I shall pick up.

    The cgi should be much improved now with the capabilities of today's devices.
  19. Elsa

    Elsa Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    Obviously it wasn't a completely serious post (click the period at the end of my quote in your post). I had to balance things out in this thread where there was nothing but praise.

    Personally, I dislike the combat system, art style, world building, the nonsensical plot and pretty much everything else... But apparently I'm missing something here, since the franchise is so popular and that's why I wouldn't go out and shout that the franchise sucks. I admit that this statement was far too subjective from my side, so in a way it was a serious post, but I didn't completely mean it, if that makes sense.

    I couldn't care less whether a game is popular or not. If it's bad in my opinion, I'll say its bad.

    TA is one of the most socially sterile forums I've been on. And no, I'm not. Perhaps you haven't read enough of my posts, or you've only been reading the wrong ones.
  20. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    Ah, I missed your dot.

    Anyway, on FF7 (might as well talk about it since I imagine Eric will review it when it does hit): I think the art style is really, really inconsistent. The backgrounds are gorgeous, especially in Midgar. Having multiple styles for the character models looks pretty messy and is one of the reasons why I've wanted a remake. I generally prefer Amano's concept art on the series, but I can't argue with the idea that Nomura's work was easier to realize with the technology at the time. And I think his FF7 designs are probably his best - he started overcooking his designs after FF7 made him a star, and that's when we started getting the belts and zippers that became a shorthand joke for the series. The animations, particularly on the summons, were excellent. Very expressive, very dramatic, and leagues beyond anything any other RPG had done at the time. Ultimately, I'd say in some ways it was the best-looking RPG of its time, but its inconsistency is definitely a sore spot and the series would certainly go on to better things in the general visual sense in the next installment.

    The combat system was the same old (awesome) ATB, but by this point it was starting to get a bit old. It's that Mega Man 4 problem, you know? Probably one of the best of its type, but by the fourth time, people want something different. Limit breaks were overpowered, and although it's not the fault of the combat system, the relatively low difficulty meant there were few strategic tests. Pretty much just the Weapons, and only if you don't cheese them. I was less happy with the character customization. Like FF6, everyone could basically be everything. Characters stopped being distinct and started being plates to drop materia setups into. I like materia, but it needed to be more carefully thought out to help the characters be something other than a character model and a limit break. FF8 is even worse in this regard. FF9 fixes it, at least.

    As for the world building, I think the Midgar section was utterly fantastic in that regard. In fact, the Midgar portion of FF7 might be one of the more compelling bits in console RPG history, all the way up to the climactic escape from the city and the realization that there's so much more to the game than you might have gathered. Unfortunately, after that, it loses its focus badly and peters away its potential. So I kind of agree and disagree? Great build-up, but the 4/5ths of the game after just doesn't make good on it. Ditto on the plot, which again I'll say is among the very best in the sub-genre up to a point. That point is the end of disc 1. After that, it goes Nojima-bananas, and even worse, the poor localization obfuscated important plot points. The word "clone" should never, ever have appeared in the English script, for starters. That said, I liked the way it wrapped up, with the ambiguous ending that they went and ruined by clarifying it with the Compilation Project. But yeah - start of disc 2 right up until the ending is just... it has nice moments but an overall poor plot and flow.

    As for the rest... not sure what else you're including here? The music? I think it's pretty amazing, as always for the series. Considering the size of the soundtrack and the fact that it was the product of exactly one dude who had already composed several games' worth of similar material, it's almost miraculously good. The characters, I don't know. I think Cloud is a very weak protagonist, though his dour (and almost certainly Evangelion-inspired) demeanor was actually somewhat unusual for the time. But I also think he's meant to be a weak protagonist. I didn't really like or get him at all until I played Crisis Core, and while I still don't like him much, it was interesting to see his background. Aerith never did much for me, and Tifa always felt like a band-aid that introduced a very awkward plot hole in the English localization. Yuffie's annoying, Vincent is 90s-awful, Red XIII is a character trope I really hate, Cid is interesting in a kind of horrible way, and Barrett sure is Mr. T. Loved the idea behind Cait Sith, didn't like the execution. Sephiroth is a strong villain, but not one I've ever really gotten into. His motivations were really muddy in the English script, and Crisis Core's introduction of Genesis made him even worse by association.

    Hm, what else? Pacing's up and down, but that's sadly a general rule in RPGs. Dungeon design actually isn't too bad given they were working with pre-renders (thus couldn't change things around easily on the fly) but if you have to mark exits with arrows, you've messed up somewhere along the line. Love the secrets, hot and cold on the mini-games, love-love-love the dumb sense of humor that became less and less common as Sakaguchi stepped away from the series. And although I've already touched on it, the difficulty is too low for my liking, but I recognize I'm not a great target to aim at in that regard.

    I... think that's everything? About FF7, anyway. Which other FF games have you played? And which RPGs do you think outclass all of the FF games? That's an honest question, cuz FF certainly isn't my favorite RPG series, but I'd be interested to see what someone who is really down on the series prefers. Is it a WRPG vs JRPG thing, or does another JRPG series have your heart?

    (and now I've gone and written a novel in reply to a joke. sorry Elsa :p , but you got me discussin' on this discussion forum)

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