Free Composer and a Decent Guy!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by smurraymusic, May 26, 2010.

  1. smurraymusic

    smurraymusic New Member

    May 26, 2010
    My name is Sean Murray, I'm a composer/songwriter from the UK. I've had over ten years of experience writing music and now I'm building up experience as a composer.

    I'll work for free as I'm eager to gain as much experience as possible over the next couple of months. I have a home studio set up with the latest version of Logic Pro so I can guarantee professional and polished sounding music.

    Check out my website to listen to samples of my work:

    [email protected]

    Please get in touch because I'm eager to hear from new game developers!

    Cheers Guys!

    Sean Murray

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