Universal Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore [Coming soon]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Tobi@Fishlabs, Sep 9, 2015.

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  1. senkoujin

    senkoujin Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    #61 senkoujin, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    Galaxy on Fire 3!!!!

    Wow! I can't believe it!! Galaxy on Fire 3 is no longer a dream!!! It's really happening!!

    I'm a BIG fan of GOF2, and I'm JUST noticing this topic here!! Trust me, the fan base is HUGE, but this topic among the others would get easily overlooked here on TouchArcade. You gotta put more flare into the topic title! ;)

    Now I understand that the development team has shifted since after GOF2's glory days, so I believe that there will be some radical changes to the GOF universe in GOF3 - Manticore. I, like many other fans are worried about how the monetization of this game will turn out, but I can truly feel that it won't feel as "open" as the previous GOF games. By all means, prove me dead wrong!

    Here's what I would like:
    -A great character like Maxwell (unless it is he who returns)
    -Trading/Space Lounges system intact, or even better, improved upon
    -Ability to have a very immersive single player experience just like GOF2
    -The game should live up to what GOF2 gave us
    -I want to play the full game anytime anywhere without restriction (OFFLINE play)
    **I'd like the primary focus to be single player, and the secondary (if decided), multiplayer features

    -NO FREEMIUM ENERGY/STAMINA bars for basic gameplay!
    ***I know this game will have them, but if you could just be gentle, many of your dedicated fans (myself included) would appreciate the gesture. If the game has ZERO FREEMIUM ENERGY/STAMINA bars, then it'd be a godsend, but the likelihood of this decision is indeed near, if not indeed ZERO.
    ****Overall, I want this game to be a true successor to all previous GOF games (Alliances doesn't light a candle to what a real GOF game is, so I'm not counting that one, no offence); bigger, better, more futuristic, with even more stunning visuals and effects.....and most importantly, a game fun enough for me to keep on my mobile device(s) forever!

    Now, aside from the aforementioned pipe dreams, here's what's likely to be of GOF3 - Manticore:
    -GOF3 - Manticore will be FREEMIUM (Free-to-Play)
    -GOF3 - Manticore will have either two, three, or more types of premium currency
    -GOF3 - Manticore may offer missions that will cost you freemium energy
    -GOF3 - Manticore will have an implemented in-game use freemium energy/stamina system
    **This stamina system will probably be used in the form of fuel for travel in some way (like Starborn Wanderers) rather than trading and gathering fuel yourself for traveling like in GOF2.

    .....you see, I've never played a "complete" FREEMIUM game before; these types of games usually have no real viable ending, it's just a bunch of endless updated missions that don't seem to end (with the freemium energy system implemented OF COURSE).

    I think game expansions is the best way to go for a game of this caliber (GOF3 - Maniticore), just like you did with GOF2's Valkyrie and Supernova expansions; we implore you not to disappoint your loving fans with decisions that will make our gaming experience less pleasurable and more frustrating. Do you have any idea how much we appreciated those expansions? I think you do, despite whatever revenue reports had shown. For GOF3, I would recommend planning many even more expansions than you did with GOF2 for us! I know you need the downloads (customers), and that you will be measuring statistics, but sometimes, you just gotta set aside your woes and take the gamble. This is Galaxy on Fire 3 for crying out loud!! There is no better time to start doing something wonderful than now! Fishlabs, don't worry about the numbers, they WILL come.

    I'd pay $29.99 for your game, even $39.99 (I would also pay for future expansions) if you asked because I'm a big fan and expect the greatness that came from your previous main GOF titles because they gave me a promising experience that I still have on my device to this day! I don't have to tell you what I don't want to see (FREEMIUM shenanigans) if I'm paying high dollar for a high quality product; you know exactly what would please us gamers and true fans of your work. Unfortunately, statistics don't lie about PREMIUM games not making enough money to cover production costs, so I don't blame you for joining the FREEMIUM bandwagon to "secure" GOF3's survival. We, the consumers have to understand things from a developer's point of view, but not everyone is willing to pay high dollar, not everyone cares about developer hardships, not everyone wants to spend a measly $0.99, so in a world with diverse consumers, it is the duty of the fans to spread positive word to inspire the less inspired to TRY. There is no better harmony than developers and their consumers working together.

    I'm only one person, but at least I know I have pride and confidence in you all as developers and people.
  2. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    Just cause "full premium" does not work well every time on iOS does not mean that "free with full unlock" or "free with paid updates/episodes/DLCs" don't work on iOS.

    And don't even mention energy system,this will be a single player game,GoF 3 after all,they won't dare to ruin the series.
    If they put it in the game I will be greatly disappointed since it just means that developers are desperate as heck even though nobody spends money on energy.
  3. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Hey guys, unfortunately the whole situation is indeed a little tricky at the moment as there's a million things we'd love to address but cannot do so this early on. These things include concrete gameplay features, monetization methods, targeted platforms of the mobile version and a set release or softlaunch date. However, we're confident that we can start addressing these topics and many others in the not-too-distant future.

    Right now, the focus of our communication lies on Manticore RISING on the new Apple TV. Although it is "only" an appetizer for the upcoming mobile game, you can already learn quite a bit about GOF3 from following our Manticore RISING blog and social media posts. After all, the two games use similar assets and are located in the same game world, namely the Neox Sector. Also, some of RISING's main characters will make a return in GOF3.

    In case you're interested, here's the links to our first three blogs about RISING:

    Pt1 - The new Platform: http://blog.dsfishlabs.com/en/MR_NewAppleTV_2015-11-05
    Pt2 - The new Gameworld: http://blog.dsfishlabs.com/en/MR_NewGameworld_2015-11-12
    Pt3 - The Hero and her crew: http://blog.dsfishlabs.com/en/MR_HeroAndCrew_2015-11-19
  4. ImJPaul

    ImJPaul Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    I wish this would come out already! I am so very excited for this.
  5. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
  6. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    I was only thinking yesterday about this. I thought it was due out a month or two ago?!
  7. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Sounds cool... Like a eve/elite online :)
    The comments at end, they said it won't be pay to win, but some moaning that it's pay to win.... Didn't they read comments before posting?! Lol

    Hope can have huge capital ships,trading and ship customisation.
    Be cool if you could be a fighter onboard a friends capital ship :)
  8. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    Not sure whether I'm happy or not cause I despise MMOS having wasted 3 years playing crap mobile mmorpg that turned into a money-milking machine (oac by gameloft).
    I'm satisfied with the amount of sci-fi games that we get on iOS anyway (BS:Harbinger,Stellar Horizon,Stellar Wanderer,GoF 2,space story,upcoming Drifter)
  9. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Dev Blog "The Beginning of a new Era"

    Cheers, everybody! Following up on the Pocket Gamer interview, we have now also kicked off our own pre-release communication with a 'lil dev blog called "The Beginning of a new Era: Introducing Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore", which gives you a good (early) impression of the game's approach and direction.

    Yeah, we are going with in-app purchases this time, but we will also make sure that you will be able to enjoy a seemless, immersive gaming experience without having to pop in a new coin every few minutes. Also, the headline of the PG interview is a little misleading as we will not have orbits full of player-operated ships -- at least not by the time the app goes live. But we will have a shared online space from day one, in which players can support one another. And step by step we will build upon that. It's gonna be really cool and we hope you're eager to come on board to fill our new game world, the Neox Sector, with life! :)

    Anyway, here's the link to today's blog. Enjoy the read: http://blog.dsfishlabs.com/en/gof3manticore-devblog2-introducingmanticore
  10. lokiman

    lokiman Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Principality of Zeon
    Every time I see new action space simulator game on any platform I'm really happy that the genre is not dead... but in the end I give up because the experience is just not there (especially on mobile) and play Freelancer again :p It's 2016 but the game still has it :)
  11. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
  12. Killerluffy246

    Killerluffy246 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
    Dammit, this sounds like the game requires internet connection all time, sigh super duper disappointed, after so many year of waiting since the symbian GOF2, this is what I get in the end.
  13. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Sorry for the late reply. The game does indeed need an internet connection, albeit only to synch your progress and achievements with our servers. The action gameplay itself is not being loaded from the servers, so it runs smoothly and without lag even if your connection isn't too good. To play GOF3 properly, Edge will be absolutely sufficient.
  14. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Why don't you offer offline-only play for those who don't care about all that online kerfluffle?
  15. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    A little update...

    Cheers, TouchArcade... here's a little update for all those of you who'd like to dive a little deeper into the lore of GOF3 and follow the development process more closely.

    To date, we have released 5 dev blogs that highlight different aspects of the game. You find the individual topics listed below and can access the blogs directly via http://bit.ly/gof3manticore-devblogs.

    [DEV BLOG #5] Travelers, Upstarts and Free Thinkers: The Agenda of the Terrans in the Neox Sector
    [DEV BLOG #4] The Hub of your Operations: Taking up Quarters on the Manticore
    [DEV BLOG #3] Into the Heart of Neox: Exploring the Game World of GOF3
    [DEV BLOG #2] The Beginning of a New Era: Introducing Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore
    [DEV BLOG #1] Playable at last: Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore now in Closed Development Beta
  16. kripa1415`

    kripa1415` Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2012
    the art works are amazing !!
  17. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Thanks a lot, Kripa! In the meantime, we have posted two more dev blogs, one introducing the Nivelians (incl. the first-ever image of a Nivelian battle cruiser) and one telling your more about the Vossk (man, they've come a long way from the cartoonish pixel faces of GOF1).

    [DEV BLOG #7] Hard-shelled War Mongers and Clansmen: On the Vossk Empire’s Attempts to Rule the Neox Sector

    [DEV BLOG 6] An old Race of masterful Ship Builders: How the Nivelians gained a Foothold in the Neox Sector

    Also, feel free to follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/gof3manticore) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/gof3manticore). There, we post additional images and screenshots regularly. :)
  18. Tobi@Fishlabs

    Tobi@Fishlabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
  19. Truncana

    Truncana Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    Gorgeous video!!! I have a question: this time will you introduce a first person or cockpit view? I hope so...
  20. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    Thanks for doing all the dev diaries, and the new trailer looks amazing!

    I applied for beta/early access, when will you guys be choosing your testers?

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