List of usernames: switchit ryky jamezc Burton Zincous str1f3 gatizo chickdigger802 Sxethang andiR Scarypharaoh Geb bamloki bgribin bomber Kylescorpion STE-VE danrel Extol Maythius Imns ZEROFACES Chumbake Foozelz Moosehole h1w1nd Cilo Mr.SIN Flake LukeN SaschaW EustonWeHaveAProblem MikeyH WunDaii rengschbuaga WunDaii HiddenPoohUK SlideToPlay Tim VeganTnT Jovyflow23 Cesctheman cthibault Joshn Jack111 Sushibox HereIsTrev RockStrongo killy billy moleskinegurl Super Sanch0 Mammmut stlredbird Gnarkill IMMJR Drakeer MugWuffin fefe7265 MasterChief3624 QBComics MicroByte arhb Aldex Oun PurpleMoustacheFTW Andylasian Rockstar31 Bucks618 Mudkipz223 Egoyan CV_IceCream DVSskillz jdigit3l jsrco xVietx iago Musicrocks182 tonydeli7 1bitpaw nicolaxl Douwe Bazraking ADASKIO clgdante Shocktrooper pope22 Zghying Tzual drelbs Kahlann 1337brian NolbertoS alpha78 Katya Noman1125 DJCaseyD CBA29 jasonFTW noface bukow Jecht315 pepitokiosco cclv Snooptalian irDigital0l Lord Gek The Incendiary XxCrazinessxX Blues/Protoman Mastergore fleabag323 Eyemh8 stimu Ericka fatboyslick kushykush Redfanix Swift Triggywiggy Firstclass Shinto McCREE kurosaki ichigo wmcwmc Windburn blindside82 nizy G u i s e carljohn Daveben SirDarkened Acemaster22 ATgameboy PrabSG Carlos-Sz dsync89 mattyuk List includes usernames mentioned from page 1 through 16. List updates discontinued.
I saw on twitter that someone has oneinfinityloop, so you will be ok. I'm not sure what the hard limit is. On the leaderboards, if you score a really, really big number, then your really long name may get cut off. If you don't want camelCase, you can use '_' and also spaces, apparently, as my nick is "M of IMAK" - anyone on the forums is free to add me - let's play some games!